I'm taking GA's side on this one

It really is. I’m sure there are many Texas folks just as pissed about it as we are. There are some lines that you just shouldn’t cross. A rival touting GA as a trash program or making fun of GA or Kirby is acceptable and fair game! Heck it’s part of CFB, makes it more fun. I expect it and welcome it! But mocking the death of a beloved mascot is too much. Whether Uga, Smokey, Bevo or any of the others. It’s not acceptable
UGA X had a long and illustrious career…RIP.

Here’s wishing UGA XI a long life and losing record!
There's time you even have to stand with the enemy.

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peta is also complaining about the groundhog punxsutawney phil and want him replaced with a gold coin. I guess they tired of hearing their parents complain about them living in their basements with no job, so they've gotten out and started complaining about stuff.
Smokey could be next. AT-ARMS Volnation!
Smokey is a healthy, functioning dog that can track, hunt, herd, and generally, well…live without assistance. Uga is an inbred lump that can’t walk across the street without getting winded. I imagine that PETA is censuring Mutt U and their fans for essentially incentivizing people to breed more of these poor, pitiful specimens.

The appropriate reaction to this as a UT fan is to point and laugh at Georgia. GBO.

Edit: It’s sad that Que died. I’m sure he was a good dog. The Barstool thing was tasteless and silly. PETA is an organization of zealots that let’s their extreme stridency and love of making splashy displays/statements prevent them from doing any actual good work for animals. Still, they have a point in this instance.
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There's time you even have to stand with the enemy.

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UGA and much like Smokey and other pet mascots, are the most pampered pets in the entire country. PETA can go suck an egg.....well maybe not an egg because that would be sacrilegious.....they can go pound sand or lick a 9 volt battery or.......you get my drift.....
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I'll bet that if you could talk to UGA, he would much rather live the life he is given, then to become extinct.
My understanding is breeders have recognized the flat-face, while highly desired in the market, has turned out awful for the breed and steps are being taken to move away from it.

Also, I thought was the French bulldogs that require assistance to faire l'amour.
In many breeds, Catahoulas especially, predominately white coats = more health problems in general for that dog. English Bulldogs and other breeds may also be the same. Could just be canine in general. And Catahoula breeders are very keen to maintain the 3 bloodlines, so you will likely never find Catahoula puppy mills that creates alot of issues in other mass bred dogs.
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In many breeds, Catahoulas especially, predominately white coats = more health problems in general for that dog. English Bulldogs and other breeds may also be the same. Could just be canine in general. And Catahoula breeders are very keen to maintain the 3 bloodlines, so you will likely never find Catahoula puppy mills that creates alot of issues in other mass bred dogs.
Had a Catahoula when I was a kid. To this day, I don't know what happened to it (was told a story by my Dad, but never believed it). I loved that dog.
Keep in mind that this is coming from a staunch conservative, but I can see the other point of view on this. I don't agree with unnatural breeding that results in a dog that is in constant pain and misery and will only survive for a short lifespan.

During television games you can look at the dog and see that it is miserable.
Maybe all us SEC fans go ballistic on the Peta website until they have to shut it down. Next maybe Smokey
half of their fan base would have sex with that dog if they could, that's what PETA should be focused on.

totally side with PETA though. It'd be hilarious if they had to change mascots... it would never happen, but it'd be hysterical if it did.
Since you brought it up, here is a oldie (best read with a Lewis Grizzard accent):
Two UGA fans were watching the teams warmup when UGA came on the field. The dog sat down and, as dogs do, began licking his private parts. One fan said, “Man I wish I could do that!” Other fan said “That dawg would bite youuu!”
Edit: Credit to Lewis Grizzard not Clower.
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My understanding is breeders have recognized the flat-face, while highly desired in the market, has turned out awful for the breed and steps are being taken to move away from it.

Also, I thought was the French bulldogs that require assistance to faire l'amour.
I had an English bulldog from 2003 to 2012 and loved him to death .... but I will never get another one. They are incredibly high maintenance. I had to do everything but pi$$ for him. Skin infections due to his rolls were a bigger problem than I had ever been told about. You are also supposed to brush their teeth once a week.

I would assume that UGA gets the special attention that members of the breed require.
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Had a Catahoula when I was a kid. To this day, I don't know what happened to it (was told a story by my Dad, but never believed it). I loved that dog.
Best all-around dog I've ever had. Mine was choclate and tan with black leopard spotting. One blue eye and one yellow or green. The only true can do anything dog and still play with the kids, as well as baby sit and watch over htem outside if you raise a puppy with your child. Used to put a wiemeraner mix in the hog pen with it and that bird dog picked up hog baying with the catahoula.

Read customer reviews for certain breeders where their dog would sit on the porch for a few days and watch the owner move his cows. On the 3rd or 4th day the owner came out heading to the cattle gate and the dog took off. Opened the gates and went and sat on the porch and the dog moved the cattle to the other field in 30 minutes. That was the last time he spent 2 hours moving them himself.

Catahoula owners have a saying. It's the only dog you can take hog baying, deer hunting, squirell hunting, rabbit hunting, and bird hunting and come home and play with the kids all in the same day. They are also being used as guard, sniffer, and rescue dogs.

Mine loved everyone except one person, one of my old bosses that kept a trailer at my house. That dog never took a liking to him and would bark and stare him down till he left.

Don't even poop in the yard if you walk your property line and teach it to them. THey will do their business there.

Mine died of bone cancer. Only Pup my breeder ever sold that ever came down with that type illness. The mixed dog died of heart break a month later. They were hand sized pups together and it seriously shut down when the catahoula died.

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