Jim Bob Cooter Colts OC

I’d love to see JBC try his hand as a HC one day if he wanted to…… I’ve always said, with a name like that he can accomplish anything.

You need something fixed, call ‘ol Jim Bob- he’ll get ‘er running’…. I loved the fact that “only at Tennessee would the back up QB be named Jim Bob Cooter” - still makes me grin
I had a good friend who had him as a student at Lincoln County High. Said JBC was brilliant; made A's in calculus, advanced math, etc. without studying. No. 1 student in his senior class.......

I have a closer source that also taught him there and absolutely concurs with those findings. The wife has refused to sequence the best and brightest she taught there, but he is definitely on the very short list of contenders. He flew threw her honors and advanced placement type classes with ease. We got to have a short conversation with him in either his Jr or Sr year at UT when he attended an LCHS game during an off week for the VOLS. After calling her name as we entered the stands, he was very cordial to me with my orange shirt and LCHS hat, even though he did not know me from Adam. She held that he was always very confident but not cocky in the classroom, on the court or on the field.
Glad to see Jim Bob come to Indy, but not sure how effective an OC he will be or really what part he will play in the overall scheme.
That's really just my lack of understanding of what on OC does on a team where the HC calls the offense.

I imagine though that he will have a big say in the future QB and said QBs development, so it might be a good thing for JBC.
I knew Jim Bob my first two years at Tennessee (we both lived in Gibbs Hall).

Yes, even back then he had heard every joke out there about his name and was very mature about it when it came up.

Just about everyone on the team (and most of the kids in Gibbs) believed he was the most intelligent player on the roster. He always came across level headed and he had everyone's respect. I never heard anything bad about him (there was always gossip going around the dinning hall and balconies of Gibbs).

The most intense I ever saw him get was spring semester 2004. He put together a team of football players for the intermural softball season and named them the "Jack Parkman's" (in honor of David Keith's character in Major League II).

I was SS on the John the XXIII team and we played them 3/4ths of the way through the season. He had his lineup taking it all very seriously and they had Mercy Ruled us by the 3rd inning. I believe they ended up finishing the season undefeated and he took a lot of pride in it (though not in "bro" way).

Even back then, it seemed he would be successful at coaching, regardless of the sport.
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Glad to see Jim Bob come to Indy, but not sure how effective an OC he will be or really what part he will play in the overall scheme.
That's really just my lack of understanding of what on OC does on a team where the HC calls the offense.

I imagine though that he will have a big say in the future QB and said QBs development, so it might be a good thing for JBC.

Maybe that is the problem, so that's why they're hiring JBC.

Look at Texas A&M. Jimbo has been calling plays his whole HC career at FSU and now A&M. But that offense is crap now...

So they brought in Bobby Petrino to fix the offense and let Jimbo be more of a facilitator role.
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I had a good friend who had him as a student at Lincoln County High. Said JBC was brilliant; made A's in calculus, advanced math, etc. without studying. No. 1 student in his senior class.......
I’ve heard he is extremely smart and extremely analytical. It’s the reason that I think that Dobbs could be a good coach if he wanted to.
For a guy that never played a meaningful down of CFB he has had a pretty good FB career. Good for him. Still wish he had been good enough to start one season for Vols. Jim Bob Cooter as the TN QB, that would have been classic.

On par with Colt McCoy at Texas. I always thought that was classic as well.
Does Peyton still have influence in Indy? Was he a part of this decision process? He has always been in the JBC court.
I’d become an instant fan of any team he coaches

I just think we need a whole series of new offensive plays names after him. Indy's QB sneak, for example, could be called the "Cooter Crawl."

I'm sure there are better ones too.

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