Who here was happier about the Bama loss than the Tennessee win?

My response was to answer the question of why I was glad Bama lost.
You need a reason to be glad when Bama loses?
I merely stated I was glad they lost due to the effect that them being selected had on FSU and the ACC.
Virtually none that wasn't already in play. The ACC pretty much did it to themselves with expansion. Did they think they were going to become a better football conference adding the teams they added? They designed a weak conference and it hurt FSU. They did that... not the SEC.
That comment has no bearing on who or who may not be the best team. It is a statement of fact that all that is happening with FSU and the uproar within the ACC is because of the committee showing precedence to Bama and the SEC. And that is why I am glad that the SEC team lost and will not be playing for a title.
So it has no bearing except that you have to point to it to prove your argument? That is exactly what you just did. Sorry but you can't selectively exclude things just because they don't support your position. Bama was a better team. The stated purpose of the committee was to put the best 4 teams in the playoff. If they had put FSU in over Bama then they would not have performed their purpose. And the competitiveness of the two conferences has EVERYTHING to do with making and justifying that decision.

If it has negative implications for the ACC then no one is responsible for that outside of the ACC. FWIW, the ACC commissioner was a key reason the playoff wasn't expanded to 12 teams this year. In a 12 team field, FSU is in.
The committee has always been biased.
Biased toward the more competitive conferences and teams and against the lesser ones? Yes. And rightly so. In the 9 year history of the CPF, the SEC has won it 6 times. Clemson won it twice. OSU won it once. So 3 separate programs that survived the SEC won it. Only Clemson and OSU won it otherwise. Other than the simple, undeniable reality that FSU didn't deserve to be in... there is still good reason to respect the SEC champion given the prior success.
They left out a Big 12 team years ago and the reason was because the team did not win a conference championship - the Big 12 did not have a championship game so they added one to appease the committee.
Can you cite proof that the reason they left them out was because they didn't have a championship game? Or was it because like FSU the schedule was deemed to be weak?
This has never been about the "best" teams but the "best money" teams of those which qualify. Those who think it is about the best or most deserving are fooling themselves. When a choice is to be made - money wins.
That might sound like a good and noble argument but the fact is that particularly in this case FSU did not deserve to be in. The one team with an argument vs Bama is UGA... and Bama beat UGA. You are wrong but even if you weren't... the committee put the "best" four teams in.
As for championships - I am a firm believer that a team should have to WIN a conference championship to qualify for the playoffs. Otherwise, there is no need for any conference to exist.
Bama did that. They won what has very clearly been the best conference in CFB only rivaled to a degree by the B1G for about 20 years. But no, Liberty won their conference and went undefeated. They didn't deserve to be in the play off. It would be manifestly stupid in a 4 team selection to simply choose the winners of the ACC and Big 12 without regard to the competition they played even if the better team did not win their conference.

The new scheme will render that point moot. Even though it is likely that the Big 12 and Pac whatever will produce subpar entries... the 5 champions will likely get what amounts to automatic berths.

BTW, I hate the 12 team format. It gives 4 teams byes which is a big advantage. They should have gone with 8 or 16.

IMHO, the future of the conferences specifically regarding football is in jeopardy regardless. I think it is time to take the top 64 programs and divide them into eight 8 team divisions with the winners advancing to a 3 round playoff. This should become a separate entity from the NCAA leaving other sports and conferences as they are.
I'm one of those people who root for TN in whatever sport they're playing (football, basketball, baseball, softball, etc.), but I really couldn't care less about the SEC in general or SEC opponents when they're playing each other. It doesn't thrill or bother me anytime Bama wins/loses any more or less if Ole Miss, LSU, or Missouri wins/loses. I'm also not one of these "root for SEC over ACC, B1G, or whatever other conference) people. I just care about TN. That's just me I guess.

Except FL. Anytime the Gators lose I'm happy. It could be lacrosse and I'd still be happy. I guess I'm showing I went to school in the 90s. 🤣
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Tennessee winning always takes the top spot, but Bama losing was pretty close. I said the team they had this year wasn’t national championship caliber all the way back in the off-season. They almost proved me wrong, but glad they didn’t.
I really only care when we beat Alabama but there is a part of me that was happy Alabama (and Georgia) aren't winning for the sake of parity and college football.
In most cases, of course I'm happier about Tennessee winning. However, I'm not going to lie. I reacted much stronger to seeing Alabama lose last night than I did to Tennessee winning.
I am always happier when Tennessee wins in any sport. I worry more about how my team play rather than how any other team plays.
Yeah... except he did want to argue but just wanted to exclude facts that destroyed his argument. It would be like me claiming to be a billionaire then saying, "But you can't look at my financial holdings".

Which "strawman" are you referring to?

PS- You can't just spew non-sense onto a board like this then shut off differing opinions by declaring "I don't want to argue about this/that". When you make an argument, your premise as well as your reasoning from that premise are fair game.
We will have to agree to disagree on this one. I generally like your posts.
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Spot on mostly. While I don't believe in karma, what happened to Bama (I'm an SEC fan as well and not a hater) is poetic justice. I usually like to see SEC teams at the top of the heap BUT what happened to FSU (regardless if they weren't the best team by someone's opinion) is simply absurd and wrong. No amount of debating will change the core issue. So...I'm of the opinion Bama should never have been there in the first place. I don't like pulling against the SEC in those situations but this one, at least for me, was different. I know one thing...Bama's OL needs some work. Especially the way they looked in the first half. AND...no way Michigan was giving up the middle of the line on that last play. I was STUNNED Bama tried to plow into the middle...especially the way Michigan had destroyed their OL all night. As much as I dislike the West Coast in anything....I guess I'll pull for Washington...mainly because of Pennix.... JMO
Who knows if FSU would have had all the transfers and opt outs if they had been given the opportunity to at least participate? They were decimated by the portal, injuries, and opt outs, but, they earned the right to let it be decided on the field.
Who knows if FSU would have had all the transfers and opt outs if they had been given the opportunity to at least participate? They were decimated by the portal, injuries, and opt outs, but, they earned the right to let it be decided on the field.
💯% agree. But I’m fairly certain IF they were in the playoffs the opt outs, etc wouldn’t have happened.
Yeah... except he did want to argue but just wanted to exclude facts that destroyed his argument. It would be like me claiming to be a billionaire then saying, "But you can't look at my financial holdings".

Which "strawman" are you referring to?

PS- You can't just spew non-sense onto a board like this then shut off differing opinions by declaring "I don't want to argue about this/that". When you make an argument, your premise as well as your reasoning from that premise are fair game.

My original post was not nonsense but merely a statement of why I was glad Bama lost. Not really sure why you decided to make an argument about it. I'm sure there are a lot of college football fans of all teams that were very happy to see Bama lose. You going to go to those boards and argue with them?

I did not want to argue the point because that had nothing to do with my response and I said that because I know there are folks on here that are primed and ready to argue about any point anyone makes.
My original post was not nonsense but merely a statement of why I was glad Bama lost. Not really sure why you decided to make an argument about it. I'm sure there are a lot of college football fans of all teams that were very happy to see Bama lose. You going to go to those boards and argue with them?

I did not want to argue the point because that had nothing to do with my response and I said that because I know there are folks on here that are primed and ready to argue about any point anyone makes.
Yeah. You pretty clearly made the point that you were glad they lost because FSU got cheated out of being in. Then you've gotten all twisted up because I wouldn't let you get away with that false premise. I'm glad Bama lost. But if you were choosing the best 4 teams then FSU was not one of them. They didn't get cheated. What it "does" to the ACC is completely irrelevant to whether FSU should have been in or Bama should have been out.z

So yes. The premise that Bama got in because FSU got screwed or some undeserved bias is non-sense. With Travis, FSU blows L'ville off the field and gets in. But it isn't the SEC's fault or Bama's fault that FSU's back up QBs suck. Your stated reason for being glad Bama lost... doesn't hold water. FSU didn't deserve to be in. UGA didn't beat Bama though they're probably a better team. Bama had to be the choice because they were one of the best 4 teams. No other reason. We can be glad they lost simply because they're Bama.
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My favorite team is Tennessee. My second favorite team is whoever Alabama is playing. So I’d always rather see a Tennessee win, but I cannot say it wasn’t enjoyable to watch Alabama lose. On a side note I watched about 15 minutes of the Paul finebaum show before the Tennessee basketball game, and the meltdowns from bama fans calling in was priceless.
Much, much, much, much happier with the TN win. Loved the Bama loss. Also loved the TX loss. Really wish UGA, Ole Miss, LSU and Missouri had lost their bowl games
I enjoyed seeing Burton shut down and Milroe getting stuffed on the last play.
Yeah. You pretty clearly made the point that you were glad they lost because FSU got cheated out of being in. Then you've gotten all twisted up because I wouldn't let you get away with that false premise. I'm glad Bama lost. But if you were choosing the best 4 teams then FSU was not one of them. They didn't get cheated. What it "does" to the ACC is completely irrelevant to whether FSU should have been in or Bama should have been out.z

So yes. The premise that Bama got in because FSU got screwed or some undeserved bias is non-sense. With Travis, FSU blows L'ville off the field and gets in. But it isn't the SEC's fault or Bama's fault that FSU's back up QBs suck. Your stated reason for being glad Bama lost... doesn't hold water. FSU didn't deserve to be in. UGA didn't beat Bama though they're probably a better team. Bama had to be the choice because they were one of the best 4 teams. No other reason. We can be glad they lost simply because they're Bama.
Just stop. FSU absolutely got cheated. It was never about the 4 best teams. It was about TV money. How many times has an undefeated P5 champion been left out of the playoffs? If anything TX didn’t deserve to be in.
Just stop. FSU absolutely got cheated. It was never about the 4 best teams.
No. They simply didn't. And yeah, it was and should be. Without Travis FSU was nowhere close to one of best 4 teams. How were they "cheated" if they weren't one of the best 4 teams?

You need to "just stop" unless you have some better reason than a conspiracy about money inspired bias.
It was about TV money.
Prove it. That's right you can't because there's no proof that it is true or that it wasn't just a coincidental benefit if true. FSU has a big enough fan following that the game would have been just fine without Bama. The idea that some boycotted watching the game is just as valid as your claim.

What DID factor in is that Bama won the conference that has clearly been the best in CFB for the past 20 years... and it should factor in when you look at how incredibly weak the ACC is... and it was weaker still this year. After a few good years, Wake was bad. Pitt was bad. UNC was nowhere near as good as expected. Clemson got better toward the end of the season but they were bad. Miami in spite of all that 5* talent was a 7-6 football team.

And considering your love affair with the recruiting rankings... take that into consideration. Four SEC teams have roster composite talent in 247's top 10. Clemson is the only ACC team in the top 10. Ten SEC teams are top 25. The ACC has 4 including FSU at #20... Surely following your faith in the infallible recruiting rankings #1 playing a difficult schedule should get in ahead of #20 playing weak schedule....

At #32, Arkansas is ranked the 13th in SEC talent. NINE ACC teams had less talent than the #13 team in the SEC.

Vandy at 58 is by far the least talented team in the SEC. The results on the field over a whole season bear that out in reality. FIVE ACC teams have less talent than Vandy according to 247.

If there was bias that hurt FSU then it was created by the ACC itself being so weak. Frankly, their expansion choices are a big reason they are that weak.
How many times has an undefeated P5 champion been left out of the playoffs? If anything TX didn’t deserve to be in.
How many undefeated conference champions played what amounts to a G-5 schedule outside of LSU early in the season before they were even close to getting their crap together?

They won that mighty ACC championship over Louisville... who the week before lost to a mid-level SEC team. UL went on to get thoroughly dominated by the Pac12's 6th placed team who was playing without their #1 QB and other starters.

You cannot make a RATIONAL case for FSU being in over Bama. And you really can't make a case for Bama being in over Texas when Texas beat them. Both Texas and Bama were simply much better teams than FSU and especially at the time the CPF was selected.

If just being undefeated is the measuring stick then why not Liberty? They probably would have beaten FSU at that point of the season. You MUST look at the level of competition in things like that.

Again, you simply aren't being factual and logical in your reasoning. The overwhelming objective facts demonstrate that Bama and even Texas were more worthy than FSU even before Travis was injured... unless your objective is something other than choosing the best 4 teams. Then maybe you can come up with a reason for selecting FSU.... sympathy, bias against the SEC/Bama, SEC fatigue by the rest of the country,... some woke notion of being "fair" to those who aren't as successful without regard to why.
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Happier with the win but the Bama loss was awesome probably meant more bc it was for more. It was just an idiotic play call to lose that game as well which made it even more delicious. I think people are starting to see Saban has taken a bit of a step back.
Of course the Tennessee win for me. But, the QB draw against a great Michigan defensive line on 4th and goal was hilarious. They must've taken that from one of Butch Jones's old intern playbooks.
Of course the Tennessee win for me. But, the QB draw against a great Michigan defensive line on 4th and goal was hilarious. They must've taken that from one of Butch Jones's old intern playbooks.
Talking with a knowledgeable Bama fan this morning. He said exactly what i was thinking when Bama tried to run right into the teeth of a DL that has pushed you around all night..."That was the ONLY play I just knew we wouldn't try to run". I have to agree...that simply made zero sense. And #65 was knocked back right off the snap. They put their offense in a zero chance with that call and personally all the timeouts to see what defense Michigan would be in ....was overthinking it. You had to go wide on 4th and goal from the 4 yard line. Still shaking my head over that one.
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I've been hearing some talk that the snap on that last Bama play screwed the whole play up. I wonder if it had turned out better had Milroe not have had to scoop up the snap? A millisecond in that situation can mean a big difference. I still think he gets stopped though.
I care about outcomes of non-Tennessee games if it impacts where Tennessee is in like conference standings, but otherwise couldn't care less whether Bama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, whoever, wins or loses the game they play.

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