Peake says Tennessee is a program on the rise

by Matt Prehm on November 4, 2009

in Tennessee Vols Football Recruiting

One of the southeast’s top wide receiver targets is Charone Peake (Roebuck, SC/Dorman HS) and while only being a junior he is starting to pick up steam with his recruiting and also his quest for a state title.

“My season is going really well,” stated Peake. “We only have one loss and that was to Byrnes who is the best team in the state. We are just working on getting better.”

Peake has been a focus for his high school quarterback as he currently reports 35 catches, 700 yards, and 8 touchdowns. Peake has used his 6’3 height and his 4.4 forty speed to get open.

“I think I have been doing really well,” said Peake. “I have had a few touchdowns and I have about 35 catches on the year which is good.”

Peake received his Tennessee Volunteer scholarship offer back on September third and had good things to say about the offer.

“I got my written offer in the mail on September 3rd and I was pretty excited for that one,” said Peake. “Tennessee is a program I think is on the rise and I like the new coaching staff they have out there. Tennessee is a program that will be on the rise. I know they have a few losses but they also have some big wins.”

While Peake is focused on his junior season he is looking for a few things already in programs.

“I like an offense that throws the ball so I naturally don’t want to go some where who runs the wing-T or something like that,” said Peake. ” I play in a spread offense and if I can I’d like to play somewhere that is similar to the spread.”

Peake will have his choice of the litter as he has too many scholarships to even remember.

“I can’t remember who I have been offered but I have something like 12 offers,” said Peake. “The schools on top of my head that have offered are Clemson, Florida, Georgia, LSU, Cal, Vanderbilt, and South Carolina. I’d say I am still open to all schools but I grew up watching the instate schools (Clemson and South Carolina) as well as USC.”


1 transplantiam November 5, 2009 at 2:08 am

Mr Peake, keep Tennessee in mind when you make your choice. Yeah,, I;m a committed Vol fan, but CLK has gotten our program on the right track to win some ballgames and quite possibly put another crystal ball on the trophy shelf. Just keep us in mind, ok!

2 RealityCheck November 5, 2009 at 2:58 pm

psssst…He can’t hear you.

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