How do you play baseball all your life and not be able to judge a fly ball in the outfield?
Kids today seem to think they need to look cool in easy back to one hand a ball instead of getting on their horse; getting back; and catching the ball using both hands to assure the ball does not bounce out.
So sick of watching college players who cannot catch the ball. Had to turn off the game after two runs score with two out in last inning with 3-2 lead because an outfield cannot get back to catch a fly ball.
Earlier had one that allowed run because the guy dropped a ball THAT WAS IN HIS GLOVE, and then hit the wall. Had he gotten back, he would not have hit the wall, and he would have been waiting on the ball.
And then we have an infielder go to deep center to miss a catch, and the centerfielder is basically watching the play when HE SHOULD HAVE CAUGHT THE BALL.
These plays make losing easy.