Jarrett Guarantano... is a good player w a chance

I agree.

JG has the potential to be as good as some of the all-time great Vols QBs. He's not there yet, but he's tough as nails, and he's very accurate when he has time to throw. There are some valid criticisms of JG, but 90% of the ones I see are just completely idiotic. The QB can't magically fix the O-line, WR drops, or the lack of a run D.

He still has a lot of work to do to be "elite", but if he just had an O-line that could block, he'd look a lot better.
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JG holds the ball to long. He has no scramble ability to avoid pressure. And if you have a bad oline he will never do anything worthwhile in a pocket that can't hold. Unless we see an oline improvement we need a different QB.
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JG is pretty good. Best we have, yes. Elite, no. It's not just the O Line holding him back. He has no more elite arm than the other 13 starting QBs in the SEC. He has 2 more years (if he doesn't get hurt). I hope he wins the heisman but if Pruitt is the recruiter he's made out to be, I predict he gets recruited over. The top schools are recruiting over players most teams only wish they had. The current top 3 of Ala, Clemson, and Ga had very good QBs and they lost their position to elite players. That is how you win in recruiting. If TENN fans want to win they should wish every player including Trey, DKjr, Bituli, could be recruited over. Means you are getting better.
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JG is pretty good. Best we have, yes. Elite, no. It's not just the O Line holding him back. He has no more elite arm than the other 13 starting QBs in the SEC. He has 2 more years (if he doesn't get hurt). I hope he wins the heisman but if Pruitt is the recruiter he's made out to be, I predict he gets recruited over. The top schools are recruiting over players most teams only wish they had. The current top 3 of Ala, Clemson, and Ga had very good QBs and they lost their position to elite players. That is how you win in recruiting. If TENN fans want to win they should wish every player including Trey, DKjr, Bituli, could be recruited over. Means you are getting better.
If you really think he has no more arm talent than 13 other Sec QBs ... wow you either have never seen any of the teams or you simply know nothing of football and should t post opinions.
I like JG he is as tough as they come and I don't think he's the problem with this years team actually one of the few bright spots this year, however I still don't label him as a good QB he always looks to be in slow motion to me. I don't think Chryst would do much better but probably not much worse either. I actually think Chryst could withstand the beatings due to our poor oline alittle better and seems more mobile or at least able to get out of trouble more so than JG. I'm in no way bashing JG, I appreciate everything he has done for this team especially when he knows for sure he's going to get hit most drop backs. Maybe once we have an oline that can block or at least slow down defenders he can show what he's truly capable of.
If you really think he has no more arm talent than 13 other Sec QBs ... wow you either have never seen any of the teams or you simply know nothing of football and should t post opinions.
Who all do you think of sec QBs he has more arm talent then? This isn't a sarcastic question just curious what you think. I think he's alittle better than 3
He's going to be a "what could have been" QB. Some of the most successful people in life are successful because of timing. Sure, you gotta have the talent to get on the playing field, but a lot of other stuff has to go right, at the right time, that is out of your control, to get big success. JG can't control the OL line, the play calling, etc. He can only control what he can control, and right now, that ain't much.
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He's going to be a "what could have been" QB. Some of the most successful people in life are successful because of timing. Sure, you gotta have the talent to get on the playing field, but a lot of other stuff has to go right, at the right time, that is out of your control, to get big success. JG can't control the OL line, the play calling, etc. He can only control what he can control, and right now, that ain't much.

Yep. Plus he can't scramble like dobbs to avoid pressure. I'm not even sure if he can throw on the run.
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To be great. Not sure why a select small% of you on here are so ready to demote him / get a grad transfer etc.

This guy has as much arm talent as Anyone in cfb. When he starts to get time w the improvement of his OL you are goin to see a special QB. He has fire , toughness and WANTS to be here. You people constantly downing him either are shortsighted, have no idea how the game is played or just a bunch of bitches that love to complain and the QB is as always the easiest target.

The OL is very young ( outside of Richmond ) and inexperienced. Even Trey smith is just a sophomore and playing a position that he isn’t used to playing on a high level.

JG is far from a finished product and needs TIME... as does many on this team.
JG is not good enough to start in the SEC. Period.
If you really think he has no more arm talent than 13 other Sec QBs ... wow you either have never seen any of the teams or you simply know nothing of football and should t post opinions.

I do know football and I have watched other teams. I’m not sure what you are calling arm talent. Strength, accuracy, throwing in a small window. If these are your definitions of elite I still do not see him ahead of most starters in the SEC. I’m not mad but tell me who you think can’t throw the ball 50 or 60 yds, can’t throw a high % of short passes (not his fault), and he does not throw into tight coverage with accuracy. Hope he wins the heisman or gets recruited over.
Add into the mix that the OC's are limiting him it seems plus he was rated dual-threat which obviously isn't true. Dobbs was and he really put pressure on opposing defenses. They can tee-off and are on JG. OC's should have installed roll-out passes and mis-direction to keep defenses honest.
Dobbs was not rated a Dual threat is what is crazy and JG was.
To be great. Not sure why a select small% of you on here are so ready to demote him / get a grad transfer etc.

This guy has as much arm talent as Anyone in cfb. When he starts to get time w the improvement of his OL you are goin to see a special QB. He has fire , toughness and WANTS to be here. You people constantly downing him either are shortsighted, have no idea how the game is played or just a bunch of bitches that love to complain and the QB is as always the easiest target.

The OL is very young ( outside of Richmond ) and inexperienced. Even Trey smith is just a sophomore and playing a position that he isn’t used to playing on a high level.

JG is far from a finished product and needs TIME... as does many on this team.
I think JG is going to have a hard time reaching his potential at TN. In 2 years at TN, he is on his 3rd OC, first QB coach and second HC. Now we are transitioning to a brand new offensive scheme. Throw in the terrible OL play, below average WR and TEs and you have a recipe for an ultra talented QB to vastly underperform. I have said it before, JG should have never committed to TN.
JG does not have the it factor. His placement is bad, he has underthrown many fly patterns and does not have touch around the goalline. I would rank him last in starting QB's in the SEC. Name one worse?

He has also had many drops by WRs and TEs. Also, factor in one of the worst OLs in college football and 2 first time playcallers as OCs the past 2 years. What other QB in the SEC has had that?
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Name one SEC school where JG would be starting right now.

He's a true VFL, but absolutely not an elite QB. I wish him the best.

Gasman, full disclosure, are you related to him? Your comments seem particularly personal so I am just curious.
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He is so not mobile. He could fit right in if he could sense awareness and run and throw . But he is pure sackable material. I hear about the line not helping him but he sure as hell don't help anything else but getting dropped from behind. Gotta scramble a little and throw.
JG holds the ball to long. He has no scramble ability to avoid pressure. And if you have a bad oline he will never do anything worthwhile in a pocket that can't hold. Unless we see an oline improvement we need a different QB.

Its not that holds the ball roo long, iyabthat hwbdowant have the time to throw. Another factorbyourw missing is that our WR's haven't been able to get any separation since the days of Donte Stallworth, Kelley, and Swain. Its kind of hard to throw to a WR who isn't into their route well. Passing routes take time to develop. Receivers need to get off the jam, or down the field which takes 3-4 seconds. That's about 2 seconds more than JG has most of the time. Even in max protection.
Its not that holds the ball roo long, iyabthat hwbdowant have the time to throw. Another factorbyourw missing is that our WR's haven't been able to get any separation since the days of Donte Stallworth, Kelley, and Swain. Its kind of hard to throw to a WR who isn't into their route well. Passing routes take time to develop. Receivers need to get off the jam, or down the field which takes 3-4 seconds. That's about 2 seconds more than JG has most of the time. Even in max protection.

********, Malone got deep, our TEs got deep, even Jennings did, hell with dobbs alot of people did. This proves my point. JG just isn't good enough with the offense we have now and the scheme. Sorry man we are going 3-9 or 4-8, 5-7 is a ****in win this year. And btw did u forget about R.Meachrm, and J.Hunter. M.North should have had a better QB

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