Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

In a thread full of R's bitching, whining, and complaining....not doing anything! The irony is rich.

I agree with that to a point, but at least some are voting against the establishment do nothing Rs. Which is more than any libertarian is doing.
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The White House just used her death to juice up Trump's base with a little old fashioned racist fear mongering.

GOP voters are such idiots, and Trump knows it.
How does this make me any different from you? What is your point?

I'm politically active and have even had conversations with my local libertarian party. I donate money (local and state level) to candidates that mirror my views. In short I try.
Not much different than the Repubs. Both political parties are trash that will say or do anything to stay in power.
Kind of agree, but Rs aren't out there talking about abortions being good and illegals killing Americans as not much of a real problem.
I'm politically active and have even had conversations with my local libertarian party. I donate money (local and state level) to candidates that mirror my views. In short I try.

How is that different from libertarians again?
What? That's all we're doing.

Libertarians do nothing. Start winning elections, start supporting candidates at the local and state level, then talk about "choosing freedom". Right now libertarians are choosing to live by the rules the Rs and Ds make for them, they're not choosing freedom.
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An American man just murdered his whole family and buried his children in an oil drum. What were you saying?

I say kill him , bury him and move on and don’t take 20 years doing it either . Now I don’t care how you slice it up every crime committed by an illegal here is one that wouldn’t have happened if that person wasn’t in this country . Saying but well Americans do it is about as stupid an argument as you can make .
Libertarians do nothing. Start winning elections, start supporting candidates at the local and state level, then talk about "choosing freedom". Right now libertarians are choosing to live by the rules the Rs and Ds make for them, they're not choosing freedom.

So we're not doing nothing, we're just not winning, is what you mean.

I'll take losing over being the architects of America's destruction. Either way we all lose, but at least I'm not complicit
The White House just used her death to juice up Trump's base with a little old fashioned racist fear mongering.

GOP voters are such idiots, and Trump knows it.

Lol ... get outta here with that PC racist crap , that go to ism is one of the reasons why people are so fed up . It’s nothing to do with any ism , he’s an illegal alien that came into this country ILLEGALLY and killed a girl .
So we're not doing nothing, we're just not winning, is what you mean.

I'll take losing over being the architects of America's destruction. Either way we all lose, but at least I'm not complicit

Why, because you didn’t vote “left” or “right”? Your inactions to seek real change (not some BS movement about limitless freedom and potheads... this isn’t a role in Dazed and Confused) hold you as culpable as those who voted them in. Your comments reek of - my politics are right and everyone else’s are wrong. The funny thing is, we’ve never seen them in action. Lol.
So we're not doing nothing, we're just not winning, is what you mean.

I'll take losing over being the architects of America's destruction. Either way I lose, but at least I'm not complicit

Libertarians are losing because they only want to shoot for the big prize. There is no interest in building a grass roots alternative to the two parties, then they (you follow the playbook) like to throw up their hands and say "not my fault I didn't vote for them, I'm a libertarian".

You are complicit, just as much as me and every adult in this country. You are complicit due to your inaction, I'm complicit due to some of the candidates I supported in the past and every eligible voter is complicit for allowing our government to become what it has become.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

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