Yeah...thats "not rare" at all.
So if you took every single school kid in Knoxville...public and private..maybe 240,000?? Roughly a quarter million kids....there MIGHT be 3 girls with an "xy" chromosome???
Really??? Textbook liberal BS. Try to change the laws/policies/ regulations to ADVERSELY affect the 99% of normal hardworking people/students in order to somehow "accomodate" some fictional group allegedly being "mistreated" .....
Meanwhile some guys 13yo daughter has already been forcefully butt raped in a Loudon TN bathroom because of it.
Check this out:
I have a 13yo daughter . If some degenerate did that to her...i would have already killed him, his dad if necessary , and anyone else who got in the way. Slowly, with a blade and not a bullet. Takes a lot more passion and intent to do things up close and personal. You ever field dressed a deer? Pulling a trigger from a safe distance is the easy part. Children can do that. Methodically dismembering the animal to separate the waste from what you intend to keep? That part takes effort, skill, and knowledge...
See, for that poor little girl and her family in Loudon...these BS hypothetical fictional garbage policies these liberals foist on society with their noses in the air became REAL WORLD forced anal rape in a bathroom stall...which took something from his daughter that none of these worthless Dimwits could ever give her back.
Her innocence. Likely her trust of any males too...her normal junior high lifestyle...her whole life as she knew it was taken from her by a boy in a skirt with an evil plan in a bathroom ANY honest adult knows he had NO damn business ever setting foot in.
This disgraceful BS falls squarely on you garbage socialist voters who are methodically tearing this once great nation apart 1 ridiculous step at a time. Your agendas. Your votes. Your sins. Every single Democrat stronghold in this country is morally and financially bankrupt...crumbling into disrepair...NY...LA...Detroit...Chicago...Minneapolis...Portland...Seattle...every single 1 is a sheithole. Yet yall try to spread those EXACT same ideas and policies to the rest of this great country like the disease that liberalism and socialism ARE....this is your fault. This is what YOU choose.
Own your filth. You lie, cheat, beg, borrow and steal to get this depravity. To make this great country a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Makes me sick.