Zakai's family

It was mentioned several times during the game that Zakai's family was displaced by a fire recently. Any info about ways to help?
It's out there. They had just moved into their "dream apartment" in Queens, I guess in the last year or so. No injuries but his family lost absolutely everything. The only things he owns he has with him at school. I'm guessing they didn't have renters insurance. I wish I could talk to the kid about loss and help him frame things.
Big donors make big splashes.
But what hundreds of regular, working class fans contribute is what creates true Vols For Life. The VFL Family is about much more than just sports.
People that are not Tennessee fans just don’t understand this. It is more than being a fan of a team. It is a way we live our lives and help our fellow people when they are in need.
It's out there. They had just moved into their "dream apartment" in Queens, I guess in the last year or so. No injuries but his family lost absolutely everything. The only things he owns he has with him at school. I'm guessing they didn't have renters insurance. I wish I could talk to the kid about loss and help him frame things.

well they are about to get a "dream" house here in Knoxville hopefully
It's out there. They had just moved into their "dream apartment" in Queens, I guess in the last year or so. No injuries but his family lost absolutely everything. The only things he owns he has with him at school. I'm guessing they didn't have renters insurance. I wish I could talk to the kid about loss and help him frame things.
There are so many things in a case like this you can't replace. All the family photos and things passed down from generations.
Recalling our own Katrina experience...

Once you know it's gone, you start the grief cycle. But it's a slow rolling, extended grief. You don't experience your losses as a single loss, it's like a series of losses, each its own tragedy as your memory goes through its slow inventory. It keeps you emotionally recycling through that moment for days (and nights). Each memory is its own hit. It doesn't allow you to just put all the losses into one dumpster and move on. It's been over 16 years now, and I still have moments of needing something--a tool, a book, a paper--and realizing Katrina got it, too.

Anything you as an individual can do for Zakai and his family, is needed--and you will feel blessed for being that blessing.
The NCAA tends to be a d-nozzle grinch in these situations.
If LSU can get away with the whole Will Wade fiasco, then I wouldn’t worry about it and would dare them to penalize us! In today’s cancel culture, I don’t think the NCAA wants that publicity.
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In the post NIL world all we have to do is show that the money did not come from the university nor was it set up by the university. At least that's my understanding.

UT is working to set up a relief fund. They can’t set up the NIL deals. The fire was Saturday night (I think) and 4 days later it’s not ready to go. UT must be dealing with the NCAA compliance roadblocks.

Heads must be exploding at the NCAA’s offices. Players are being lured with 7 figure deals to return. UT fans are lining up to help out ZZ’s family and the process isn’t ready to go.
UT is working to set up a relief fund. They can’t set up the NIL deals. The fire was Saturday night (I think) and 4 days later it’s not ready to go. UT must be dealing with the NCAA compliance roadblocks.

Heads must be exploding at the NCAA’s offices. Players are being lured with 7 figure deals to return. UT fans are lining up to help out ZZ’s family and the process isn’t ready to go.

We will see when it’s released. But I imagine they’ll use a third party. Could be a Trey Wallace or AP tweet, or Sypre
We will see when it’s released. But I imagine they’ll use a third party. Could be a Trey Wallace or AP tweet, or Sypre

And how much time do the highly compensated administrators at the NCAA, SEC, and school need to figure this out? They should have known a long time ago that situations like this would happen. Why didn’t they have the process already worked out? The UT fans are ready to help now.
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UT is working to set up a relief fund. They can’t set up the NIL deals. The fire was Saturday night (I think) and 4 days later it’s not ready to go. UT must be dealing with the NCAA compliance roadblocks.

Heads must be exploding at the NCAA’s offices. Players are being lured with 7 figure deals to return. UT fans are lining up to help out ZZ’s family and the process isn’t ready to go.
I agree this is the most incompetent stall one could imagine. I blame UT Administration just as much than I do the NCAA. UT Should have enough Lawyers on retainer to figure it out...quickly...without affecting his eligibility. What would Penny Hardaway do? Will Wade? or others...we have contributed to floods, hurricane, cancer victims and others, but because he is an athlete he gets penalized? I don't get it. checkbook in hand
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If this stalls too much longer, could we really get in trouble or get UT in trouble by setting up a gofundme and sending directly to Zakai and family?
I agree this is the most incompetent stall one could imagine. I blame UT Administration just as much than I do the NCAA. UT Should have enough Lawyers on retainer to figure it out...quickly...without affecting his eligibility. What would Penny Hardaway do? Will Wade? or others...we have contributed to floods, hurricane, cancer victims and others, but because he is an athlete he gets penalized? I don't get it. checkbook in hand

Plus, since we already went through the family of QB Kaidon Salter's gofundme page after his father contracted COVID, you'd think we'd be familiar with the issues. I just revisited that page and interestingly the following note appears at the bottom of the original donation link:

This fundraiser has been reviewed and approved by the University of Tennessee Athletics Compliance Office in accordance with NCAA Bylaw .

This must be what we are working on now.

SALTER FAMILY ROAD TO RECOVERY, organized by Mistee Salter
I agree this is the most incompetent stall one could imagine. I blame UT Administration just as much than I do the NCAA. UT Should have enough Lawyers on retainer to figure it out...quickly...without affecting his eligibility. What would Penny Hardaway do? Will Wade? or others...we have contributed to floods, hurricane, cancer victims and others, but because he is an athlete he gets penalized? I don't get it. checkbook in hand
Don’t blame UT. More lawyers being involved never solved anything. This is all on NCAA. UT is doing it the right way. The worst thing that could happen is for ZZ’s eligibility to be threaten because we help his family. While we are all eager to help let’s be honest a day or two is not going to matter. It’s going to happen.

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