We lost one of our own

Larry was immersed in the blood of the lamb. He is in the presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All my best wishes and prayers for his family to be comforted in the promise of everlasting life and God bless them all.

Thanks. That's good to know.

Prayers sent for his family and our cancer fighters and their families.
MBRO meets St. George Cafego at the pearly gates... St. George says who won the last game you watched?... MBRO says the VOLS whipped vandy....... St. George says Welcome to Heaven!

RIP MBRO, condolences to your friends and family, and may the good memories last forever and celebrate your times spent together.
I will never forget OWH's sister telling me at his funeral what Volnation meant to him. She immediately started telling me thank you for the love we showed him.

I hope MRBO conveyed to his family how much we cared about him.
I know this is tge football forum, but wanted to post here for a minute so more would see. A lot of you know @MyBloodRunnethOrange , his real name was Larry. He posted all over, but hung out in tge zone and pub a lot. I had the pleasure of not just knowing him here, but we became friends on Facebook, and texted one another. He had a tumor a while back, and has been a fighter, but sadly lost that battle yesterday morning. His wife texted me a little while ago, and her and his kids could use your prayers. Mods, sorry to post in here, but I wanted folks to see it and know. He was a veteran, loved God, his wife, kids, and Tennessee, and Volnation.
Rest In Peace. Thank you Joe for posting this. We may not know him or his family but we can still pray for them. Especially at this time of year.
Man, this sucks. It's crazy, all these names that you get used to seeing on here, you almost forget they're actually people behind the username sometimes. I never really interacted with him much, but his username always stuck in my mind as being an awesome one. I'm not very religious or anything of that sort, but I really hope for the best for his family and loved ones. RIP Larry, and keep cheering strong for the Big Orange on the other side!
I remember losing Cyclops, Gramps, and RichRollin. These posts always make me reflect.

Volnation is a special place because of all the characters on here.

Hug on your family this Christmas.

Don't forget DDuncans wife. Cancer is a hideous disease and nothing a person should have to go through.
I know this is tge football forum, but wanted to post here for a minute so more would see. A lot of you know @MyBloodRunnethOrange , his real name was Larry. He posted all over, but hung out in tge zone and pub a lot. I had the pleasure of not just knowing him here, but we became friends on Facebook, and texted one another. He had a tumor a while back, and has been a fighter, but sadly lost that battle yesterday morning. His wife texted me a little while ago, and her and his kids could use your prayers. Mods, sorry to post in here, but I wanted folks to see it and know. He was a veteran, loved God, his wife, kids, and Tennessee, and Volnation.

RIP. So sad to hear this news.
I know this is tge football forum, but wanted to post here for a minute so more would see. A lot of you know @MyBloodRunnethOrange , his real name was Larry. He posted all over, but hung out in tge zone and pub a lot. I had the pleasure of not just knowing him here, but we became friends on Facebook, and texted one another. He had a tumor a while back, and has been a fighter, but sadly lost that battle yesterday morning. His wife texted me a little while ago, and her and his kids could use your prayers. Mods, sorry to post in here, but I wanted folks to see it and know. He was a veteran, loved God, his wife, kids, and Tennessee, and Volnation.
Thanks Joe for posting this.

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