Dunley was sent up here to screw us over from what ive heard
Dunley was sent up here to screw us over from what ive heard
Yea I hate it when Meyer sends up those recruits to screw with us on the most electric night in Neyland this season with a bunch of other big time commitments that could possibly sway him.. Just hate that.. I remember when Meyer did this with Nukeese.. still have nightmares about that...
No dumb@$$ like Myer sent Dunkley up here to make Nuke become more dissatified with him role in our offence, causing Nuke not to want to come to practice.
so you believe, Urban Meyer set this whole plot in motion by convincing Dunkley, to come to Knoxville and disregard his own reason of being here, in order to sabotage Nukeese's relationship with his school and team.
you sure you wanna stick to this story?
Urbans having his own WR problems with Deonte, I really dont think he is concerned with Nukeese situation