War in Ukraine

The Ukrainiacs in this thread are very similar to the Branch Covidians from a few years ago. They will deny angrily deny reality to hold on to their fairy tale belief.

As Twain said, "It is easier to fool someone than it is for them to admit they were fooled".

They'll never admit the mistake or the wrong, rinse and repeat. The best is these people acting like they care. Evil people imo, not fooled... evil.
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The Ukrainiacs in this thread are very similar to the Branch Covidians from a few years ago. They will deny angrily deny reality to hold on to their fairy tale belief.

As Twain said, "It is easier to fool someone than it is for them to admit they were fooled".

The reality of what "western-installed government" looks like.

I think the issue is - context. You had the government officials, representatives, and the media gaslighting all this from the beginning. And you had the United States telling the Ukraine what to do i.e. wait till there is a better opportunity to negotiate. In the meantime, 100s of thousands of people have died for no reason. All the shovels, washing machine parts, Putin is dying of cancer for the fifth time, the ghost, transsexual PR person, U.S. equipment is the best in the world, etc. has now run its course i.e. United States nonsense.

I would say Russia's goals at the beginning in 2022 are different what they are now, at that point they were more interested in NATO not being there and getting rid of the Western installed government. The situation is completely different now, so what is a win? I would say Russia is getting what they want even though they probably never envisioned this happening like this. At the end of the day, the Ukraine loses no matter what whether or not Russia gets everything they want.

The best time for a deal for the Ukraine was yesterday - every day that goes by it will most likely get worse.

I don't know if Russia will "win" (or know what that means) but the Ukraine is and will continue to lose.

Astute geostrategic analysis, courtesy of an Earl. Pass your thoughts along to the Pentagon so they can have a laugh.

Thousands of people have died "for no reason." Really? What a stupid statement. In fact, Ukrainians have been defending their country and their freedom, clown man. Can you imagine: They think maintaining their independence and sovereignty is important; they don't wish to have their territory stolen by a thug dictator; they don't wish to be under the boot of a thug dictator. Europe and the U.S. understand the stakes. The Earls? Not so much. If Russia or another country were invading the United States, killing innocent people, destroying cities, you might feel differently.
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Astute geostrategic analysis, courtesy of an Earl. Pass your thoughts along to the Pentagon so they can have a laugh.

What analysis? Its basic observation. 🤣

Thousands of people have died "for no reason." Really? What a stupid statement.

Yep, for no reason just like all the United States personnel in Afghanistan, in Iraqi, in Syria, in Libya, etc. died for no real reason or purpose. Well, technically there was a reason - neocons have a bunch of reasons. Yes, I'm sure the guys getting thrown into vans are appreciating all the reasons right now. Actually, according to what you implied, those United States invaders deserved what they got as they were commanded by a thug dictator. (its really easy to just throw those words around) Maybe you would feel different if it were your country being invaded, right? (see anyone can do that)

Ole well, the meat grinder will go on until moral improves. I hope your meat grinding goes well.
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Astute geostrategic analysis, courtesy of an Earl. Pass your thoughts along to the Pentagon so they can have a laugh.

Thousands of people have died "for no reason." Really? What a stupid statement. In fact, Ukrainians have been defending their country and their freedom, clown man. Can you imagine: They think maintaining their independence and sovereignty is important; they don't wish to have their territory stolen by a thug dictator; they don't wish to be under the boot of a thug dictator. Europe and the U.S. understand the stakes. The Earls? Not so much. If Russia or another country were invading the United States, killing innocent people, destroying cities, you might feel differently.

You seem to leave out a lot of relevant context. This war has been brewing for over a decade with many chances for The Western Death Cult's proxy to negotiate peace with their neighbor but the Western Death Cult never wanted peace nor did they ultimately care what happened to their dumb proxy.

While it is quite satisfying to watch The Western Death Cult get humiliated once again, I empathize with the Ukrainian people who were sacrificed.
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What analysis? Its basic observation. 🤣

Yep, for no reason just like all the United States personnel in Afghanistan, in Iraqi, in Syria, in Libya, etc. died for no real reason or purpose. Well, technically there was a reason - neocons have a bunch of reasons. Yes, I'm sure the guys getting thrown into vans are appreciating all the reasons right now. Actually, according to what you implied, those United States invaders deserved what they got as they were commanded by a thug dictator. (its really easy to just throw those words around) Maybe you would feel different if it were your country being invaded, right? (see anyone can do that)

Ole well, the meat grinder will go on until moral improves. I hope your meat grinding goes well.

You're just blathering nonsensically. You don't know what you're talking about, clearly.
You seem to leave out a lot of relevant context. This war has been brewing for over a decade with many chances for The Western Death Cult's proxy to negotiate peace with their neighbor but the Western Death Cult never wanted peace nor did they ultimately care what happened to their dumb proxy.

While it is quite satisfying to watch The Western Death Cult get humiliated once again, I empathize with the Ukrainian people who were sacrificed.

The invasion began 10 years ago, and no one forced Putin to start it to begin with.

You know this though, you're just being your typical disingenuous self, concern trolling for Ukraine while you cheer on Russia raping and murdering civilians.
You seem to leave out a lot of relevant context. This war has been brewing for over a decade with many chances for The Western Death Cult's proxy to negotiate peace with their neighbor but the Western Death Cult never wanted peace nor did they ultimately care what happened to their dumb proxy.

While it is quite satisfying to watch The Western Death Cult get humiliated once again, I empathize with the Ukrainian people who were sacrificed.

Wait till you tell him the Ukraine had troop in Iraqi. (Nobody cares about any of those people, its funny watching them play the part.... next it will be Taiwan or some poor African nation.)
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You seem to leave out a lot of relevant context. This war has been brewing for over a decade with many chances for The Western Death Cult's proxy to negotiate peace with their neighbor but the Western Death Cult never wanted peace nor did they ultimately care what happened to their dumb proxy.

While it is quite satisfying to watch The Western Death Cult get humiliated once again, I empathize with the Ukrainian people who were sacrificed.

What nonsense. The longest sustainable period of Global Peace is thanks to the United States and the West. Prior to USA hegemony, you had two Global World Wars that were responsible for over 90 Million deaths. These wars were initiated by Autocrats (Czars, Kaisers, etc.) or Fascists/Communists (Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin).

Don't give me this whole Western Death Cult nonsense. Putin (another autocrat) clearly started all of these issues. If you take his regime out of the equation, there wouldn't be any violence. Russia-Ukraine were fine during the Boris Yeltsin era.
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What nonsense. The longest sustainable period of Global Peace is thanks to the United States and the West. Prior to USA hegemony, you had two Global World Wars that were responsible for over 90 Million deaths. These wars were initiated by Autocrats (Czars, Kaisers, etc.) or Fascists/Communists (Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin).

Don't give me this whole Western Death Cult nonsense. Putin (another autocrat) clearly started all of these issues. If you take his regime out of the equation, there wouldn't be any violence. Russia-Ukraine were fine during the Boris Yeltsin era.

So, let me get this right invasions are good if its for your team and we all pretend the War for Independence, War of 1812, American Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, War to overthrown Central American governments, Panama, Libya, Iraqi, Syria, Yemen, Bosnia, etc didn't happen.

Under your theory, Hitler would have been the hero of the world if he won as there wouldn't have been anyone else to fight. Another way to put it is, during the United States brief history in which it has been a major party... the world has had the largest global wars.


Russia-Ukraine were fine during the Boris Yeltsin era

Why is any of this the United States' business anyway? Russia had a problem with all of this since the mid-90s, they found another solution for their immediate problem i.e. tactical nuclear weapons, see U.S. congressional report which I posted a year or two ago.
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So, let me get this right invasions are good if its for your team and we all pretend the War for Independence, War of 1812, American Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, War to overthrown Central American governments, Panama, Libya, Iraqi, Syria, Yemen, Bosnia, etc didn't happen.

Under your theory, Hitler would have been the hero of the world if he won as there wouldn't have been anyone else to fight.


This is why people call you a joke on here. This post clearly shows you didn't read or understand my post. You literally talk to walls on this message board with your stupidity.

Under American leadership, the World has went through one of its most peaceful runs. It hasn't been perfect and there still has been wars but it is called the Long Peace. I doubt you care because you don't even act like a rational human being but here is a video to give some context:

Now you could argue that perhaps Nuclear Weapons, fall out from how bad WW2 was, or other factors played a part to but you weren't smart enough or engaged enough to even bring up those counter-points.
This is why people call you a joke on here. This post clearly shows you didn't read or understand my post. You literally talk to walls on this message board with your stupidity.

Under American leadership, the World has went through one of its most peaceful runs. It hasn't been perfect and there still has been wars but it is called the Long Peace. I doubt you care because you don't even act like a rational human being but here is a video to give some context:

Now you could argue that perhaps Nuclear Weapons, fall out from how bad WW2 was, or other factors played a part to but you weren't smart enough or engaged enough to even bring up those counter-points.

You're not really saying anything. There has been no long peace, where the **** have you been - hasn't been that way since the United States entered the discussion.

But I get your point, invasions are good if its your team. If only Hitler had won. If Hitler had won, none of these wars would be going on.
😂 What you are talking about is pure evil. "I will kill whoever I want, for whatever reason, whenever I chose...... because Peace.... because Freedom.... because Democracy!!!!" (make up stupid slogan)

We get it.... we really do... some people are just evil. Nobody is confused, its called evil. Just like all the fake caring about the Ukrainians or Iraqis or Afgans.... its all made up crap.

(now you can go on with your mostly peaceful meat grinding)
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You're not really saying anything. There has been no long peace, where the **** have you been - hasn't been that way since the United States entered the discussion.

But I get your point, invasions are good if its your team. If only Hitler had won. If Hitler had won, none of these wars would be going on.
😂 What you are talking about is pure evil. "I will kill whoever I want, for whatever reason, whenever I chose...... because Peace.... because Freedom.... because Democracy!!!!" (make up stupid slogan)

We get it.... we really do... some people are just evil. Nobody is confused, its called evil. Just like all the fake caring about the Ukrainians or Iraqis or Afgans.... its all made up crap.

(now you can go on with your mostly peaceful meat grinding)

Please go seek help, you got real issues.
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Please go seek help, you got real issues.

Yeah. You just making up **** to make yourself feel better about all the killings your country has been involved in, and I need help. Anyone can justify anything, just say the magic words - Peace, Freedom, Sovereignty, Liberty, etc.


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