Vols Defensive Back Arrested

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Congratulations Kenneth George. You may have ended your career as inmate #7213346 but at least you got to practice for an SEC school for a year. Yeah, great story
Dude. I was talking about his story BEFORE this. I’m not a good artist, so I can’t draw pictures for you.
Dude. I was talking about his story BEFORE this. I’m not a good artist, so I can’t draw pictures for you.
Is there something in his past to point to this behavior. I may have missed hearing anything, but the mind isn't what it used to be lol
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No idea. Seriously I never heard of him till now. You might be right.
Picked up in the spring last year...when we were looking for bodies. He barely played in high school and was working minimum wage jobs. Grew, started working out with the help of his brother and enrolled in juco in Denton, TX. Performed well and got this opportunity. If you followed recruiting, you would’ve heard. He didn’t play much so it’s understandable that you didn’t.
Is there something in his past to point to this behavior. I may have missed hearing anything, but the mind isn't w big at it used to be lol
Nothing arrest worthy that I’ve read. Came across as a late blooming good kid. His older brother has his own business and was a father figure to him.
It will be interesting to see what Pruitt does. Back in 2014, Johnson and O’Brein got similar charges and were allowed to stay on the team. However, they were starters, but they both ended up not finishing their football careers at UT.
Tennessee's A.J. Johnson and Danny O'Brien arrested
Didnt see in the story where they assaulted a police officer, which is a major difference. You can resist arrest and not assualt an officer.
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Picked up in the spring last year...when we were looking for bodies. He barely played in high school and was working minimum wage jobs. Grew, started working out with the help of his brother and enrolled in juco in Denton, TX. Performed well and got this opportunity. If you followed recruiting, you would’ve heard. He didn’t play much so it’s understandable that you didn’t.
Oh, that's who he is! I remember reading the newspaper article about him. Lots of warm fuzzies. That's a sad story indeed. This is not the more familiar tale of athlete stud with years of fan worship and entitlement behind him. Damn, that's a shame.
One night in Anahuac when I was in my 20's and didn't know any better, and was picked up for reckless driving, the cops landed all the blows. But that was after I had called them a bunch of SOB's.

A couple years later I was driving home in my 911 dodging the potholes a couple miles from my house at 9:30 on a Friday night after an unremarkable blind dinner date.

By the way I'm a white boy and the Sheriff who pulled me over was black. He asked me had I been drinking. Though I was stone sober I did, foolishly, admit to having had a glass of wine with dinner. One glass. He said "walk a straight line." I did. I asked him to give me a breath test; he declined. My azz was hauled in, and my nice car was hauled away, and I was unjustly charged with DUI which I was able to plead down to PI by paying a shyster $1000.

So one should be wary of the law. Lessons learned in one's youth.

Everything can't be about that 911. But maybe.
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George faces charges of battery of a police officer, resisting an officer with violence, resisting an officer without violence and disorderly conduct.
Who said he was drunk?

Or does drunk go with disorderly?
This kid shouldn’t be kicked off the team for hitting a cop. He should be kicked off for not knocking the cop out with the punch and then not being able to out run them.

Reasons people become cops:
1. Too stupid and lazy to go to college.
2. Too stupid and lazy to major in something other than criminal justice.
3. Can’t qualify for the Marine Corp.
4. Cousin became sheriff and offered job. It’s better than working the local Hardee’s drive-thru.
5. Enjoys working closely to other men in cop uniforms.
6. Likes harassing black people.
Good point, as I said ( not always ). You know they were trying to throw the book at him.
I know for a fact that a person got arrested and charged with possession of alcohol when they had no alcohol on them and blew a 0.0. Went to court and was pressured by the lawyer to make a deal but didn’t. Ended up winning.

The police can arrest and charge folks for about whatever they want to. Most cops do a great job, it’s the few that do a bad job that makes so many people distrust all of them.
Probably because he was charged with the more serious offenses after he decided he wanted to fight.
They usually charge with every little trumpt up charge they can. They typically don’t hold back.

It’s not like when they pull you over for going 78 but write it up for 59 to cut you a break.
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I'll reserve judgement. I couldn't care less what some cop claims in a report. Cops lie and abuse their authority when in gangs. I found it interested that the cops were in process of arresting another person when the alleged altercation between George and another cop took place. My money is on the cop becoming hostile towards George and George retaliated. Who knows? I've learned that when a cops ego is at stake, the cops will lie to justify arrest. They are not held accountable by fellow cops.
This is quite possibly the dumbest statement i've ever read on here, and that's saying a lot. Congrats
The naivety in which drunk people dont assualt police officers is mind blowing, especially considering the amount of legitimate occurrences in which cops have been ambush while doing morning more than sitting in their.car, or having coffee.
Are you a police officer? If so, I need to be burying the hatchet with you.
This kid shouldn’t be kicked off the team for hitting a cop. He should be kicked off for not knocking the cop out with the punch and then not being able to out run them.

Reasons people become cops:
1. Too stupid and lazy to go to college.
2. Too stupid and lazy to major in something other than criminal justice.
3. Can’t qualify for the Marine Corp.
4. Cousin became sheriff and offered job. It’s better than working the local Hardee’s drive-thru.
5. Enjoys working closely to other men in cop uniforms.
6. Likes harassing black people.
They usually charge with every little trumpt up charge they can. They typically don’t hold back.

It’s not like when they pull you over for going 78 but write it up for 59 to cut you a break.
If a cop writes you a ticket for 59 after getting you at 78, I would urge anyone to take that to court and make the officer admit to lying on a citation, especially if they are wearing a body cam or ask if they have a car cam. Most cops have one or both.
As a proud law enforcement officer, I find the anti police rhetoric in this thread horrifying. I'm honestly deeply saddened that some people can be this blind to what police face every day. Sure, there are bad apples in our ranks but there are bad attorneys, teachers, preachers, factory workers etc. Funny how you never see the 1% of those professions representing the other 99%. Some of you people are sickening.
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