Mike Canales

Because of inconsistent play. As bad as we have been we have been just as great. Cut out the bad and replace with more great and we destroy anybody.

But yep, they have to do it.

I agree with you on inconsistency. Unfortunately that has been a trademark of the Vols under CBJ. Inconsistent teams are bad teams. It's not enough to have talent and the potential to be good, the staff and players have to make it happen on the field, consistently, to be good/great.

Also, I can't honestly say I've seen us play great at any point this year. A great play here and there, yes.. Playing great, no...

It's more than just inconsistent play. There's more going on, IMO...
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When you hire guys like Shoop you must be ready for them to get an HC job. Having a replacement on staff is smart, even if you hire someone else.

Like Debord before him Scott is not that dad of an OC and Canales is not that bad of a QB coach. Canales had a couple of failed attempts at OC, so him as OC may be questionable.

I watched the umass game last night. The oline was a bit lackluster in the first half but did better than I thought.

In the second half the umass DEs were crashing down the line and catching the runner from behind. We should have adjusted. But perhaps didn't want to show the adjustment.
We brought in JG instead.

We wasted 2 sets of downs getting him going and had a dropped pass on his third series.
When QD came in in q4 we had really bad field position, so we went conservative and wasted the game away.

If we don't bring in JG I think we would have scored 2 more TDs in the third quarter. I looked at one point in the game an QD was 75% passing.
We were holding back a little.

I guess we gotta ask, do we want "not that bad" or do we want excellent?
So uh...things are fine and dandy on the hill? I get your point but... let's not act like this is the first time we've heard rumblings of locker room issues under Butch.

I'd like to think this team is ready to turn the corner, but time and time again we've seen this team struggle versus lesser opponents... hello UMass, Ohio, App St, South Alabama...

If that makes someone a pessimist or a negavol then so be it. I'd rather be pessimistic than unrealistically optimistic... Butch has too many blemishes on his record for anyone to be blindly blowing sunshine up his arse.


Go be negative and pessimistic all week long, all season long and your entire life. That is certainly your prerogative.

For me, I choose optimism and hope all week long. I will save all my *****ing and whining for after games that we've actually lost. I don't see the point to be walking around all the time living in misery when all it takes is a little bit of faith.

I realize most pessimist are that way out of fear. Being a pessimist seems like a win-win situation because if you're wrong at least you've won and if you're right you can walk around telling all your friends ( assuming they exist) how you knew it all along. This way you can avoid disappointment that usually feared by so many.

I say to all the "realists"out there; man the f..k up and quit being afraid of being disappointed and wrong. That's a pus.. way to live life.

At least in my opinion...
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Mizzu isn't making any moves anytime soon. They are just glad to be able to keep the school open.

We'll see. I think 121 gets it done. Saving CBJ's along the way.

See y'all at Neyland.

Go Vols!

Mizzu is what happens when you turn the asylum over to the inmates - or, in their particular case, let the kids replace adult supervision.
So far this year, team 121 finds tackling very difficult, not a recipe for success is it, signed, BoB Shoop?

I think this stems from doing nothing but "thud" drills in spring and fall camp. It's probably why CJ is bouncing off of opposing ball carriers. It's amazing how practice habits carry over to game time.
It all about the players. How will they respond to all the drama?

I think they get to work, make better use of their free time and ball out the rest if the year.

From the looks of it Ga fans think they have a chance. Some sound like they expect to win. They will be more disappointed than they were last year. They expected to lose and then did. The way they lost, blew their mind.

It's liable to get Smart fired. You know how Ga is so serious about winning and all.

Bunch of Vol wanna bes.

you seem smart, why hang out in spec. ed???
Canales will be OC next year. Scott will take over at A&M as HC.

CBJ is about to start churning out HCs. I wouldn't be surprised if Shoop ended up somewhere as a HC next year.

Go Vols!

They will be successful, too, as long as they remember what Butch would do in any given situation and do the opposite.
I think this stems from doing nothing but "thud" drills in spring and fall camp. It's probably why CJ is bouncing off of opposing ball carriers. It's amazing how practice habits carry over to game time.

Yes and we run the circle of life. Two players locked up. The old Tennessee Drill, like the Oklahoma Drill is a better Drill for defenders. But is also generates more injuries. I am sure that's why they run the thud. To avoid injuries.
you seem smart, why hang out in spec. ed???

Thanks. The FF has given me so much early info about Vol related stuff that I keep coming back. Since I have no inside info(any more) and prefer not to do my own research it's an easy way to talk football. Even if the 10-20 jackwagons up in here do their best to bring me down I refuse to allow it any more.
Why don't they just turn play calling over to Chico? I mean, he's actually been an OC at various schools for quite some time. Send Scott back down to TEs...

This could actually help us out I think.

I have virtually no faith in Butch, but this is a pretty obvious and easy place to change things up and could actually help us out. How Scott ended up as our OC still puzzles me...well, not really LOL.
He's done such a great job as self anointed expert qb coach.

Go be negative and pessimistic all week long, all season long and your entire life. That is certainly your prerogative.

For me, I choose optimism and hope all week long. I will save all my *****ing and whining for after games that we've actually lost. I don't see the point to be walking around all the time living in misery when all it takes is a little bit of faith.

I realize most pessimist are that way out of fear. Being a pessimist seems like a win-win situation because if you're wrong at least you've won and if you're right you can walk around telling all your friends ( assuming they exist) how you knew it all along. This way you can avoid disappointment that usually feared by so many.

I say to all the "realists"out there; man the f..k up and quit being afraid of being disappointed and wrong. That's a pus.. way to live life.

At least in my opinion...

Still doesn't change the fact that I've supported Butch for years. I still support him but I think it goes without saying that that support is wavering in the eyes of the fanbase. It really is okay to call a spade a spade.
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He's done such a great job as self anointed expert qb coach.

Lol. I never said the guy was the next chip Kelly. I just think that Larry Scott sucks so badly, Mike Canales probably would actually be a little better. At least he has experience running an offense before.
Lol. I never said the guy was the next chip Kelly. I just think that Larry Scott sucks so badly, Mike Canales probably would actually be a little better. At least he has experience running an offense before.

Scott in a tough spot today, for sure. Need to establish run against a stout front 7, loading the box, and pass enough efficiently to move the chains. To me, we need some of what we've gone away from this year. Granted, QD doesn't run, but we've abandoned the motion offense stuff w/ mis-directions, fake reverses, etc...getting Byrd and Chandler a lot more involved in the offense.

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