What is Jimmy Haslam and Curries deal?



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
Merge if necessary, I know it’s been discussed In some threads but does anyone know what in world is going on in their heads for them to pick guys like Greg Schiano and david doeren? When we have guys like Mike Leach, Tee, Kiffin, miles even Sumlin out there?
Did they fire butch with Schiano in mind? This all just baffles me I feel like I’m in lala Land right now. Do we not want to beat Bama Florida and Uga every year? I thought that was the goal!
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Merge if necessary, I know it’s been doscussed In some threads but does anyone know what in world is going on in their heads for them to pick guys like Greg Schiano and david doeren? When we have guys like Mike Leach, Tee, Kiffin, miles even Sumlin out there?
Did they fire butch with Schiano in mind? This all just baffles me I feel like I’m in lala Land right now. Do we not want to beat Bama Florida and Uga every year? I thought that was the goal!

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One is an entitled, bullying a-hole and the other is resides in the entitled one's a-hole. As to who is who, it really doesn't matter.

Neither knows jack about football.

To hire Dave Doeren at this school would have been worse than the hiring of Billy Tyndall and Tyndall could actually coach.
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They don't want a power coach like Saban or Kiffin. They like to control Mullen types
Sorry they did not even have enough sense to hire Mullen. "Botch" should have been fired after the UGA beat down.

Call placed to Mullen to get one of their memorandum of agreements in-place that J&C are so fond of and announced the hire on Thanksgiving night. But of course, that would have actually required having some intelligence to pull it off.
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Merge if necessary, I know it’s been doscussed In some threads but does anyone know what in world is going on in their heads for them to pick guys like Greg Schiano and david doeren? When we have guys like Mike Leach, Tee, Kiffin, miles even Sumlin out there?
Did they fire butch with Schiano in mind? This all just baffles me I feel like I’m in lala Land right now. Do we not want to beat Bama Florida and Uga every year? I thought that was the goal!

If Jimmy Haslam and Currie is in charge then we are in trouble. You got two good coaches who want the Tennessee jobs and they will not even talk to them. Lane Kiffin, and Les Miles. I guess Haslam is running UT like he runs the Cleveland Browns. What do they have 1 win in two years. Enough of these two Bozos.
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What a shame. I just don’t know where we go from here. Even if we end up making a decent hire Currie has got to go
Hopefully the report of Haslam calling state legislators is true, that's gonna end up blowing up in his damn face. Instead of trying to force a coach nobody wants down the fans throats he better be devising a defense plan because while he hasn't been charged with anything on the rebate scandal he's nowhere near scott free
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Hopefully the report of Haslam calling state legislators is true, that's gonna end up blowing up in his damn face. Instead of trying to force a coach nobody wants down the fans throats he better be devising a defense plan because while he hasn't been charged with anything on the rebate scandal he's nowhere near scott free
Watching with great interest the trial in Federal Court in Chattanooga...
My uncle is friends with some high level boosters and they tell him that Haslam and Currie have the attitude that the fanbase are basically yokels who should not have any say in the hire because they don't have the sophistication to know who a good coach would be for the university. They feel like they need to control the process completely for the good of the athletic program.

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