What are they going to do?

What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.

well we kinda whipped tail the last half of last season... the problem now is we've gone backwards and players/qb's haven't been developed
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.
I don’t know, I’ve been contemplating that for 20 years, what to do if it ever happened?
Oh well I think I’ve got maybe 10 more years to think about it at least
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.
Look at reality. That post is mighty curious in light of the last 3 weeks.
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.

I refuse to become a Georgia fan and will instead opt to die of shock.
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.

I've been waiting 13 years for this. Still nothing. I got married and have had 3 children, 2 houses and 2 jobs in 2 different states since the last time Tennessee "whipped tail".
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.

They will cheer for the Vols and enjoy the success of the team they love. The implication that "hardcore Negavols" will somehow resent the success of the team and bail out is absurd.
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.
I still remember several who dogged Rick Barnes. Made ridiculous comments. No where to be found under those screen names now. In my way of thinking why literally cry like a four year old on here day after day with some post that are hard to even read. I hope like crazy things turn around. Will they? IDK and they don't either. Looks rough right now. But why have all that negativity on record that can come back and make one look so foolish? If you're correct about all the negative things what does it prove? OK...you were right. But man, the payout if you are wrong will be huge! JMO....actually it's all kinda silly.
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What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.

Sing your praises as the ultimate super fan from the top of Summit Hill?
I think the term negavols is a little overplayed. If there are still Vols fans still around here after the "crap" show that we have incurred over the past 12-13 years who seem downtrodden, jaded, or hopeless, and they were around for the good times, then I think it's more of a badge of honor. I think people are very fatigued from witnessing the same incompetence over and over and over again through 3 different coaching regimes and a very public failed coaching hire.
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.
Better question is what are those with their heads buried in the sand going to do now? Can you seriously be "positive" about what we're seeing?

There are at least 3 camps. Negavols... a sometimes loud minority who truly won't be happy. Posivols... who think that refusing to see problems will make them go away.... a sometimes condescending minority. Realistic fans... who are willing to see both the positive and negative then reasonably discuss both/either.
I think the term negavols is a little overplayed. If there are still Vols fans still around here after the "crap" show that we have incurred over the past 12-13 years who seem downtrodden, jaded, or hopeless, and they were around for the good times, then I think it's more of a badge of honor. I think people are very fatigued from witnessing the same incompetence over and over and over again through 3 different coaching regimes and a very public failed coaching hire.
If that's the case and people are truly traumatized by following the Vols what does it say about them. If there's anything in my life that does that to me I would hope I'd have enough common sense to leave it alone. But I understand the point you're trying to make. Maybe I'm just wired differently.
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If that's the case and people are truly traumatized by following the Vols what does it say about them. If there's anything in my life that does that to me I would hope I'd have enough common sense to leave it alone. But I understand the point you're trying to make. Maybe I'm just wired differently.

I don't think anyone has to be traumatized or have their life impacted to in order to write something negative on a message board. My point is that if people have been around for a long time and have witnessed the good with the bad and stayed around through the last 12-13 years, that says a lot about them. I am disgusted with this program. It doesn't affect my daily life (only Saturdays). But I continue to be a fan. People can write negative things but I think it's more about people being worn out by what UT continues to roll out.
Better question is what are those with their heads buried in the sand going to do now? Can you seriously be "positive" about what we're seeing?

There are at least 3 camps. Negavols... a sometimes loud minority who truly won't be happy. Posivols... who think that refusing to see problems will make them go away.... a sometimes condescending minority. Realistic fans... who are willing to see both the positive and negative then reasonably discuss both/either.

There are only two groups not three. People who get labeled as "nega vol" are just realistic people who were raised by their mammas to call B.S. very loudly when they see B.S.

When Tennessee is dominant again there will be no such thing as "nega vol" because those people will finally get what they always expected to get.

The problem the inhabitants of this board have is that they have no alternative frame of reference. The last time Tennessee was a good football team, this message board and social media didn't exist. There was no twitter or facebook or even myspace the last time Tennessee was good. Hell, the internet was still in its adolescence.

Alternatively, teams like Alabama have been so good for so long that nobody on the internet has ever seen a "mad Alabama fan", so they think Tennessee fans are somehow uniquely miserable which is entirely not the case. Unless you're old enough, you wouldn't know and therefor wouldn't know the other side of the story.

If Tennessee ever gets its head out of its own @ss then people would finally see what the rest of the world is actually like.
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.
I can only speak for one miserable Vol fan and that is myself. I will be so happy to be winning that I will gladly pile up a plate of crow on the Volnation Buffett table, but CJP a beer and a steak, disavow all my negative comments, and just revel in being wrong.
Do you REALLY think we enjoy losing and losing badly? Seriously? We are negative because we DESPISE losing. I really don’t understand how some Vol fans continue to live with it year after year after year after year.
What are The Legion of Miserables going to do when we put it all together and start whipping tail? A lot of screen names will be changed that's for sure. I don't think the hardcore Negavols will be able to handle it and will become Georgia fans, the original Legion of Misery.
lol seems like a bad choice to escape misery. Not sure trading October misery for December misery is the way to go. Bama/Clemson seems the safest choice to avoid it.
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