Oklahoma is a bigger game than most of you think



“Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!”
Feb 2, 2013
I've noticed some posters on here saying this a big game but not an "important game". IMO, despite Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, this is one of the most important games on our schedule. Not for the fans but the team as a whole as well. This our chance to prove to the world that we belong in the top 25 by defeating an top notch program like Oklahoma as well. It will show that we've improved on every aspect of the game cause believe it or not, we was one of the most hyped up teams coming into preason. If we lose this game, it won't make or break our season but I believe this game is just as important on our schedule. This is Butch's chance to make a statement in the SEC.
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I've noticed some posters on here saying this a big game but not an "important game". IMO, despite Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, this is one of the most important games on our schedule. Not for the fans but the team as a whole as well. This our chance to prove to the world that we belong in the top 25 by defeating an top notch program like Oklahoma as well. It will show that we've improved on every aspect of the game cause believe it or not, we was one of the most hyped up teams coming into preason. If we lose this game, it won't make or break our season but I believe this game is just as important on our schedule. This is Butch's chance to make a statement in the SEC.

I think a lot of us think this is a pretty big game tbh
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The posts that you have been reading are probably saying that The OU game isn't important from an SEC standpoint. Which is correct, we can win our conference and lose to OU.

However this is a huge game for us, and for recruiting and national exposure we need to perform well on this national stage and show the country that we are back!!
This will be a huge game if we win. But if we lose this game and win all the rest, this loss will seem a lot less important in hindsight.

Having said that, I sooo want to win this game.
I'm just ready to sing Rocky top with 100,000 of my dearest pals

You got that right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We can still achieve our goals without this game....but it gets much more difficult without it. The mental aspect if what this win would mean cannot be overstated. It will show the team, the fans, and our opponents that we again belong here. The confidence it would instill in this young team would be huge going into the Swamp. There is nobody left we cannot defeat if we win this game...and the team will know it
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This is the most important out of conference game sense the NC game against Florida State in 98, no it wont be the end of the season if we lose a close game but it will show that we cant beat a good team at home, and if you are saying we are coming to the top then you got to win this one, the Florida game is a must or the season will go go down hill in a hurry this the same old thing wait till next year, next year is Saturday September 12, 2015, this is a very big game for all of VOL NATION, why dont we just go out there Saturday and beat the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff out of Oklahoma and show ourself we are coming ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff what the rest of the country thinks, we win we will shut up quite a few, everybody is picking against us, so we got them at home, no more excuses just go out there and put the hammer down :bash::bash:eek:n:bash::bash::bash::bash::bash: them.:bash:
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We can still achieve our goals without this game....but it gets much more difficult without it. The mental aspect if what this win would mean cannot be overstated. It will show the team, the fans, and our opponents that we again belong here. The confidence it would instill in this young team would be huge going into the Swamp. There is nobody left we cannot defeat if we win this game...and the team will know it

not only for the short term, but for the whole season. CBJ has said it many times, that he knows that the messages he's been communicating for three years have to culminate in to something tangible. last year, i think they believed it would be the FL game. that didn't work out obviously, which is why i think his feelings after that game were so harsh "this is without a doubt the hardest loss of my career" (maybe not exact quote, but basically what he said).

fast forward to the USCe game, he knows that was the game that, for last season, finally got to say "see, we can do it".

i've said it before...i think we've seen how this team handles adversity...2013 UGA to 2013 USC....2014 FL to 2014 USC...

this year i think they all know the team, the fans, the program in general NEEDS a confidence boost to get the season started. that kind of momentum would be fun to see play out the rest of the season.

that said, if we do lose, i do think this team bounces back nicely. they've done it before, and i see no reason why they wouldn't again.

Effort has never been the problem for CBJ and this staff. it's putting it together week to week, and getting the result to match the effort. and i think we finally have enough pieces in place that more times than not, we will get those results.

we're gonna find out in about 32 hours. :)
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It's yr 3 ,at home and it's OU.. this is cbj statement game.. win this and great MO for staff n team.

Go vols
You know we came back in the USCe game but, for all intentionally purposes, we should have lost that game. Give our guys credit for sure, but you can't get down that many points and reasonably expect to pull it out, in overtime no less. Couldn't happen to a better coach though (Spurrier). Like Butch said, this is a different team and they have to find their own way but we have more pieces (talent) this year, year more experience, and I think OK thinks they are just going to roll over us; think they're in for a big surprise. We just need enough short passes to keep them off balance because they're going to have their hands full stopping our running backs. Our guys did pretty good blocking last game I thought.
This is a real test of where the VOLS are as a program. That makes this game important to everything the VOLS are going to achieve. After the VOLS win the result will be: 1) the VOLS will know they can win any game on the schedule. 2)opposing teams will know they are in for a game when it's their turn to face the VOLS. 3)the VOLS will move up in the polls 4)the sky is the limit.
The hype is real on how big, huge, important, significant, or critical this game is to the program. Come Sunday morning, when the sun comes up a blazing Orange, I will be a VOL fan, and proud of it.
This is a critical game. OU is a historic, and current, name brand in college football. UT is a historic name brand that is working on recapturing its place in the highest echelon in college football. Butch has done a marvelous job to bring this program back from the Dooley dumpster fire through messaging, igniting fan passions, reincorporating former players, and recruiting like a mad man. He, however, needs some validation by way of big wins on the field this year to continue the ascendancy.

OU is a great opportunity because it is a winnable game against an elite program at home and UT will have to, now or later, win these games to get back to the top of the heap. Without big wins, UT will never be back on top. BUT, it is not an absolute must win game since I think of this year as needing to collect at least two marquee wins in preparation for making another jump in 2016, potentially a massive jump.

To that end, there are several more opportunities for marquee wins this year (@ UF, Arkansas, UGA, and @ Bama) and, as stated previously, UT really needs to win at least two from these and the OU game tomorrow. I don't really care about the combo, though we desperately need to beat UF this year and UGA or Bama would be particularly nice due to our historic rivalries. Personally, I think we beat UF and one of Arkansas, UGA, and OU, which will springboard us in 2016. If we get three--say OU, UF, and Arkansas--we will be on the way to a great season.
I've noticed some posters on here saying this a big game but not an "important game". IMO, despite Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, this is one of the most important games on our schedule. Not for the fans but the team as a whole as well. This our chance to prove to the world that we belong in the top 25 by defeating an top notch program like Oklahoma as well. It will show that we've improved on every aspect of the game cause believe it or not, we was one of the most hyped up teams coming into preason. If we lose this game, it won't make or break our season but I believe this game is just as important on our schedule. This is Butch's chance to make a statement in the SEC.

It's an important game, just not a must-win game....and certainly not as important as the SEC games you mentioned.
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If you look at these two teams they seem to be pretty evenly matched talent wise and experience wise. I think the key to this game will be which coaching staff does the best job of getting their team ready especially their special teams. Special teams could be a big key.
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