Is it just as easy as replacing the coach?

Someone smarter than me can help. We can all say the answer is to fire Pruitt and that may well be the right answer. It's not just that UT is losing, but how they are losing and simply not competing with even arky and UK is troubling.

But maybe it's more than that. I look at schools like Nebraska and Michigan and that like UT traditionally had success but now cannot find it outside of a good season here or there. You look at their head coaches and they are coaches that have had success. Instead look at Clemson, a team that had been "good" in the past but now has become great and I think the Athletic department doesn't get enough credit. You can give the credit to Dabo but he became head coach in 2008 and they didn't really become a powerhouse until 2015. What happened? Well in 2012 Clemson hired Dan Radakovich from Ga Tech to become their AD. I was very impressed with him at Tech, the triple-option may have extended it's welcome but fact is DRad brought in Paul Johnson because he knew to have a successful AD in the south you needed a successful football team. Before DRad went to Clemson, Clemson lost 4-5 games per year, everyone remembers the disastrous Orange bowl in 2011. But then you get a competent AD and things turn around.

So I ask, someone smarter than me - Am I missing it? Is Dan Radakovich the reason that Clemson has found so much success? Is a competent, strong, well run AD that important? Or did it just take Dabo more time and he's lucky that USC, FSU and Miami have been down? And if the answer is more about the athletic department as a whole, where do you start? Did we miss a chance with David Blackburn (I felt from the moment Currie was picked over him, it was a mistake). But then how does "joe fan" fix this because it's a deeper issue than buying out a coach.

I am certainly not smarter than anyone on the board - but I do like to weigh in from time to time so why not here ? :)

The problem is not a simple one.

1. Dabo and Saban have a similar recipe and it starts with recruiting. Both are smart and charismatic guys - so they would likely flurish anywhere - but it doesn't hurt to have a competent well run AD. Florida under Foley might be another example of the importance of that.
2. When you strike ... timing is very important and you have to strike hard. You can't go looking once the entire field has been picked over or you end up with a Pruitt or a Muschamp.
3. Find your candidate - be bold in accessing your options - then strike and strike hard.
4a. Every AD should have his constantly updated list of "top" candidates. 4b. Every AD should have the boosters armed and ready to pull the trigger... funding lined up in advance.
5. The days of Old Warhorse coaches being AD's has come and gone - but that doesn't mean that some needle neck nerd like Currie is the answer either. Look who is AD at Alabama - an ex - coach yes, but a senior management executive who
has run large companies successfully and understands the importance of strategic planning, hiring the right people etc. etc.
6. Randy Boyd if he were not President of UT would make a great A.D. imho.
7. I am not intimately familiar with the thought processes of Coach Fulmer as AD, but he was always late to the party when it came to having a good OC in his roladex each time Cutcliff left. It would shock me if he were better prepared now.
8. You have to always hire someone stronger than the predecessor - you can't replace a Cutcliff with a Randy Sanders ..... always, always bring in someone better, stronger.
9. Loyalty is great - and it is admirable, but if it hurts the company and/or if you can bankrupt the company by hiring or keeping a loyal employee - then you hurt yourself, you hurt the overall well being of the company and you hurt every other employee of the company.
10. If this were the business world and there were 3 or 4 good CEO's in the entire US in your industry and one or two are available - you strike.
11. I think it requires a bold move Cotton -
12. I will say that no one wants to do a better job than the coaches themselves and it is a very difficult and stressful occupation. Stll we suck and Pruitt rolled out JG way, way too long. Fulmer should be charged with aiding and abetting.
I think UT has employed very poor strategy.

This would make the third time in the last 10 years that UT paid hefty buyouts. According to the information I found, UT paid Dooley and staff over $9 million. Jones and staff was around $13 million. Pruitt's staff would have to be more than $15 million.

What if going lowball the next time... UT added say $20 million to the offer fund and try to avoid another failure and buyout that would cost at least that much? Or better yet sweeten the pot with incentives using that money?

You get nothing for a buyout. Spend the money and get a more high probability coach. Hire a coach with the goal of them being so good that they leave you for the NFL or someone else's outrageous offer. THEN... you can hire an up and comer if you want to.... you've set them up for success instead of failure.
No one went ballistic on Pruitt after the first year. There were some voices after the start of last year but a lot of people held their tongues and felt pretty good after the end of the season.

sjt, you're not part of the problem. You've been critical, but there's a difference between critical and toxic.

And yes, many of those toxic people were already calling for Pruitt's head in Year 1. And certainly, they were after Georgia State. But once again, it's not about criticism and there's plenty of valid criticism out there. It's the people who feel the need to attack anyone and everyone who isn't as negative as they are. It's the people who personally attack players on here and, even worse, on Twitter. And worst of all, the ones who make death threats.

Players know about this stuff. Recruits know about it. It turns them off. So many people on here want to believe it doesn't have an impact; but you can't have it both ways. Recruits love the attention they receive from fans and many of them want Twitter likes. It works the other way, too; when they see a lot of negativity, they don't want to be a part of it.

This board is toxic right now. You can't read a single thread without half the posters being insulting in the most dramatic ways possible.

I believe that almost anyone who had not already made a decision on Pruitt prior to this season would have bought the "its a strange year" excuse if the team were competitive and had beaten UK and Ark (as roster talent says they should). Shoot... If he'd had the spine to make a QB change and play for the future at least by UK... I'd be defending him right now even with 5 or 6 losses. But this is a culmination of poor strategy, poor coaching, poor philosophy of play, stubbornness, poor player management, and now serious questions about his leadership and respect in the locker room.

You keep making it out like it's an issue of people having opinions on Pruitt. That's not the issue. No one cares that people have opinions about Pruitt. Recruits don't care about that.

The "toxicity" of the fanbase didn't come out of nowhere. It is a product of what Pruitt has done.

The toxicity of the fanbase has been around for over 15 years and has been ever-present. It is not merely a product of Pruitt. It doesn't exist at all schools, but it does at most of the SEC schools and many other top-tier programs. It existed in 2018 during Pruitt's first year. It's on hyper-mode but it's an ever-present part of things around here. And it just keeps getting worse. It's worse for Pruitt than it was for Butch Jones. And it'll be even worse for the next coach in all likelihood.

Sure, the toxicity gets amplified when we're losing, but it never goes away fully.
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After Dickey left this deal hasn't ever been the same. May never be again. After what is looking like 3 bad hires in a row it's going to set you back. The recruiting is average to good, certainly good enough to look better than what we're seeing. I think in Pruitt's case he messed around thinking JG was his QB way too long, 3 years to be exact.. He's handled the QB position about as bad as anyone could. Undisciplined team, play calling has either been limited by personnel, or just Chaney has forgotten how to call a game. Defense is lacking up front and at linebacker. Too much to fix IMO as far as Pruitt goes. They'd have to win about 8 or 9 next year for him to be around any longer.
Fulmer had ZERO experience as an Administrator of this magnitude. Pruitt has ZERO experience leading a program the magnitude of this one. There is your answer. It really is pretty simple. Neither men has the capacity nor the experience necessary to be successful at THIS level.
It's this.

Experience matters. Proven competency matters. UT is a big, big business. Hiring upper level management with no experience is UNHEARD OF in multi-million dollar companies.

It's a recipe for failure. Perhaps, if one or the other, Fulmer or Pruitt, had experience and competency, they could guide and help the other one along.

As it is, we have two non-swimmers in the pool trying to save each other. It's not going well.
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Would you say that Michigan didn't do a good job hiring Harbaugh? I think most would argue their hire was a slam dunk and yet he will likely be gone after this year with 0 big ten championship's. What about Scott Frost at Nebraska? Again most agreed that was a slam dunk hire and yet they can't beat Iowa and Northwestern? I think most fans are thinking what you are thinking. My point is there's a lot more to it than bringing in 1 guy as head football coach. I think the culture sucks and it starts at the top.

Michigan has offered Harbaugh a new contract.
As it is, we have two non-swimmers in the pool trying to save each other. It's not going well.

Great line, sayuwant 👏👏👏
Someone smarter than me can help. We can all say the answer is to fire Pruitt and that may well be the right answer. It's not just that UT is losing, but how they are losing and simply not competing with even arky and UK is troubling.

But maybe it's more than that. I look at schools like Nebraska and Michigan and that like UT traditionally had success but now cannot find it outside of a good season here or there. You look at their head coaches and they are coaches that have had success. Instead look at Clemson, a team that had been "good" in the past but now has become great and I think the Athletic department doesn't get enough credit. You can give the credit to Dabo but he became head coach in 2008 and they didn't really become a powerhouse until 2015. What happened? Well in 2012 Clemson hired Dan Radakovich from Ga Tech to become their AD. I was very impressed with him at Tech, the triple-option may have extended it's welcome but fact is DRad brought in Paul Johnson because he knew to have a successful AD in the south you needed a successful football team. Before DRad went to Clemson, Clemson lost 4-5 games per year, everyone remembers the disastrous Orange bowl in 2011. But then you get a competent AD and things turn around.

So I ask, someone smarter than me - Am I missing it? Is Dan Radakovich the reason that Clemson has found so much success? Is a competent, strong, well run AD that important? Or did it just take Dabo more time and he's lucky that USC, FSU and Miami have been down? And if the answer is more about the athletic department as a whole, where do you start? Did we miss a chance with David Blackburn (I felt from the moment Currie was picked over him, it was a mistake). But then how does "joe fan" fix this because it's a deeper issue than buying out a coach.
Look at the coaches on the hot seat... the whole top row have been the next “hot coach” at some point recently.... turning a program around isn’t as easy as throwing money at a coach
Coaches Hot Seat 2020
Someone smarter than me can help. We can all say the answer is to fire Pruitt and that may well be the right answer. It's not just that UT is losing, but how they are losing and simply not competing with even arky and UK is troubling.

But maybe it's more than that. I look at schools like Nebraska and Michigan and that like UT traditionally had success but now cannot find it outside of a good season here or there. You look at their head coaches and they are coaches that have had success. Instead look at Clemson, a team that had been "good" in the past but now has become great and I think the Athletic department doesn't get enough credit. You can give the credit to Dabo but he became head coach in 2008 and they didn't really become a powerhouse until 2015. What happened? Well in 2012 Clemson hired Dan Radakovich from Ga Tech to become their AD. I was very impressed with him at Tech, the triple-option may have extended it's welcome but fact is DRad brought in Paul Johnson because he knew to have a successful AD in the south you needed a successful football team. Before DRad went to Clemson, Clemson lost 4-5 games per year, everyone remembers the disastrous Orange bowl in 2011. But then you get a competent AD and things turn around.

So I ask, someone smarter than me - Am I missing it? Is Dan Radakovich the reason that Clemson has found so much success? Is a competent, strong, well run AD that important? Or did it just take Dabo more time and he's lucky that USC, FSU and Miami have been down? And if the answer is more about the athletic department as a whole, where do you start? Did we miss a chance with David Blackburn (I felt from the moment Currie was picked over him, it was a mistake). But then how does "joe fan" fix this because it's a deeper issue than buying out a coach.

Rent a hooker, you’ll enjoy
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Doug Dickey was AD from 1985 thru 2002. I think most would agree that was a fairly successful tenure for UT. In fact people talk about the 2001 SEC championship being the beginning of the end of the championship runs. Is it just luck that football was undefeated against UK and Vandy during his tenure? Won 7 straight over bama? I mean he wasn't a coach, just the AD. When you look at how OSU went from Urban Meyer to Ryan Day and didn't skip a beat, OU went from Bob Stoops to Lincoln Riley and have remained competitive, I just think there is a lot more to it than just hiring another coach. Frankly, I don't think that will solve the underlying issues with UT Football.
I agree 100%! The problem with UT is twofold. The administration and two boosters! This will continue as long as the Sunshine Pumpers keep supporting financially the program.

The administration over the years, just as one example, has forced "average fans" to sit in seats designed for children while installing box seats for donors! They are following the money and really don't care as long as the seats are sold.
Someone smarter than me can help. We can all say the answer is to fire Pruitt and that may well be the right answer. It's not just that UT is losing, but how they are losing and simply not competing with even arky and UK is troubling.

But maybe it's more than that. I look at schools like Nebraska and Michigan and that like UT traditionally had success but now cannot find it outside of a good season here or there. You look at their head coaches and they are coaches that have had success. Instead look at Clemson, a team that had been "good" in the past but now has become great and I think the Athletic department doesn't get enough credit. You can give the credit to Dabo but he became head coach in 2008 and they didn't really become a powerhouse until 2015. What happened? Well in 2012 Clemson hired Dan Radakovich from Ga Tech to become their AD. I was very impressed with him at Tech, the triple-option may have extended it's welcome but fact is DRad brought in Paul Johnson because he knew to have a successful AD in the south you needed a successful football team. Before DRad went to Clemson, Clemson lost 4-5 games per year, everyone remembers the disastrous Orange bowl in 2011. But then you get a competent AD and things turn around.

So I ask, someone smarter than me - Am I missing it? Is Dan Radakovich the reason that Clemson has found so much success? Is a competent, strong, well run AD that important? Or did it just take Dabo more time and he's lucky that USC, FSU and Miami have been down? And if the answer is more about the athletic department as a whole, where do you start? Did we miss a chance with David Blackburn (I felt from the moment Currie was picked over him, it was a mistake). But then how does "joe fan" fix this because it's a deeper issue than buying out a coach.

all an AD needs to do is give the coach what he asks for, you just need to hire a proven, winning coach
I think you the OP is right. It does go beyond the coach. The coach is important - but there is and has been for a long time, a leadership problem at Tennessee. I have heard it from multiple people who come into contact with the university.

I don't know enough to tell you exactly what it is, but it is likely within the AD office, within the Chancellor and President's office, and also a problem with major boosters.
It does seem like progress has been made - look at men's basketball and baseball. Hopefully, a corner has been turned, but I guess we will see if it affects football
I agree 100%! The problem with UT is twofold. The administration and two boosters! This will continue as long as the Sunshine Pumpers keep supporting financially the program.

The administration over the years, just as one example, has forced "average fans" to sit in seats designed for children while installing box seats for donors! They are following the money and really don't care as long as the seats are sold.

Boosters have absolutely nothing to do with the problems with Tennessee football, they are just like the fed up fans
Boosters have absolutely nothing to do with the problems with Tennessee football, they are just like the fed up fans
If you don't think boosters have competing agendas then I have a beautiful oceanfront lot in Iowa to sell you! 😂😂 It's all about money, power and egos! Frankly, your post wins the award of most naive post of the year! Even Fulmer alluded to it when he said everyone must pull in the same direction!
Someone smarter than me can help. We can all say the answer is to fire Pruitt and that may well be the right answer. It's not just that UT is losing, but how they are losing and simply not competing with even arky and UK is troubling.

But maybe it's more than that. I look at schools like Nebraska and Michigan and that like UT traditionally had success but now cannot find it outside of a good season here or there. You look at their head coaches and they are coaches that have had success. Instead look at Clemson, a team that had been "good" in the past but now has become great and I think the Athletic department doesn't get enough credit. You can give the credit to Dabo but he became head coach in 2008 and they didn't really become a powerhouse until 2015. What happened? Well in 2012 Clemson hired Dan Radakovich from Ga Tech to become their AD. I was very impressed with him at Tech, the triple-option may have extended it's welcome but fact is DRad brought in Paul Johnson because he knew to have a successful AD in the south you needed a successful football team. Before DRad went to Clemson, Clemson lost 4-5 games per year, everyone remembers the disastrous Orange bowl in 2011. But then you get a competent AD and things turn around.

So I ask, someone smarter than me - Am I missing it? Is Dan Radakovich the reason that Clemson has found so much success? Is a competent, strong, well run AD that important? Or did it just take Dabo more time and he's lucky that USC, FSU and Miami have been down? And if the answer is more about the athletic department as a whole, where do you start? Did we miss a chance with David Blackburn (I felt from the moment Currie was picked over him, it was a mistake). But then how does "joe fan" fix this because it's a deeper issue than buying out a coach.
Not at this point. Some of these kids have been poorly developed so now you have to bring in a new coach who has to somehow break them of bad habits which for some of the players will be nearly impossible. So you’re looking at two years of being average at best. Bad coaching hires are like a minimum 2-3 year swing of being mediocre or worse. Unfortunately, we’ve been doing this dance for 11 years now.
No you have to fire the bad coach and then not hire another bad coach.

Instead we are firing bad coaches and hiring more bad coaches.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I wouldnt watch this TED talk. Its too long.
I look at how toxic the fanbase has become, and I question whether any head coach can ever succeed here again.

Our fans are chasing off recruits right now. And yes, recruits pay attention to what people are saying on Twitter and VolNation. So even if we fire Pruitt, the next guy is stuck in the same situation; a 4-5 year rebuild and the fans want him fired in Year 2 or Year 3. Cycle repeats.

Other than the money, what appeal does the UT job have right now? If I were a coach, I'd rather be at UNC or NC State. The fans show up to games, but they don't bombard social media with toxic junk. You actually have time to build a program. Hell, NC State has given Dave Doeren 8 years and he probably should've been fired after Year 4. He's having his best season this year, which is a testament to stability more so than his coaching prowess.

Now couple that with administrative dysfunction and it's difficult to imagine hiring a top-tier coach. Haslam wants "his guy". Fulmer wants "his guy". What no one seems to care about is hiring the best coach, other than Currie when he went renegade and tried to hire Mike Leach. Seriously, Currie got fired not because he was a bad AD (he was), but because he stopped towing the line, went renegade, and tried to hire an A-tier coach. If Currie had continued trying to hire Haslam's crap candidates, he'd still be AD.

Bama is lucky they got Nick Saban before the social media era blew up. And it was kinda dumb luck that they ended up with him to begin with; they tried to hire RichRod and he jilted them at the altar. That's the only reason they got Saban. Otherwise, Bama probably looks a lot like Michigan right now.

But places like Georgia and LSU can afford to f' up; there's just so much talent there, that any coach, no matter how bad, can get top 10 classes. Tennessee doesn't have that luxury. Sure, we get top 10 classes, but only with a coach that can recruit. We're like Clemson and Bama in that regard. The right person can bring in top-notch talent, but it won't automatically come like it does in Athens and Baton Rouge.

I'm rambling a bit, but I'm not optimistic about the football program's future. I see how toxic this board and Twitter have become and I can't imagine recruits reading this stuff and thinking "Tennessee is the place I want to spend my next 4-5 years." I don't know that changing the coach is going to change that. And given how dysfunctional our administration is, it's difficult to imagine us ever hiring a top-tier coach anyway.

Ok, so you fire Pruitt? You just get another up-and-comer who everyone will want to fire 3-4 years down the road. I seriously doubt we'll hire Hugh Freeze or any other A-list candidate. Everyone thinks it's about the money, but I don't think it is; it's politics more than money. All the people in control want to hire "their guy"; not the best guy.

Just when I think your takes can't get any worse, you go and outdo yourself.
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