Most arrogant Vol fan base ever?

Which is Evidence that the fanbase is completely bipolar. How anybody can experience the past 4 years and suddenly have swagger after one decent win is a little amazing.

It's a fan base that got spoiled, and has now had dirt kicked in it's face repeatededly for years. What you call bipolar, I call hungry.
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Source: ESPN
ESPN just announced University of Tenessee has forfeited saturdays game due to it's fan bases arrogance. Derrick Dooley stated, "arrogant fans are the worse thing thats ever happened to this athletic department since 1892 when the Germans bombed Neyland stadium".

The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor! Get your facts straight!! :) "Don't stop him he's on a roll".
I have yet to see our fan base this arrogant, probably ever. All this run up the score, storming the field, guaranteed victory talk is nuts. Yes, we should win on paper but let's not be ignorant and act like its a cake walk. The attitude of the fan base is exactly the attitude that gets you beat. Let's be humble instead of ignorant.

I'm sorry, but a message board doesn't dictate the "fan base".

Shut up and move on.

Go Vols!
I have yet to see our fan base this arrogant, probably ever. All this run up the score, storming the field, guaranteed victory talk is nuts. Yes, we should win on paper but let's not be ignorant and act like its a cake walk. The attitude of the fan base is exactly the attitude that gets you beat. Let's be humble instead of ignorant.

If you think this is arrogant, you must not have been a fan in the late 90s.

I agree that there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance and some have leaped right over it, but I think most fans are just excited and hopeful. Only a few expect a cakewalk to go with their Kool-Aid.
I have yet to see our fan base this arrogant, probably ever. All this run up the score, storming the field, guaranteed victory talk is nuts. Yes, we should win on paper but let's not be ignorant and act like its a cake walk. The attitude of the fan base is exactly the attitude that gets you beat. Let's be humble instead of ignorant.

very intelligent and classy post here fellas...thanks for sharing
I'm confused here.

Is the OP trying to say that the team and fanbase share the same mentality?

If that was the case, we'd have lost to NCSU and given up multiple times throughout the game.

....You know when you're watching a game on TV, the visiting team scores, and it sounds like someone is being hung at midfield? Women screaming like cats are being lit on fire. Men cussing and spitting like they just lost their retirement accounts in the stock market. Kids crying like Elmo just got blown up with a shotgun. THAT HAS BEEN US FOR A DECADE.

A confident fanbase would start going nuts after an opposing team scores, pumping up the team and showing the team that they are behind them.

Do you know how badass it would be if Florida scored first and the entire stadium started chanting "Dooley" or "Bray" or "Hunter", etc....

How many times in the past 10 years has a player done something silly or the fanbase turned on a player and started chanting for a replacement? A confident team doesn't do that crap. They trust the coach knows best and supports who is on the field.

We've been a bunch of babies.

Also, just because you are confident in your team doesn't mean you are an ******* to opposing fans. I'll sit here and say we're going to put 50 up on Florida and make them want to fire Muschamp. But when I talk to my nextdoor neighbor (who is a gator) this weekend, I'll tell him I hope we pull out a close one.
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I'm with you OP.

And screw the KPD for issuing that stupid warning based off twitter arrogance. Thanks for throwing the team under the bus and giving UF some great bulletin board material.
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I think a lot of you are being naive to think that the attitude of the fan base can't bleed over onto the team.

You don't think the team is hearing about how the KPD has issued a warning about storming the field?

It's up to them to ignore that crap. I just hope they can. They need to enter this game confident, but determined that it is going to be a 60 minute dog fight.
To each their own. If you wanna be confident or even arrogant and UT loses and you get extremely disappointed, that's your choice. If you wanna be cautiously optimistic and not get your hopes up just in case UT comes out flat and loses, that's cool too. I guess what I'm trying to say is.... who cares!
I care when the university is sending out emails like this to the students:

"Dear Student Vol Fans,

Thank you for making your plans to be in Neyland Stadium this Saturday to help cheer on the Vols to a win over Florida!

We want to give you a heads-up that fans will not be allowed on the field at any point before or after the game for their own safety. We have been told that the team will come over to the student section to celebrate a win with students after the game.

Many of you know of stories related to rushing the field at Neyland and other stadiums. You may not know that an SEC rule was implemented just a few years ago banning any fans from going onto the field. This policy goes beyond UT.

As a result of this rule and a concern for fan safety, local law enforcement is serious about preventing a field rush on Saturday. Anyone who attempts to do so will be arrested and face university sanctions as well."

I didn't realize until just now that the university was in on this warning as well. That makes me sad and angry.

There is such a thing as being over confident. What a joke that the university would spread this garbage.
I'm with you OP.

And screw the KPD for issuing that stupid warning based off twitter arrogance. Thanks for throwing the team under the bus and giving UF some great bulletin board material.

it's the UT/UF game featured on college gameday. It's the SEC opener for both teams and gives one an inside edge to get to the SECCG. If this goes on the bulletin board then they've already lost
This whole thing is nuts. There are now emails and headlines all over the Florida locker room right now about fans storming the field. I've never seen anything like it.

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