The Game Plan - 8 in the Box?



May the Orange be with you!
Dec 5, 2013
Let's discuss the game plan.
First the "Givens"
1) Georgia's running game is better than their air attack
2) Georgia's offense is better than their defense
3) UT's defense is better than the offense (just barely)
4) UT's air attack is better than the ground attack.

Does UT come out with 8 in the box on defense and try to limit Gurley/others to some reasonable yardage. This makes Mason and their receivers have to beat one-on-one coverage. Or does UT come out in base defense to see how we do before we move the safety down in the box?

Does UT come out throwing short receiver screens and 6-7 yard outs to see if we can loosen up the run game? Or do we try to run the ball and mix in the passing to keep Georgia off balance?

I think UT runs more receiver screens this game like we did in the 1st game to stretch Georgia's defense. I think our receivers are elusive enough to get away from their DB's. UT will pass (short game) to setup the run. UT's defense will come out in base and wait to see if the D-line can hold up before we bring down the safety.

What say you?
I'd think CBJ will wait and see if he can get a good defense going without moving the safety in, but with Gurley's big play potential I dont know if you want to risk it.
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it better be. ill believe they can throw the ball down the field when i see it. i dont think they can. Not on this secondary.

to say their run game is better than their pass game is an understatement. Their pass game looks like UTs last season.

For UTs Offense the quick passes may be able to bust some big plays and negate their pass rush. However their pass rush hasnt been any better than ours has to this point. Their pass defense is so undisciplined i could see screens, slants, etc atually getting some big gains for us.
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You have to get UGA in passing downs, that means you have to win 1st down. Most likely that means an extra guy in the box and even at that you still have to play really well. If UT is able to put Mason in passing downs its gonna come down to up front pressure and one on one DBs. I think you make the statement on the front end that if your gonna run it against us your gonna have to do it with a loaded box. UGA gets the running game going then starts mixing in play action UT will not be able to get enough stops to win.

The short outs and WR screens really don't loosen up the D to run the ball. Its really an extension of the running game. UT will have to hit some stuff down field to loosen up the box. So far we haven't been able to block long enough to do that so that by itself is the task. The game on this side boils down to the OL and Worley being accurate down the field. Sooner or later the short stuff will get taken away.
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We have to load up the box with deep penetration.

They have a very good offensive line and infinite 5* running backs. We have what has been a pretty impressive defense. We just need to contain them and keep them somewhere around the 20s in total points to give our offense a chance, because our o-line is in for another beating.

Turnovers will be so key in this game for us IMO. We HAVE to have some and pickup good field position with them.
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You have to get UGA in passing downs, that means you have to win 1st down. Most likely that means an extra guy in the box and even at that you still have to play really well. If UT is able to put Mason in passing downs its gonna come down to up front pressure and one on one DBs. I think you make the statement on the front end that if your gonna run it against us your gonna have to do it with a loaded box. UGA gets the running game going then starts mixing in play action UT will not be able to get enough stops to win.

The short outs and WR screens really don't loosen up the D to run the ball. Its really an extension of the running game. UT will have to hit some stuff down field to loosen up the box. So far we haven't been able to block long enough to do that so that by itself is the task. The game on this side boils down to the OL and Worley being accurate down the field. Sooner or later the short stuff will get taken away.

Agree 100%, D must have success on first down. I think they have done well there this year and that's why the 3rd down efficiency looks so good. Different challenge this week though. Limiting UGA to 5yds a carry might be a win but not sure it gets the D where we need it to be on 3rd down.
I believe Gurley and Michel are each averaging over 7 ypc. They're going to get their yards. Our best hope is to contain/limit the big plays.

The best bet is to force Mason to beat you with his arm. Stack the box and leave the corners on an island until UGA shows they can beat us with their passing game.
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The thing about loading up the box is that the offense counters that by just sending out a spread formation with more split out WRs and RBs. That forces the defense to break up that loaded front to account for all those players.

That is fine and dandy because it forces Mason to throw the ball out of that formation...except when it doesn't and they run a draw to Marshall for 30 yards out of it....or they get Gurley out in space with a screen for 25 yards.

Defensive Assignments are going to be so critical on Saturday.
Whatever it takes to not make Gurley look like a Heisman candidate. If that means 8 in the box then so be it. I would definitely cheat the line until they make you pay for it. It's either that or let him run over us... I'd rather take my chances with Mason beating us..
We've got play to stop their run, and play good defense on first down. We've got the corners to cover one on one, and they will have have to because we need load up to stop gurley and co. Or is it Girly?
We can't stop Gurley. We have to find a way to contain him. We will assign extra guys to stop the run until the pass beats us. If we consistently make them predictable with third and longs, we have a great chance to keep it low scoring. If it's low scoring i think we win the football game. Hopefully the OLine steps up, but relying on us to score from behind is not a recipe I like the taste of.
Step 1. Cut a hole in the box.

Step 2. Put your junk in the box.

Step 3. Make her open the box.

That's the way you do it.
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Better have spy/coverage on their TE's and FB coming out of the backfield on swing out passes. GA beats us to death with that and we consistently blow coverage on those plays because we get lax and they pull that stunt at the right time.
We've got play to stop their run, and play good defense on first down. We've got the corners to cover one on one, and they will have have to because we need load up to stop gurley and co. Or is it Girly?

Yup - this week it should be First Down for What
Paul Fortenberry ‏@Volquest_Paul 42s
Three UGA WRs out. RT @AnthonyDasher1: Richt says again that Malcolm Mitchell, Justin Scott-Wesley and Jonathon Rumph won't play against UT.

Yes. Stack the effin box.
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The D scheme begins with the secondary playing one on one press coverage , zone is to vulnerable against the play action dink and dunk. Corner and LB blitzes depending on down and distance along with D line stunts. We must affect the QB. :dunno:
Everyone keeps talking about how our defense is going to stop Gurley, but I think it really boils down to whether or not our offense can eat up the clock with long drives and keep Gurley on the sidelines for as long as possible.
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