Post your Small Business Info HERE!



I can't brain today; I has the dumb.
Jan 3, 2011
At some point, the pandemic will be in our rear view mirror. The shelter at home, distancing, etc may have been needed but it has been brutal on business. Many here are self employed, small business owners, managers, or work mostly on commissions. Based on a convo with @BowlBrother85 in the Politics forum, I thought a thread where those who've been hardest hit economically could post their business info here and let others know when they're ready for business. This isnt an appeal for donations. This is to announce we're ready to get back on our feet.

Let's do what we can to support these folks as a Vol family.

Best wishes.
At some point, the pandemic will be in our rear view mirror. The shelter at home, distancing, etc may have been needed but it has been brutal on business. Many here are self employed, small business owners, managers, or work mostly on commissions. Based on a convo with @BowlBrother85 in the Politics forum, I thought a thread where those who've been hardest hit economically could post their business info here and let others know when they're ready for business. This isnt an appeal for donations. This is to announce we're ready to get back on our feet.

Let's do what we can to support these folks as a Vol family.

Best wishes.
Anybody need catalyst?
I thought there would be lots of folks wanting to get their business info out there. Maybe shelter at home isn't hurting small businesses as much as I thought.
That’s one explanation. Businesses considered non-essential are surely hard-hit. Owners are a proud bunch but this is a good place to share. Saw an interesting interview on my iPhone last night (I have no TV here at the warehouse and only a wireless hotspot for internet) between Brian Kilmeade and Tillman Fertita who (as you may know) owns the Houston Rockets, several casinos and scores of restaurants. He also owns a Rolls Royce dealership. He was quick to furlough 45,000 employees saying it was to their benefit to apply early for unemployment. He is an interesting cat. Born to average means in Galveston (of Sicilian blood like my mom) and worked his way up as a businessman starting with hotels.
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At the risk of someone hunting me down over my posts, my wife's business is linked below. None of my posts are reflective of her, so if you don't like what I put up, don't hold it against her! 😆

She just got her online store up, in the top link at I highly recommend the alfajores, as they're absolutely the best thing she makes, they ship well, and you've probably never had anything like them in your life. Below is a picture of an in-process batch including her brand new chocolate ones. IMG_20200417_102902_531.jpg
At the risk of someone hunting me down over my posts, my wife's business is linked below. None of my posts are reflective of her, so if you don't like what I put up, don't hold it against her! 😆

She just got her online store up, in the top link at I highly recommend the alfajores, as they're absolutely the best thing she makes, they ship well, and you've probably never had anything like them in your life. Below is a picture of an in-process batch including her brand new chocolate ones. View attachment 272047
I don’t even know what those alfajores are but they look appetizing. Is your wife doing any mail/parcel order shipping?
For anyone concerned about other posters reacting to your business because of things posted in the past, have faith in others. I spend time in the Politics forum. You will not find a more wretched hive of villainy outside of Tatooine than that forum.
When fellow PF Vols are in need other Vols rise up. Regardless of our personal politics. It's who we are. Our heritage of Volunteerism is built on it. Petty squabbles and beefs are silly compared to others needing a helping hand.
Glad to see the participation. Hope it helps those business financially...and hope it helps those customers spiritually.
At the risk of someone hunting me down over my posts, my wife's business is linked below. None of my posts are reflective of her, so if you don't like what I put up, don't hold it against her! 😆

She just got her online store up, in the top link at I highly recommend the alfajores, as they're absolutely the best thing she makes, they ship well, and you've probably never had anything like them in your life. Below is a picture of an in-process batch including her brand new chocolate ones. View attachment 272047

Order placed. Don't try and hunt my down either. Please
At the risk of someone hunting me down over my posts, my wife's business is linked below. None of my posts are reflective of her, so if you don't like what I put up, don't hold it against her! 😆

She just got her online store up, in the top link at I highly recommend the alfajores, as they're absolutely the best thing she makes, they ship well, and you've probably never had anything like them in your life. Below is a picture of an in-process batch including her brand new chocolate ones. View attachment 272047
Order placed today. Shipped to grand kids.
Everyone, thanks so much for your orders. All the orders up to now will be going out today! All the cookies are in the oven as I speak and the chocolate is setting on the cake pops. I'll be taking them out to ship in the next couple hours

EDIT: between the several VN orders and the regular orders from local customers my wife had to call in the backup (me) to get everything done!
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Home - Imprints Plus

Promotional products distributor. I have been selling more hand sanitizer, gift cards for restaurants, banners, signs, and mailers than ever before.
Business is down considerably as companies are not going to trade shows, networking meeting, chamber meetings, etc. like they were before it hit the fan.

Type your business category in the search bar and it will offer an array of product ideas. You can also type in product names. Some vendors are now offering KN95 masks.
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VN Store
