Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Look at the schedule. LSU will be decent. UGA on offense loses everything. FSU sucks. They get ole Miss in the west. We are basically an auto win for them whether you wanna admit it or not.

They go 11-1 or 10-2 easily next year
It should also be considered what% of football players at the high school and college levels are white.

The proportion between NFL players and NFL coaches doesn't seem that significant. I mean, how many NFL players are going to go coach after a lucrative career? Many coaches start at the HS or college level, where there are plenty of white people.

Most of the elite coaches were guys that played HS and/or college, but didn't play in the NFL. Probably a reason for that.
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They are gonna be peed when they find out they missed the notification that they won a million dollars. Not me.

The guest gifts that @frank hands out at his BBQ's more than make up for it. My best one so far was a trained leprechaun that will do tricks, fetch me bowls of Lucky Charms, and gives me gold from his pot at the end of the rainbow if I ever need it.

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It's a 25 hard cap, 2 year average. So for the '21 class you'd be starting at 23 if you moved 2 forward...

My understanding of how it all works.
'19 class we ended up with 24 (2 to transfers, 1 to walk on, 1 given back for McBride)
'20 class we're sitting at 23 (2 in transfers)

So the assumed max in '20 class is 26 (24+ 26 = 25 average). If we don't use the full 26 and just sign the last 2 commits and finish at 25 (counting Cade/Jones in that 25) then we'd have 25 for '21 class, and the +1 we gained would likely be back counted to the '20 class when a PWO was awarded a scholarship.

I don't know without having all the data the coaching staff has...but I'm not sure counting 2 on the '21 class helps us in anyway sign 27 in the '22 class (next cycle I assume you're referencing).
There's no averaging. It is just 25 per class. Not sure where the averaging thing came from.

Though they did submit a proposal for such a thing this year, where there would be a rolling 2-year limit of 50...but as many as you want each year.
the oldest was 2 when he gave it up by force....the baby brother did not like pacis but loved his bottle. He just turned 2 and is attached to a bottle. I forgot how much of a fight it is to get them off this stuff.
I have a friend who got mad when his mother took his bottle away, so he walked down to the store and bought his own.
Because candidates have said and complained out the legitimacy of these interviews. They talk to the coaches that got the jobs and ask them about their interview process and it’s totally different or half assed.

Also it’s pretty obvious sometimes like when the raiders hired gruden (lol). They interviewed Tee before that. Does anyone really think that Tee was getting a head coaching job in the NfL?
Would anybody have thought that Al Davis would actually hire Lane kiffin?
There's a lot to unpack in your post. It's going to take me a while. :p

Seriously though. I was hoping for a little more meat. All I ever get is "I liked it." I mean, if that's the depth of the analysis, I can see where someone might like it. I've just never seen someone look at it in depth and break down where it's great.

That said, I guess we can agree you like it, I don't, and move on. Obviously, this isn't the place for such topics anyway.
I liked it more probably for many of the reasons you didn't like it. Most star wars movies just rehash the same themes and stories pretty much. I enjoy them all but it was nice to have one kinda go against it. I like how it, when everything seems to be leading to what you would expect from insert star wars movie here, it takes a hard left turn. You talked about how Luke's decisions in that movie go against what was already established as his m.o. so to speak from all the previous movies. Because that's more real imo. People change irl like that based on experiences. Just because he wouldn't have done it in return of the jedi means nothing to what he would choose in later movies other than to show his internal conflicts and hippocrasies that we all experience. I'm pretty sure empire had a lot of people complaining about it at the time of release as well and just like empire, last jedi was intending to further the conflict of the story. Which I think it did. And did well imo. I really enjoyed both jj Abrams movies too. But they felt more like an homage or tribute to the originals and super nostalgic whereas last jedi felt more original by evolving the themes created by Lucas instead of copying them.
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It should also be considered what% of football players at the high school and college levels are are white.

The proportion between NFL players and NFL coaches doesn't seem that significant. I mean, how many NFL players are going to go coach after a lucrative career? Many coaches start at the HS or college level, where there are plenty of whites.

Most of the elite coaches were guys that played HS and/or college, but didn't play in the NFL. Probably a reason for that.
For the long term, I think this would be the best career avenue for Trey Smith
The guest gifts that @frank hands out at his BBQ's more than make up for it. My best one so far was a trained leprechaun that will do tricks, fetch me bowls of Lucky Charms, and gives me gold from his pot at the end of the rainbow if I ever need it.

All these ocd nerds don't know what they're missing.
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