Who did we lose?

Who did we lose?

Been waiting for that one.....BOOM!
You do realize that adding a large number of players to a system creates chaos until they are fully integrated. That is the case no matter how good they are. There is no seasoned core to help them learn the system and we have to let them learn through "trial by fire"

Apparently not in Tuscaloosa.
Other schools seem to accomplish it.....
Please name one that started where ours was last year. If you are talking Georgia, they were loaded with talent when their new coach took over. They were 10-2 when they fired their coach.
Just goes to show that those rankings are for entertainment purposes only. Not sure how he was classified as a dual threat guy. We've seen more than our share of 5 star disappointments over the years. Seems like more of late though. Guess it's why I don't get too worked up over the class ratings anymore. Just hope that our staff knows a player when they see one. So far, I'm encouraged.

I'm glad your encouraged, me, not so much, the team looks so unprepared and uncoached that it makes one wonder, what have the coaches been doing for the last year, how do the Vols keeeeeeeep getting worse?
How do you expect to have a seasoned core in 14 games?

Maybe we should ask Mack Brown UNC is 2-0 this year and they were 2 -10 last year with a 7 year Larry Fedora culture. They beat USCe and Miami this year .Those 2 are no GSU or BYU but they are 2 Power 5 teams . We have never beat Muschamp ever. there 's still that insurmountable hurdle.
Maybe we should ask Mack Brown UNC is 2-0 this year and they were 2 -10 last year with a 7 year Larry Fedora culture. They beat USCe and Miami this year .Those 2 are no GSU or BYU but they are 2 Power 5 teams . We have never beat Muschamp ever. there 's still that insurmountable hurdle.
You are right. Burn the program down.
You do realize that adding a large number of players to a system creates chaos until they are fully integrated. That is the case no matter how good they are. There is no seasoned core to help them learn the system and we have to let them learn through "trial by fire"
But it that is true or would also have been true last year, the question remains, why the regression?
DL was expected to be an issue to begin with, DB and LB were not, even with all that the defense played well enough Saturday to win. The GA St game is on the coaching staff, even then we should've won by 20. Our complete offense came back, so that shouldn't be as bad as we've seen. The defense was a question mark, but again no one expected it to be this bad. So who exactly did we lose that wasn't expected that would cause a complete meltdown that we've seen so far?
The offense played well enough to win, defensive breakdowns ultimately cost us the game.
But it that is true or would also have been true last year, the question remains, why the regression?
There are more very talented freshmen playing. A new offensive scheme and more of the defensive scheme in place. It is more complicated than most fans understand. New DC calling the plays and I don't think they are completely in sync yet from that standpoint. If we don't see significant improvement in the execution (I do not care if we win by 1 or 1000) this weekend, I will be concerned. Less mental mistakes are a must.

Lastly, they have got to get JG over his shell shocked state, so he can look at the progression first and not who is going to hit him, or it is time for him to have some alone time on the bench. Until that happens he will continue to be late on progressions.
I'm glad your encouraged, me, not so much, the team looks so unprepared and uncoached that it makes one wonder, what have the coaches been doing for the last year, how do the Vols keeeeeeeep getting worse?

Right now our best players are in the minority and young. As we continue to recruit and graduate, that will change. The key is to find a quarterback. We've got to find our guy. That one position has to be solid for any program to be successful. We've seen it in Knoxville and in every other team. If you don't have the right trigger man, you're just going to struggle. I think it's very telling that Pruitt would bring in an injured transfer from Maryland for next year. Tells me he suspects JG will move on and he's just not secure with what he has on the roster right now. Yeah, we've got what appears to be a very talented qb coming in, but as we all should know by now, recruiting rankings don't mean much. Until he gets on campus and faces live fire, you just never know how he's going to respond and play. Know it's not what folks want to hear, but we really are another couple of recruiting classes away from seeing the worm turn for this program....assuming we have solid classes.
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I defended him some last year.
I said he struggled but we needed to see what would happen if he wasnā€™t running for his life all the time. I said we just didnā€™t know.

Heā€™s had time to throw. Heā€™s not running for his life. And heā€™s actually worse because of it.
Seems like a good kid but just doesnā€™t have it.

Time to try someone else.
If we have anyone

I still have 3 years of eligibility. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø (I would probably turn pro after my junior year) Iā€™m 42, in relatively good shape and most of my Saturdays are free. (My son mows the grass and my weekend golf is on Sunday afternoons.) We couldā€™ve won state back in 94 if the coach wouldā€™ve just put me in. Iā€™ll go redeem that. Just say when.
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I defended him some last year.
I said he struggled but we needed to see what would happen if he wasnā€™t running for his life all the time. I said we just didnā€™t know.

Heā€™s had time to throw. Heā€™s not running for his life. And heā€™s actually worse because of it.
Seems like a good kid but just doesnā€™t have it.

Time to try someone else.
If we have anyone

Yea, This is where I am. I argued with several that I thought he could and would improve under Chaney and Wienke. I don't think it was unreasonable to think so, but it seems I was wrong.
The offense played well enough to win, defensive breakdowns ultimately cost us the game.

I'm going to disagree with you on this one. The defense held them to 13 points for most of the game. The offense left a lot a points on the field, the QB is what hindered this team. A couple of throws on target and we win by 10, but he didn't do that.

Was the defensive breakdown bad? Yeah it was, but for the most part, they did their job. It was the offense that let the defense down.
I'm going to disagree with you on this one. The defense held them to 13 points for most of the game. The offense left a lot a points on the field, the QB is what hindered this team. A couple of throws on target and we win by 10, but he didn't do that.

Was the defensive breakdown bad? Yeah it was, but for the most part, they did their job. It was the offense that let the defense down.

CJC did his part, the OL showed up for the most part, WR were open.......JG didn't execute. He could have easily put 30+ points on the board. Game should have been over early in the 4th quarter. I've underestimated him......I think he is good for not scoring 7-14 points a game. He is a one man handicapper. So far at least.
Unless you don't include the starting DL, our best DB, our third best DB, our best DT on the roster, and our best LB.
My advice, bad idea to speak sense right now. Only 3 starters return from last years defense after those losses. But, lets fire everyone after a year and hire an established coach, because lord knows they would line up for that job. Dang it, I just broke my own advice.
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I think JG's problem is Keller Chryst. He doesn't have anyone pushing him. Last year there was competition at qb and JG knew he had to work hard in practice or KC would take his job. Like it or not Shroud and Maurer aren't pushing him.
Biggest thing really is Guarantanoā€™s play. Actually pretty good last year, given the protection. This year is atrocious so far. Checking down before the snap, missing open receivers, etc..

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