John Brice lists other candidates

Beldar allowing HIS Alma Mater to chose first, more than likely. Ive said since DAY ONE...too many conflicts of interest to have a gump in charge of UT football.
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He was certainly put out there today as the one blocking the hire. Again, we likely will never know for sure if Fulmer was the one nor why. That said, the list of candidates looks solid.
Yeah we know. Fulmer didn’t block anything. We just weren’t picked.

The interview would have NEVER happened.
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Where you been?

Good news is, a good OC hire, a good recruiting class and just like that, we're heading in the right direction.
Honestly, this is true, despite total incompetence from the administration the last ten years. We have hired three ass hats as HC's during that period, had 2 horrible AD's, meddling boosters, you name it and still able to attract some quality recruits. Pretty amazing really.
I wonder who prevented Hugh from getting the job?


He didn't say Texans' OC.

Per his Twitter, he said the following are candidates:

Houston OC Kendal Briles
Oklahoma State OC Mike Yurcich
Troy HC Neal Brown
Unnamed SEC OC

I think this is a pretty solid list....
-I was on the Hugh Freeze train but why hire a guy who will be gone next year? Spinning wheels....
-I’d take Kendal Briles, but if the uppers won’t have Hugh, then they won’t touch this guy. MY OPINION.
-Mike Yurich makes no sense to me. Nothing like the smash mouth football Pruitt wants. This guy is my least favorite.
-Neal Brown is slowly becoming my “preferred” choice. But I don’t know if he would leave a HC gig for OC.
-Give me Dan Enos and lets get to work.
I don't know but fnn pisses me off to know end

But do we really want Freeze if he's gonna leave in 2 years right when our stud QB is learning his system and has to go through another system under another OC? I hope we get a good one that's here for 10 years.

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