Recruiting Forum: Football Talk XII

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A friend of the Ferguson family told me last October that he was thinking of transferring to UNCC to play ball with his brother... i never brought it up as this group loves the uncles, babysitters, dogwalkers, boyfriend rumors... :)

So no shock just disappointment...
If he kept competing and doing what was expected of him, by his coaches, then he would have had a chance, during the course of the season...if not in fall show what he's got. Whether it be in mop up duty or due to an injury, like last year.

In fact even in the KY game, Dobbs had a bit of a leg injury. Now that he has burned his redshirt season, he would be playing in that type of situation. Way too early to bail.

Travis Henry did the very same thing RF did/is doing. But his mom talked him into sticking with it, and as fortune would have it, he had a major role in UT's fortunes the next few years.
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Not judging, but with more and more information coming out and with where it looks like he will end up, it sounds as if he did not want to put in the work to excel. Sounds like he wants everything handed to him on a silver platter based on his raw talent. Good luck to the kid! I hope he matures and becomes great.
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Not judging, but with more and more information coming out and with where it looks like he will end up, it sounds as if he did not want to put in the work to excel. Sounds like he wants everything handed to him on a silver platter based on his raw talent. Good luck to the kid! I hope he matures and becomes great.

Actually agree with this
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What this shows is just how little VolNation REALLY knows about the players and program. We all heard from insiders and amateur talent evaluators and 'friends of a friend' how good Riley was. And we all got caught up in the image and reputation of Riley Ferguson. None of it was real and the coaches knew it.

We know nothing.
What this shows is just how little VolNation REALLY knows about the players and program. We all heard from insiders and amateur talent evaluators and 'friends of a friend' how good Riley was. And we all got caught up in the image and reputation of Riley Ferguson. None of it was real and the coaches knew it.

We know nothing.

This doesn't mean he isn't talented. It means he is lacking between the ears to be an SEC QB. He can still throw the ball a country mile on point.
This doesn't mean he isn't talented. It means he is lacking between the ears to be an SEC QB. He can still throw the ball a country mile on point.

Agree with this. Sounds very similar to a kid we had that left after his jr. season, only to go un-drafted. Million dollar physical tools and a welfare brain. Pretty unfortunate.
This doesn't mean he isn't talented. It means he is lacking between the ears to be an SEC QB. He can still throw the ball a country mile on point.

I didn't say he lacked a strong arm. I said we all thought he was a good quarterback. A lot of factors go into that. In the end, it was a legend contrived by VN.

I'm sure the coaches knew this all along. Read Ainge's article on TSR. There were signs everywhere. The recruitment of Dobbs at the last minute. Players not electing him as a leader. Two of our quarterbacks going to a QB camp while Riley went home. VN knew most of this ... we just refused to see it.

Again, we know nothing. We speculate. We draw conclusions from limited information. And we hope our team wins games. Anything more that is guesswork...
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Just a word to any Ferguson family members who may think about posting, wanting to "clear the air."

Nothing good will come from it. Log out, forget your password, and support Riley where ever he goes.

Best of luck.
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I didn't say he lacked a strong arm. I said we all thought he was a good quarterback. A lot of factors go into that. In the end, it was a legend contrived by VN.

I'm sure the coaches knew this all along. Read Ainge's article on TSR. There were signs everywhere. The recruitment of Dobbs at the last minute. Players not electing him as a leader. Two of our quarterbacks going to a QB camp while Riley went home. VN knew most of this ... we just refused to see it.

Again, we know nothing. We speculate. We draw conclusions from limited information. And we hope our team wins games. Anything more that is guesswork...

He had the physical abilities to be a good quarterback. Considering that is the most important part of being a QB I wouldn't say he wasn't a good one. :peace2:
This just seems appropriate for some reason...

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Just thinking... Butch's decision to pursue, and push for the Dobbs commitment was huge in hindsight.

Whatever Ferguson's issues: lack of commitment, homesick, grades, general inconsistency... or whatever it may be, it doesn't appear to that Dobbs was a factor. Ferguson was still listed #2 on the depth chart.

Could you imagine if we did not land Dobbs, and with Ferguson leaving, that left Worley, Peterman, and whatever lower tier quarterback we could have managed from last year? Dobbs may, or may not be the next great UT quarterback, but I sure as heck am grateful that he's here, given the alternative.
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Just thinking... Butch's decision to pursue, and push for the Dobbs commitment was huge in hindsight.

Whatever Ferguson's issues: lack of commitment, homesick, grades, general inconsistency... or whatever it may be, it doesn't appear to that Dobbs was a factor. Ferguson was still listed #2 on the depth chart.

Could you imagine if we did not land Dobbs, and with Ferguson leaving, that left Worley, Peterman, and whatever lower tier quarterback we could have managed from last year? Dobbs may, or may not be the next great UT quarterback, but I sure as heck am grateful that he's here, given the alternative.

Agreed. We'd be in a pickle without him, and he sure played lights out in the O&W game.
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Just thinking... Butch's decision to pursue, and push for the Dobbs commitment was huge in hindsight.

Whatever Ferguson's issues: lack of commitment, homesick, grades, general inconsistency... or whatever it may be, it doesn't appear to that Dobbs was a factor. Ferguson was still listed #2 on the depth chart.

Could you imagine if we did not land Dobbs, and with Ferguson leaving, that left Worley, Peterman, and whatever lower tier quarterback we could have managed from last year? Dobbs may, or may not be the next great UT quarterback, but I sure as heck am grateful that he's here, given the alternative.

I'm also grateful he's a hard-working, highly intelligent person. Makes it a lot easier for everyone.
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I'm also grateful he's a hard-working, highly intelligent person. Makes it a lot easier for everyone.

He also may blossom this summer. My understanding is that he never focused exclusively on football in HS, so he may have been underdeveloped coming out. Now that football is his only focus athletically, there's a chance he makes significant improvements this summer. We will see.
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