Who qualifies for 'VFL' status in your eyes?

If we're strictly talking about players, its hard to define honestly. You almost have to take it on a case by case basis...

1.) The most obvious group is players who played all four years of their career here and earned their degree. These are obvious, undisputed VFL's.

2.) The second group would be players who played here 3 years and left early for the NFL draft. Are these guys considered VFL's?

3.) The third group would be transfer players who only played one or two years here and graduated or went on to the NFL. Are these guys VFL?

4.) The fourth group would be guys who never finished their college career here. They either transferred to another school, quit, or was kicked off the team. Are these guys VFL?
Is AJ Johnson VFL? Let’s go ahead and open that can of worms in this toilet bowl of a thread.
I have been a Vol fan for over 60 years, I will be until I take my last breath, through the highs and lows. I know many of you are the same. We may not have played at Tennessee, but, we give our all for the Vols. I consider that a VFL! If the players come here and finish here, I consider them VFL too. Just my opinion
What if a kid wanted to finish out here but was asked to look around and go elsewhere? Let’s piss on his integrity for not being good enough to play here. But oh the fans that have “bled” for this team for years. Yeah those are the real VFLs. Whole thing is so Fing stupid.
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It should be when you have the Parchment hanging on the wall. Anyone can attend, but it takes a special perseverance to graduate. The elite players that came back during breaks to complete the degree are special people. VFL is earned.
Couldn’t disagree with this any more. Although I didn’t play sports at UT, I did go to school there, I didn’t graduate there because I made the decision to move back home to be closer to my mother who was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Got my degree from a school closer to home because of this but I bleed orange through and through. UT was my dream school.

With that being said, diehard Vols can leave and go elsewhere for legitimate reasons.
What if a kid wanted to finish out here but was asked to look around and go elsewhere? Let’s piss on his integrity for not being good enough to play here. But oh the fans that have “bled” for this team for years. Yeah those are the real VFLs. Whole thing is so Fing stupid.
Remember, without the fans, there's no team, empty venues, no TV ratings, not as much money coming in, no boosters,etc. Maybe you should back off the fans a bit. The fan base is Very important to any program.
It's a stupid saying created by a terrible head coach. It needs to be put in the turnover trash can of our history and forgotten.
I’ve said similar statements here in the past. I don’t get it and I don’t get why people care about who is and isn’t referred to as one. It’s like when kids in my neighborhood started a club and decided each week who was in or out.
I wish I could like this a million times. The idea may be the worst thing that has come out of the AD in the last 15 years, and that's saying a lot.
It’s kind of like when recruits would say “committed” or “locked in” but also, still taking my visits. Empty terms/words. I don’t really feel the need to prove my fandom. If I did, my blood pressure monitor tells the story.
To me it's about commitment and dedication. If Tennessee is your rooting interest in both the good times and the bad, you are a VFL. I'm including players in that too. If Elijah Herring, who likely wasn't good enough to play here, is a good ambassador and promoter for Tennessee after he is done with college football, I will call him a VFL. It's all quite subjective and I've never been the gatekeeping type so the more the merrier in my opinion.
I’ve said similar statements here in the past. I don’t get it and I don’t get why people care about who is and isn’t referred to as one. It’s like when kids in my neighborhood started a club and decided each week who was in or out.
you just mad because we voted you out
My take: No matter what someone has done for the Vols, if they don't finish their college career here they are generally dead to me fanwise and I certainly don't wish them well at their new school. In fact, how I think of their time here is tarnished at best. Sure, if they win a natty or something maybe that changes, but right now it just leaves a sour taste. For example, Aidoo can pound sand. I hope he misses every basket and gets benched. Call me petty, but it's just how I feel. On the other hand, if a player chooses UT to finish their career and comes from another school (think Bru or DK), I think of them as a VFL right along with players who spent their entire career as a Vol.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: I should have clarified that I'm talking about players in fan eyes, not individuals. Obviously, anyone can identify as a VFL if they want to.
Anyone that has given their blood, sweat, and tears for UT and still reps UT is VFL. I don't care where they finished their career.
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hundreds more but you get the idea. Those who didnt take shortcuts and inspire
If someone earns their degree from here and pursues a better opportunity elsewhere, then they are still a VFL IMO.

Let's take Ty Chandler. Tennessee kid. Commits to play here. Has a good career here. His senior year, we go 3 and 7. Crap with Pruitt hits the fan. A ton of kids transfer. With an NFL career and millions of dollars on the line, what's he going to do? The guy perceived as our best returning o lineman, Wanya Morris, is leaving. A ton of other kids are leaving. He made a business decision to go to a team that he seemed to be a good fit for and a chance to best showcase his talent to NFL scouts. He had no way of knowing how things would work out with Heupel in year one. He made the decision I would have advised my son to make if he were in that same spot.

I'm not going to take away VFL status from that guy.
I do because he walked out of VOL Nation. How could he be a VOL for life?
Remember, without the fans, there's no team, empty venues, no TV ratings, not as much money coming in, no boosters,etc. Maybe you should back off the fans a bit. The fan base is Very important to any program.
We would be fine without a few fans though. A lot of people understand players are at programs to improve their families financial situation. If they have better financial opportunities or opportunities for playing time at other programs that’s what they need to do. I do however acknowledge there are some guys that are just concerned about maximizing their income, almost damn mercenaries. There’s a lot of situations though that the fans have zero clue what went on before a guy left.
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Couldn’t disagree with this any more. Although I didn’t play sports at UT, I did go to school there, I didn’t graduate there because I made the decision to move back home to be closer to my mother who was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Got my degree from a school closer to home because of this but I bleed orange through and through. UT was my dream school.

With that being said, diehard Vols can leave and go elsewhere for legitimate reasons.
I completed three years before dropping out for four years. I had to work because of family hardships. When things got better I went back and finished my last year and graduated. It was unfinished business. The University of Tennessee was created as an Institution of higher learning. Without your diploma, you are not recognized as an official alumnus. That’s the University policy not this lowly chicken farmer.
IMO, if they consider themselves as a VFL, then I am ok ! I can think of a few such as Arian Foster who probably doesn’t consider himself as a VFL. In that case, I don’t either.
I watched and attended game throughout the Dooley, Butch, and Cornbread years, and I am still here. VFL elite triple platinum status achieved.
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Is AJ Johnson VFL? Let’s go ahead and open that can of worms in this toilet bowl of a thread.
I would say yes because he...

A. Played here at least 3 years.

B. Was acquitted of the charges that abruptly ended his career here. Did he put himself in a bad situation that could've been avoided? Absolutely. But he was found not guilty and he gave his all while playing here. He's VFL in my book.
SIAP: What if they get their degree at UT and transfer merely to play out their eligibility or to acquire additional skills prior to going pro?

Is the question merely about playing out the person's eligibility at UT? If that is the criterion, then AJ et.al. do not qualify.
I get player having their reasons and I’m sure some are justified; however, you decide to finish your college career somewhere else the no you’re not a VFL, but if you go to Bama you’re something else that I can’t post here.
It all depends on the player and their motives. If they get their degree and opt to play elsewhere for better opportunities (ex: ty chandler, jg, etc) then yes they are a vfl still imo. Same thing if a player gets hurt and gets buried in the depth chart and wants to go somewhere for more play time, Hes still a vfl imo. Same thing with someone who transfers to be closer to home. But if someone transfers for money or burns bridges (To’oto’o, Maurer) then no they’re not vfls

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