The Official Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalist Thread

Trump doesn't really come up in this thread, and I like it that way. Kick rocks with your tds
lol. Sure thing dude. You blame Trump for almost everything just like the other rubes. You want people to believe you aren’t a liberal. But you are.

Question. Why do you occasionally post in this thread when you aren’t a libertarian?
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lol. Sure thing dude. You blame Trump for almost everything just like the other rubes. You want people to believe you aren’t a liberal. But you are.

Question. Why do you occasionally post in this thread when you aren’t a libertarian?
Bussin, 100%, no cap, facts. He tries really hard to get people to think he's someone he isn't. Doesn't really work though. Huffines has major TDS.
lol. Sure thing dude. You blame Trump for almost everything just like the other rubes. You want people to believe you aren’t a liberal. But you are.

Question. Why do you occasionally post in this thread when you aren’t a libertarian?

I don't even talk about Trump that much. You are the one with TDS. You are the one obsessed and deranged about him. You brought him up.
This is every mention I made of Trump in the last week. Not blaming Trump for anything. You guys are the ones obsessed and deranged



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I used to be a big fan of The Skeptical Libertarian and I shared his stuff here many times. The account has been compromised and I gotta disavow the guy. Apparently, it's under new ownership. The old persona was a civil libertarian who posted very frequently about science, didn't attack people in the comments, and I looked to him for opinions about topics I needed help with. And then he fell off. I thought he just stopped posting.

Turns out, he didn't fall off. Managment changed and the posts don't make it into my feed anymore because he has near 0 engagement. I only found out about this because another libertarian I follow has been blocked by tSL while he mocks and insults him in his posts that he can't see. WTF? That doesn't sound like tSL. So I check it out and the page is so bizarrely different now. The entire feed is troll jobs supporting Zionism.

Pretty disappointing.

Have you seen this one? I thought it was a really good interview. Dave is a Mises guy and a Libertarian but in this interview he sounds like a regular conservative for the most part IMO. He was so rational that I went to watch another Dave longform interview (Lex Fridman maybe?) But he spent that entire interview whining about "mean old Israel picking on the innocent people of Gaza" for like 2 hours and I had to turn it off because it was unbearable.

I can tell you who is assembling a VERY strange cult following and thats Bobby Kennedy. Talk about strange bedfellows?? From Aaron Rogers (and Danica Patrick fwiw) to anti-Trump Republicans and Conservatives...there is a VERY weird variety of people who back Kennedy. People whose politics are so far apart that they probably couldnt make it through a dinner without coming to blows. Never seen anything like it. No rational person thinks Kennedy will make any real difference in this election though due to our ridiculous Uniparty politics. At best he will pull a couple % of the vote as an independent like Ross Perot and hopefully the election isnt close enough for him to have an effect.
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Have you seen this one? I thought it was a really good interview. Dave is a Mises guy and a Libertarian but in this interview he sounds like a regular conservative for the most part IMO. He was so rational that I went to watch another Dave longform interview (Lex Fridman maybe?) But he spent that entire interview whining about "mean old Israel picking on the innocent people of Gaza" for like 2 hours and I had to turn it off because it was unbearable.

I can tell you who is assembling a VERY strange cult following and thats Bobby Kennedy. Talk about strange bedfellows?? From libertarians like Dave to Aaron Rogers (and Danica Patrick fwiw) to anti-Trump Republicans and Conservatives...there is a VERY weird variety of people who back Kennedy. People whose politics are so far apart that they probably couldnt make it through a dinner without coming to blows. Never seen anything like it. No rational person thinks Kennedy will make any real difference in this election though due to our ridiculous Uniparty politics. At best he will pull a couple % of the vote as an independent like Ross Perot and hopefully the election isnt close enough for him to have an effect.

hopefully he, or someone does. we really do need to break the cycle. a third party candidate swooping in and causing a hung election would be great to finally end the leashed mindset from both parties. especially if the individual was able to do it with support from both sides.

people should be tired of just voting for their party no matter what. makes no sense to have principles in the primaries and then just turn around and give up on them in the general. if you are going to be a limp fish, just be a limp fish fully and admit it. stop pretending, or actually make a change to actually get something better.
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Dave Smith cares way too much about the culture war, for my liking. And like you say, he's basically just a conservative.

Surprised that he would have that take on Israel. Good for him. He's probably pro-life and they're murdering babies with our support. We shouldn't be picking sides.

Have you seen this one? I thought it was a really good interview. Dave is a Mises guy and a Libertarian but in this interview he sounds like a regular conservative for the most part IMO. He was so rational that I went to watch another Dave longform interview (Lex Fridman maybe?) But he spent that entire interview whining about "mean old Israel picking on the innocent people of Gaza" for like 2 hours and I had to turn it off because it was unbearable.

I can tell you who is assembling a VERY strange cult following and thats Bobby Kennedy. Talk about strange bedfellows?? From libertarians like Dave to Aaron Rogers (and Danica Patrick fwiw) to anti-Trump Republicans and Conservatives...there is a VERY weird variety of people who back Kennedy. People whose politics are so far apart that they probably couldnt make it through a dinner without coming to blows. Never seen anything like it. No rational person thinks Kennedy will make any real difference in this election though due to our ridiculous Uniparty politics. At best he will pull a couple % of the vote as an independent like Ross Perot and hopefully the election isnt close enough for him to have an effect.

Dave is Jewish and drives into the history of the conflict which he is well versed on. It didn't start in October. He also does not support Kennedy and had stated it many times, including during his interview with rfk
hopefully he, or someone does. we really do need to break the cycle. a third party candidate swooping in and causing a hung election would be great to finally end the leashed mindset from both parties. especially if the individual was able to do it with support from both sides.

people should be tired of just voting for their party no matter what. makes no sense to have principles in the primaries and then just turn around and give up on them in the general. if you are going to be a limp fish, just be a limp fish fully and admit it. stop pretending, or actually make a change to actually get something better.

Totally agree. The Uniparty system is destroying this country. We are already bankrupt. Just "living off credit cards" at this point trying to delay the inevitable financial ruin for as long as possible.

Our entire Congress should be tarred and feathered. Removed from office. The federal government should never be allowed to run a deficit in any fiscal year unless there is some nationwide calamity like a World War and the people vote to allow them to exceed their normal revenue. Government is the only business in the US that can lose money every single year and yet somehow continue to operate. Makes me sick.
Dave is Jewish and drives into the history of the conflict which he is well versed on. It didn't start in October. He also does not support Kennedy and had stated it many times, including during his interview with rfk
I removed dave. I thought he did like Bobby, apparently I remembered that wrong. Not gonna listen again, i am sure youre right.

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