Lmao the old...
If it's a crappy play, "is that the best Martin can draw up"
If it's a good play, "no way Martin drew that up, players improvised on their own"
I get the guys not the best coach in the world, but the absolute refusal to give credit where it's due is comical.
what's comical is you not able to realize why that play wasn't drawn up that way. Basic basketball stuff. On the court. Not on a piece of paper.
To explain, which you will have no idea what I'm talking about and argue but doing it anyway:
1.)a coach expects the on ball defender to be between your inbounder and the basket. That pass isn't supposed to be a possibility, especially a bounce pass
2)coach expects the defender on Stokes to front with backside help, which is where the Caruso kid was, or at least shadow. Expecting him to play behind and give him the rim would be a bad coach predicting a bad play by the center of the other team. Ridiculous. Actually, he'd be predicting the man on the ball would also jump out of the way for him to make the pass. You assuming CM drew up a play based off of predicting 2 defensive lapses pretty much lines up with the expected.
3)Stokes was supposed to get position and get ready for a putback in case of a miss. That's why he was under the goal
Why aren't you able to see the defensive lapses that allowed Stokes to make that play. CM's wasn't working, as they haven't been at all from under the basket or the side, and two players made a play, the exact thing CM has been preaching all year, regarding players making plays.
Based on 2 defensive lapses, not a drawn up play executed a half second prior to a turnover.