Is this the same board of trustees that former Gov. Bredeson appointed or is this Haslams. Doug Matthews was speaking on his show yesterday about the disconnect and issues between the board and athletic dept.
Cart before the horse imo. Need to move on CDD first. I would have never imagined things could get worst but every week I keep getting proven wrong. Gotta clean house in the coaching staff first sans Graham and Pittman, maybe Chaney and Hinshaw as well.
Fire Cheek, Put Hart in Cheek's place. Put Dooley as AD and Hire Gruden. Saves money. You got to pay Dooley anyways. He would be a good AD. I think he could raise alot of money for Tennessee.
they will make Dooley Athletic Director to save the buy-out and hire Gruden w Shannon as DC. Lovie will finally land and be our VFL coordinator. Next year Peyton will come and be our OC. BOOK IT. Inside source....