I am absolutely sick

All on coaches.

I'm freakin' sick.

I am freakin' sick.

I knew how it was going to go after OK scored to get within 7. Offense couldn't do squat. IF we had a freakin KICKER, the D would have had enough cushion. The OL is the problem. And Maggitt getting hurt. Damn I wanted this for Butch and the players.
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All on coaches.

I'm freakin' sick.

I am freakin' sick.
Hats off to the DEFENSE!

I knew how it was going to go after OK scored to get within 7. Offense couldn't do squat. IF we had a freakin KICKER, the D would have had enough cushion. The OL is the problem. And Maggitt getting hurt. Damn I wanted this for Butch and the players.
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All on coaches.

I'm freakin' sick.

I am freakin' sick.

Agreed. The word is out now. We will NOT throw it! Stack the box. Took minimal shots downfield. Where was the quick game? This loss was the most painful kind. I am tired of being on this side of these.
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I'm absolutely done.

Call me a fair weather fan or whatever. Tennessee has not won a true game of significance since 2007 Georgia but they have lost game after game in what I would call perverse fashion. That's been eight seasons of this trash and I'm tired of it.

Oklahoma is an extremely mediocre team that will probably lose 6 to 7 games again this year. Stoops best days are so far in the rear view mirror no one know when they were. Yet they were still able to come back on Tennessee after 17 points down and Tennessee leading 17-3 to start the 4th, at Neyland Stadium of all places.

I'm really done for now. Start winning a game of significance every now and then, maybe it will be worth watching, but for now, yet again, I feel cheated out of four hours of my life.
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This is disappointing. This is on the coaches. And especially on DeBord.

I've been a fan since my first game in 1972. I have seen my share of disappointment and I have been there through the worst and the best. I have seen games lost and games won, but I have never seen a game like this simply given away like this one was tonight.

The effort of the Vols players is not in doubt. I feel bad for them. The coaches need to be held accountable. DeBord needs to make an apology to the players as well as the fans. Jones needs to own up and be held accountable.

Congratulations to the Sooners, they deserve the win. Congratulations to their fans. Congratulations to their coaches.
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I'm absolutely done.

Call me a fair weather fan or whatever. Tennessee has not won a true game of significance since 2007 Georgia but since then they have lost game after game in what I would call mindboggling fashion. Time and time again. That's been eight seasons of this trash and I'm sick of it.

Oklahoma is a very mediocre team that will probably lose 6 to 7 games this year. Stoops best days are so far in the rear view mirror no one can remember when they were. Yet they were still able to come back on Tennessee after 17 points down and Tennessee leading 17-3 to start the 4th quarter, at Neyland Stadium of all places.

I'm really done for now. Start winning a game of significance every now and then, maybe it will be worth watching, but for now, yet again, I feel cheated out of four hours of my life.
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Cbj is a joke people he gets up n chokes.

Choked against candy., fla 2 yrs n ou at home..

Biggest loss in history tn football when up that much..

Oc is a joke.. hc is a joke..

Lose at fla n u r looking drools yr 3 all over..

Sunshine sheep your Shepard played in the band....
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Wanted to throw up, but I knew when our O stalled and we went into Fulmer-mode we were done.

I just expect us to lose.
Me too. I knew when we came out in the second half and just couldn't seem to put anymore points on the board it was going to go south. The defense was really good but they can only stop a decent team so many times. The offense has to make some plays to keep them off the field as well.
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guess Debord can go ni-ni now cause it was clearly past his bedtime. That was embarrassing.... to have a game like that to start the season against a team like that right in our hands for the taking--- even being able to run away with it with a couple more scores, and we just roll over on offense and give up. wow. just wow. that was sad.
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These kids were absolutely in a position to win and couldn't capitalize on offense. No push up the middle, couldn't handle the pressure in the 2nd half. Coaches didn't make Ellis drop that gimme TD in the 4th. Coaches didn't miss a 48 yard FG so far to the right it makes one wonder where he was even looking in the first place. Wish some plays weren't called, but no coaches are 100 percent right all the time. Losing Curt hurt the defense and it showed. I can't wait to bump this thread in 2 months when we recover and y'all look like some idiots.
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I sold my WCU tickets on Stubhub and cancelled my $600 hotel room for next Saturday. I'm not wasting anymore money watching us beat these scrub teams if we can't beat a real team every now and then.

Give me a reason to believe, Butch...
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I'm absolutely done.

Call me a fair weather fan or whatever. Tennessee has not won a true game of significance since 2007 Georgia but since then they have lost game after game in what I would call mindboggling fashion. Time and time again. That's been eight seasons of this trash and I'm sick of it.

Oklahoma is a very mediocre team that will probably lose 6 to 7 games this year. Stoops best days are so far in the rear view mirror no one can remember when they were. Yet they were still able to come back on Tennessee after 17 points down and Tennessee leading 17-3 to start the 4th quarter, at Neyland Stadium of all places.

I'm really done for now. Start winning a game of significance every now and then, maybe it will be worth watching, but for now, yet again, I feel cheated out of four hours of my life.

I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it as well. Starting following in 2006 and it is just disheartening year after year and if I thought Florida was back breaking last year, this nearly killed my vol spirit
The most sickening part is that if we would have kept playing it would have been epic. I mean beating Oklahoma would have been awesome. Beating them by 3 plus scores is how you say "we have arrived"
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I had a bad feeling about how Butch and staff was going to call this game, when we settled for 3 instead of using one of our 5 star RBs to gain a couple inches. After watching the Florida loss last season & now this one, its really got me concered about Butch and his in game coaching and adjustments. How in the world we lost this game is mind boggling. Anyone who is familier with TN football knew and could see this loss coming tonight. I knew it in my heart when it came down to crunch time OU would start scoring and put this game away. Its like watching a damn rerun every season. We screwed around all night long like we did last season in the Florida game, and got down right embarrsed! Its really pathetic that we let average teams come inside of Neyland Stadium and make us look like a high school team. I don't know how were ever going to get some of these so called bigger wins. Every season starts with a hope and confidence until we do what we've got none for, LOSING! I can't wait to hear the Bull crap coach talk from Butch tomorrow, talking about how young we are, and how we need to learn how to win again. What a joke!! Butch showed his FB in game IQ tonight. The jury was still out if he could coach or not, and I think he more than answered the question! It was hard watching our Vols choke away another home game on national TV!!
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