‘It’s open season on the president’: Anonymous op-ed unleashes fresh West Wing meltdown

Doesn’t answer my question. Is that what he said, or not?
Sure it did. I showed your question was irrelevant. But I can see the draw for you this is a parsing game.

Alexander voted to acquit therefore in his opinion the articles were not proven. That outcome is clear in his vote on the matter. The rest is just “but if we parse his words and ignore his vote we can make some kind of shade statement”

Carry on.
There it is:

“I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday.”
-Lamar Alexander

Seems silly to argue over this, now. We should know the answer by December 4 at the latest.
There it is:

“I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday.”
-Lamar Alexander

Seems silly to argue over this, now. We should know the answer by December 4 at the latest.
What a stupid thing to say by Alexander. But based on the rest of the tortured logic in his statement on why he voted to acquit I shouldn’t be surprised.
The people who voted not to remove are stupid. I agree.
Actually it looks like Alexander is stupid.

I think they proved their case but it’s an election year so I’ll defer to the people. He should have abstained from voting. He voted to acquit.

He was clearly pandering and BB and apparently you also bought it hook line and sinker. Not shocking I guess.
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There it is:

“I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday.”
-Lamar Alexander

Seems silly to argue over this, now. We should know the answer by December 4 at the latest.
True. It bothers me when I see the Trump minions act as if the Senate trial exonerated Trump. It did anything but that.
True. It bothers me when I see the Trump minions act as if the Senate trial exonerated Trump. It did anything but that.

Lol, you bunch of communists would tried him every year on any flake, flimsy rumor. That's what marxists do. It bothers when you communists vote for pols that go directly against the constitution.
Actually it looks like Alexander is stupid.

I think they proved their case but it’s an election year so I’ll defer to the people. He should have abstained from voting. He voted to acquit.

He was clearly pandering and BB and apparently you also bought it hook line and sinker. Not shocking I guess.
1. Alexander is retiring and had announced he was retiring before he made the comment. Who exactly would he be pandering to? Why?

2. Alexander wasn’t the only one who used that justification for not voting to remove. Pretty sure Rubio and others said pretty much the same thing.

It’s still stupid to argue about. They punted to the election. The election is in 5 days. We’ll know the results within a month.
True. It bothers me when I see the Trump minions act as if the Senate trial exonerated Trump. It did anything but that.

You got an affirming post from a "Biden Minion" and you think you are proven right..."all together now VN...Bless your heart".
1. Alexander is retiring and had announced he was retiring before he made the comment. Who exactly would he be pandering to? Why?

2. Alexander wasn’t the only one who used that justification for not voting to remove. Pretty sure Rubio and others said pretty much the same thing.

It’s still stupid to argue about. They punted to the election. The election is in 5 days. We’ll know the results within a month.
1. I don’t know who he was pandering to but if he voted one way while offering statements the other way he’s pandering, being disingenuous, lying what ever take your pick.

2. More irrelevant background noise. Their vote is their opinion on the matter of were the articles proven and warranting passing the bar.

Do you like better that the articles were proven yet they never met any bar for removal? So isn’t that the definition of a waste of taxpayer resources? Great look for the House! 😂
So if there is nothing to it, why not prove it by hearing from witnesses to determine credibility (or lack thereof)?
Why not dig all that stuff up when the House made its "inquiry"? I mean, aren't you supposed to have a solid case before you bring it to trial? You don't go forward with stuff you can't prove, and when what you do have, can't even make it an impeachable offense, do you still go forward "hoping for the best?" I guess everyone must have been in a hurry or something?

If it is serious enough for impeachment, it damn well better be serious enough to have the facts in hand before proceeding, not a bunch of "we need to interview more witnesses."
No. That was not the reason that Sen. Lamar Alexander provided in his Twitter statement for voting to acquit. Sen. Lamar Alexander specifically stated that the Democratic Party House managers had proven their case. Sen. Alexander gave that as the reason for why no new witnesses should be called. No new witnesses were needed because the Democrats had already proven their case "with a mountain of evidence." Sen. Alexander explained that he voted to acquit because he didn't believe that Trump's misconduct rose to the level of being an impeachable offense or justified his removal from office. Those were his words; not mine. And he didn't leave any room for any misinterpretation.
What's the key take away here? Not an impeachable offense. The Democrats kept changing the charges based upon what they were not finding, not on what they found until they moved forward with weak, BS charges that showed them for what they were, a move to remove a legally elected President by any legal means possible because they don't like him, didn't before he was elected and even more so after.

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There it is:

“I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday.”
-Lamar Alexander

Seems silly to argue over this, now. We should know the answer by December 4 at the latest.
We hopefully will know one way or the other before then.

This year has been crazy though, so who knows, maybe by January 20, 2021?
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