Official Lane Kiffin thread 1

i was almost thinking the exact same thing... way more excited about a Kiffen return than greg schiano! I could handle being the badboys! Would give us an identity! It's fun to do bad things! (not molestation though)!!!!!!!!
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agreed. He hates saban and bama, he's ok in my book!

WE hate Saban and Bama . Those are two things that should be required of the next coach. Should be the first question asked of everyone . Do you hat Bama and Saban ? answer yes continue to next question Answer No GET the hell out of my office .
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Wow...Kiff back would be fubar...I like it given our current position of standing in our own excrement.
We should get behind this or else who knows what we will be given.
No. Dumb idea. Just protested a possible head coach with integrity doubts. Why on earth go after one with known integrity issues? Dumb idea.

p.s. Don't start a thread about Petrino, either. Same dumb thing.
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I think he is the answer to our problems . He is cocky and has big enough balls and ego that he wouldn't care about yesterday or anything else that has happen. He can coach and his best attribute is that he knows good coaches when he sees them . Look at the coaches he brought to UT and where and what they have done since then . Ill hang up and listen

I'm not a Kiffin fan but, he may be the only person with big enough Kahonas (or at least arrogance) to take on the challenge. Gruden is clearly enjoying the talk but, not going to step up to the plate and take a swing.
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Kiffin already tweeted that he def doesnt want the job. Ridiculed us. it hurt.

Can you post that tweet? I follow him but didn't see that. I saw where there was a fake account linked to him that had him saying he was "waiting by the phone". He responded to that and said something to the effect of "definitely not waiting by any phones. Preparing and coaching up his team to win their championship coming up."
No. Dumb idea. Just protested a possible head coach with integrity doubts. Why on earth go after one with known integrity issues? Dumb idea.

p.s. Don't start a thread about Petrino, either. Same dumb thing.

How does anything Kiffin has done get close to the concerns about Schiano?
I'm not a Kiffin fan but, he may be the only person with big enough Kahonas (or at least arrogance) to take on the challenge. Gruden is clearly enjoying the talk but, not going to step up to the plate and take a swing.
WE need someone here that has to roll his testicles in to work in a wheel barrel and thats Kiffin .
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How does anything Kiffin has done get close to the concerns about Schiano?

Dude A is only "4 disreputables" while Dude B might be "9 disreputables". Fact is, they both have reputation issues.

Don't need.

There are dozens of coaching possibilities out there that don't involve integrity issues. Stop circling around the 3 that do (Kiffin, Petrino, Schiano).
No. Dumb idea. Just protested a possible head coach with integrity doubts. Why on earth go after one with known integrity issues? Dumb idea.

p.s. Don't start a thread about Petrino, either. Same dumb thing.

i always think your post are well thought out but this time i have to ask other than leaving UT at a bad time what are Kiffins integrity issues that everyone thinks are so bad.
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Currie has his merry band of fools have put this program in an untenable situation with the Schiano debacle. I think Kiffin is the exact coach we need at a time like this. He screwed is over so badly in the last, but I think his demeanor would be perfect for this new media climate Currie has developed. Kiffin is a quality coach, an offensive genius, and I think will have no problem telling the national media to shove it. Besides, him becoming our coach again would be the new story, not the Schianao garbage.

Currie needs to do this NOW and then resign.

I say pass on Kiffen: If he dosn't leave in 1 to 2 years he would have UT on probation. Came very close a couple of times he was here the one year

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I could possibly go for a Kiffin re-do, but I think there has to be a fill Neyland event where he takes the Mic and apolgizes for running away and we kinda apologize for burning the town down and threatening his safety, maybe we can all have some Free PAPA Johns Pizza to let the water flow on under the bridge.....
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