Tennessee Jack
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Miami (FL) Northwestern
Ht: 6-foot-1
Wt: 290 lbs
Chandler originally gave a verbal pledge to the Canes at the end of 2008. With his stock rising and a flurry of new offers, the Dade County lineman is now looking at a few other programs.
He is a teammate of lineman, Torrian Wilson, and 2011 signal caller, Teddy Bridgewater.
Chandler says he tipped the scales at 167 by the age of 7. He has been given solid marks on his athleticism, despite always being big for his age.
Chandler had some provocative things to say this weekend to GVX---
UT has Chandler's mind wandering : Football Recruiting : GoVolsXtra.com
I'm committed (to Miami) but Tennessee is starting to weigh on me...
He also said---
It's going to come down to signing day.
after visiting with the Vols for camp.
He currently plans to take official visits to Tennessee and Southern Cal, but hasn't picked any dates yet.
A couple of Tennessee coaches watched Chandler this spring and with Chandler reportedly being the recipient of 31 scholarship offers, I think it's safe to say Tennessee is one of those programs to have offered.
The first YouTube clip is an interview with the Miami Herald, where the interviewer brings up Bryce Brown's commitment. Chandler denies that his situation could be similar, but now it's looking like he may have spoken too soon. Sometimes you just have to be in someone's shoes to know what it's like to walk in them.
YouTube - The #1 high school football recruit in Miami-Dade
YouTube - Todd Chandler #95 Jr film
YouTube - Todd Chandler (Miami Northwestern)
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