Why is Volnation Football Forum so Quiet?

I been reading/posting on Volnation for many years, but I’ve never seen the football forum so quite, only 3 weeks from the season opener?
Probably can’t blame it on Covid or politics,
But it’s more likely that many Vols fans are still in shock over what’s happened over the past 9 months.
I’m trying to get excited, but it’s difficult, especially after the Pruitt cheating debacle and Tennessee awaiting NCAA penalties.
Go Vols
I am excited about the season an think we will surprise a number of posters. The team seems to be much more excited than most of the doom and doom posters on this board. Heres to the coaches and players who are doing the dirty work to achieve a 7-5; 8-4 regular season record. I think they will meet that level of success this Fall.
Thinking about the number of name brand coaches who didn't want to come here because of the situation,who the hell here wants them here anywho?If they just want to waltz in to a perfect situation,get top money and noteriaty(spelling),vols do not want them at all.Heupel came here to coach and help Tennessee back to where we wish to be.All the best of fortune to Coach and his assistants here,and the hell to Mullet head and the other posers.GBO

Heupel came here for a $2.3 million dollar/year raise, and a chance to be a head coach in in the SEC under the same AD that hired him at UCF. That's why Heupel came here.
I agree 100% JP. As the poster below my comment alludes to what you stated in your first sentence, the state of the program with the W/L record has a lot if not the majority to do with it. Only if Fulmer had not let the program go down or down to the level it did, we probably would not be in this situation. Just need to ignore the trolls and denigrators.
This is rich.

One of the worst trolls (and I mean, most incompetent) on the board agrees 100% with me that we have too many trolls. Then goes on in his response to denigrate the program and our last national title-winning head coach.

Ridiculous. @Freak, ban this clown. I'm begging you.
Speaking for myself, I am not close to as negative as a lot of posters on the board.

Things are what they are right now and it’s not trolling to say so.

What should expectations be coming into 2021 with a new coach, coming off a 3-7 season, with uncertainty across the board up and down the roster including QB?

I think people will get plenty excited as soon as the team gives them a reason to be.

Just look at the fan response during this Tennessee baseball season.

If the team gives people something, fans will give twice as much back and this board will be plenty busy

You know, that time the Gator fan on Volnation made more sense than most of us......
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For me it’s just a lot of uncertainty. This staff, covid, sanctions, NIL, super conferences, those are probably the big ones. I can get hyped about new coaches even after all these years, but the others make me worried about a game I’ve always loved. Will covid ruin another season? Is NIL and super conferences going to turn CFB into minor league football? I don’t watch minor league baseball. If I wanted to watch professionals play, I’d want to see the best and the best are in the NFL.

In my friend group no one seems excited about the season. No talk of meeting up or tailgating. Until now, I think a lot of it has just been decades long habits and traditions no one wanted to break. But, a lot of those were interrupted last year and guys seem to be taking the opportunity to step back and reprioritize.
This is rich.

One of the worst trolls (and I mean, most incompetent) on the board agrees 100% with me that we have too many trolls. Then goes on in his response to denigrate the program and our last national title-winning head coach.

Ridiculous. @Freak, ban this clown. I'm begging you.

Yea, smells of a tea-bagger or tree-killer or sucker-puncher. In other words, I'd bet he/she is a Gump (Bama fan).
Yea, smells of a tea-bagger or tree-killer or sucker-puncher. In other words, I'd bet he/she is a Gump (Bama fan).
I think @Behr figured out he's a gator fan. Something he said gave it away. Happened during one of my breaks from the place, but Behr let me know with an @ callout when I got back.
It’s not the past 9 months, it’s the past 15 years.

Expectations are low and all we can do is wait and see. Hopefully new guy isn’t a loser like the last guy… and the one before that… and the one before that…
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I think it has just gotten harder to embrace the suck that is UT football . We've been waiting so long for things to turn and we just slip farther into mediocrity. I bleed orange and always will but it is just hard to get fired up this year after such an implosion of a season last year. I just don't want to get my hopes up too high to have them squashed so hopefully this team will bring pleasant surprises cause my bar of expectation is pretty low.
It seemed the team wasn’t having fun and didn’t want to be on the field for the past couple of years. More player interviews have hinted at the toxicity that was the Pruitt regime. I’m hoping the new staff can get the players to give their all to the program. An exciting offense, playing with passion, and timely wins will spark the fan base. The bar is low, and fans are starved for something to rally around. I’m hoping Huepel and staff can provide what has sorely been lacking.
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I only speak for myself but I'm tired of the BS. The time for talking is years past over IMO. Either get it done on the field or you don't.
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Just my own personal reasons for being less engaged:
1. Less general interest in sports after boycotting ESPN and pro sports for the past 2 years.
2. Less interest in the small things like player interviews, assistant coaching hires, etc. I thought we did right by hiring CJP. Liked his staff. Recruiting was going well. Turns out none of it mattered so I only care about results now.
3. Finally convinced there are no insiders
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I used to read five times as much content here as I do now, and would comment easily 10x as much.

The state of the program wears you down, sure, and that's gotta be part of it. But the much larger part, for me, is the negativity of big parts of this community. The inexcusably large number of trolls and denigrators of our program. They've pushed me back from the place to an extent. I even take week- or month-long breaks now, which I never did in the first few years on board.

And that's a pity, because there are some great folks here. I miss hearing from a lot of them, so I know they're doing the same.

Go Vols!
Fan apathy is a real thing, fans have been kicked in the teeth so many times the past 16 years regarding this football program. I would say most are in wait and see mode and honestly realize that this season is not going to be very good, so no need to expend the energy to get excited. But lets be real, all of us will be tuning in and getting tickets, with the hope we see something special happen under Heupel.....
We are in a different world now guys. The wild west days of social are settling down as people learn not expose themselves so easily. Also, there are a lot of other fan bases that like to come over here and pick on us while we are down. It will come back around. We are just getting smarter is all. I don't think people are less interested, I think MOST people in the world would like to see TReal UT clime the hill again.
I been reading/posting on Volnation for many years, but I’ve never seen the football forum so quite, only 3 weeks from the season opener?
Probably can’t blame it on Covid or politics,
But it’s more likely that many Vols fans are still in shock over what’s happened over the past 9 months.
I’m trying to get excited, but it’s difficult, especially after the Pruitt cheating debacle and Tennessee awaiting NCAA penalties.
Go Vols
Don't know about anyone else but I'm just waiting for basketball and baseball seasons to start. I'm curious about football this year but not excited for the season like in years past.
I've tried, it just hard to get excited about the reality of us being pitiful. Once we win a game or two, it'll pick up...surely!
We've been through all of these discussions so many times in the last decade+, it gets kind of tiresome. I think most folks are just waiting for some evidence of actual change before they engage in football discussions again. Until then, what's left to say?

And the peep saying ignorant instead of ignernt!

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