‘Will Not Be Bullied into Submission’

Imagine arguing the ideologies of these things aren't "filth" when homosexuals commit a disproportionate amount of pedophilic activity and transgender people kill themselves at a near 50/50 split.
Shouldn’t require a moral argument. Parents send their children to school for an academic education - that’s why public schools exist. Explain what’s academic about a trip to this bar or any similar establishment during the school day. What happened to the field trip to a museum or historical landmark - anywhere that actually has something to do with their academic enrichment?
Shouldn’t require a moral argument. Parents send their children to school for an academic education - that’s why public schools exist. Explain what’s academic about a trip to this bar or any similar establishment during the school day. What happened to the field trip to a museum or historical landmark - anywhere that actually has something to do with their academic enrichment?
You're right it shouldn't. But look what the world we live in has become when we let immorality and degeneracy dominate. The only fight back is a moral one.
Shouldn’t require a moral argument. Parents send their children to school for an academic education - that’s why public schools exist. Explain what’s academic about a trip to this bar or any similar establishment during the school day. What happened to the field trip to a museum or historical landmark - anywhere that actually has something to do with their academic enrichment?

I tend to play devil's advocate quite a bit, but I can't in this situation. I've run every permutation of what would make it efficacious and find zero rationale.
I believe there are fairly universal morals (good can't be good if it does harm, etc.) and won't be falling into a discussion where one side believes in moral relativism.

There is universal truth, the end.
Don't you ever find it pretty convenient that what you believe to be universal matches your own?
Don't you ever find it pretty convenient that what you believe to be universal matches your own?
That would be true if I had never grown up and just spouted nonsense that I got from nowhere. What I've seen as truth has been extremely inconvenient for me in my own beliefs more often than not. I've dedicated a lot of time and effort to find some of the basic foundational truths that have existed across history and have tried to examine the results of not following those truths. Do you believe there are no absolute truths? Answer this yes or no.

The reality is that if you find "objective morals", then yes, they will line up with you believe because you've found a foundational truth. Saying what you've said in the bold is a meaningless and lazy attempt at a trap.

Moral relativism is why we are where we are. If you want to step up to the plate and defend something that's objectively bad- even when you look at the objective results- be my guest. Excusing bad behavior because of moral relativism is an errand for a fool.
LoudOUN County. Virginia.

The same student, having enrolled in another district, lured a girl to an empty classroom and forcibly touched her genital area only a few weeks later.

I hear very little media talking about the fact that the assailant and victim in the bathroom incident were dating, and that they had scheduled this bathroom tryst. High schoolers have been exploring their sexuality in school bathroom hookups since high schools existed. Middle schoolers, too.

School bathrooms either need full time monitors at the doors, locked entrances with card swipe entry, or full time video monitoring of the entrances with intercom connections to let the students know they're being watched as they enter or exit. Choose your poison.
Slut shaming the victim? She said it was rape
I meant no disrespect. If that's what she said on the stand, then that's what's real.
I’m not coming at you personally I get angry when people minimize someone”s criminal behaviors because they don’t want to offend. Which is how the media and school board handled this
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Yeah...thats "not rare" at all.

So if you took every single school kid in Knoxville...public and private..maybe 240,000?? Roughly a quarter million kids....there MIGHT be 3 girls with an "xy" chromosome???

Really??? Textbook liberal BS. Try to change the laws/policies/ regulations to ADVERSELY affect the 99% of normal hardworking people/students in order to somehow "accomodate" some fictional group allegedly being "mistreated" .....

Meanwhile some guys 13yo daughter has already been forcefully butt raped in a Loudon TN bathroom because of it.

Check this out:

I have a 13yo daughter . If some degenerate did that to her...i would have already killed him, his dad if necessary , and anyone else who got in the way. Slowly, with a blade and not a bullet. Takes a lot more passion and intent to do things up close and personal. You ever field dressed a deer? Pulling a trigger from a safe distance is the easy part. Children can do that. Methodically dismembering the animal to separate the waste from what you intend to keep? That part takes effort, skill, and knowledge...

See, for that poor little girl and her family in Loudon...these BS hypothetical fictional garbage policies these liberals foist on society with their noses in the air became REAL WORLD forced anal rape in a bathroom stall...which took something from his daughter that none of these worthless Dimwits could ever give her back.

Her innocence. Likely her trust of any males too...her normal junior high lifestyle...her whole life as she knew it was taken from her by a boy in a skirt with an evil plan in a bathroom ANY honest adult knows he had NO damn business ever setting foot in.

This disgraceful BS falls squarely on you garbage socialist voters who are methodically tearing this once great nation apart 1 ridiculous step at a time. Your agendas. Your votes. Your sins. Every single Democrat stronghold in this country is morally and financially bankrupt...crumbling into disrepair...NY...LA...Detroit...Chicago...Minneapolis...Portland...Seattle...every single 1 is a sheithole. Yet yall try to spread those EXACT same ideas and policies to the rest of this great country like the disease that liberalism and socialism ARE....this is your fault. This is what YOU choose.
Own your filth. You lie, cheat, beg, borrow and steal to get this depravity. To make this great country a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Makes me sick.

Please warn me if I'm approaching a line with you, or if you need an alibi.
The last several verses of Romans chapter 1 tell the story very well. But if you quote them to a lib they literally start pulling out their own hair and shrieking

Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.

God's been taken out of the public schools.....it's to be expected He'll be replaced with lies.....
Maybe kids shouldn't have phones as an appendage? I'm amazed at how my generation went through the Cold War and all the other daily crises without cellphones to protect us. You may think it's funny coming from an engineer, but there is such a thing as too much technology. I don't even favor calculators in schools - certainly below high school, and preferably not there either. Of course, considering the new warped methods for teaching math, they may be a necessity.
Want to see something funny (Sad really) Next time you have a purchase with some odd amount of change, give them pennies or some other collection of small coins to make it come out with fewer coins and watch the show. ESPECIALLY if the cash register doesn't tell them how much to count out. Actually, it is more pathetic than funny
Want to see something funny (Sad really) Next time you have a purchase with some odd amount of change, give them pennies or some other collection of small coins to make it come out with fewer coins and watch the show. ESPECIALLY if the cash register doesn't tell them how much to count out. Actually, it is more pathetic than funny
A couple of years ago was a a store and charged $17.89......clerk looked at me oddly when I gave them $23.14 in cash, my wife just looked at them and said just ring it up... their eyes went wide when they only had to give me a 5 and a quarter.
A couple of years ago was a a store and charged $17.89......clerk looked at me oddly when I gave them $23.14 in cash, my wife just looked at them and said just ring it up... their eyes went wide when they only had to give me a 5 and a quarter.
Can you imagine what would have happened if the register wasn't working?
Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.

God's been taken out of the public schools.....it's to be expected He'll be replaced with lies.....
People will always need to believe in something. If you don’t believe in God, you either have to believe another human or your own corrupted sense of right and wrong. With either choice, you are headed for a train wreck. The heart is deceitful above all else.
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Yeah no indoctrinating/recruiting going on here. She took elementary students to a bar, a gay bar for a field trip. What are you, stupid?
This school board member should be fired immediately. Additionally any parent that knowingly signed off on this field trip needs counseling.
Florida school board member under fire for bar field trip

This is insanity. Gay bars in the Ft. Lauderdale area have always been wild places and Wilton Manors is the wildest gay area in town.
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Want to see something funny (Sad really) Next time you have a purchase with some odd amount of change, give them pennies or some other collection of small coins to make it come out with fewer coins and watch the show. ESPECIALLY if the cash register doesn't tell them how much to count out. Actually, it is more pathetic than funny

If no one is behind me in line I do this, or add change to get only bills back, regularly just to amuse myself.
In doing this, there are a few cashiers in my town that now know exactly how to count money and make change without the register. Just doing my small part to help save humankind. 🤣
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Cincinnati Enquirer blasted for doxxing family address after donating to school board candidate through Venmo

The Cincinnati Enquirer was called out Friday for doxxing the home address of a family that had donated money to a school board candidate through Venmo.

The Gannett-owned paper published a story on Thursday looking into the legality of political donations accepted by local school board challengers Russ Loges and Darbi Boddy on the popular money-exchanging app.

However, as pointed out by political strategist John Ashbrook, the Enquirer shared screenshots of Venmo that revealed the home address of one of Boddy's Venmo donors on its website.

Cincinnati Enquirer blasted for doxxing family address after donating to school board candidate through Venmo
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Imagine arguing the ideologies of these things aren't "filth" when homosexuals commit a disproportionate amount of pedophilic activity and transgender people kill themselves at a near 50/50 split.

Pedophilia or suicide are not ideologies of the LGBT community.

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