'10 GA OT JaWuan James

Call it buddy i know what i saw man he watched inside the tunnel the whole time with a huge smile on his face believe what you want.
Call it buddy i know what i saw man he watched inside the tunnel the whole time with a huge smile on his face believe what you want.

I'm sure a guy 20 rows behind where the recruits sit was able to hear what O was saying to a recruit over the noise associated with the Vols entrance.
Calling BS.

my thought's exactly. hey kiffincrazy,werent you blasted on here this week for making up lies? why dont u just grow up kid, and stop thr story telling.nobody on here believes a word that comes outta your mouth anyways.
Now the watch this part is a huge guess but its about the only thing i could think of him sayin other than your gonna love it or thanks for coming. I just saw him talk to him and then saw James have a huge smile on his face.
I'm sure a guy 20 rows behind where the recruits sit was able to hear what O was saying to a recruit over the noise associated with the Vols entrance.

He had a parabolic mic man. Get up off him.
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Now the watch this part is a huge guess but its about the only thing i could think of him sayin other than your gonna love it or thanks for coming. I just saw him talk to him and then saw James have a huge smile on his face.

If you only realized how immature it makes you look when you lie and otherwise misrepresent the truth........We're going to have to see if we can get some parental controls on your computer. :)
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Ha whatever you say im not a baby i know what im doing im just gonna put it this way Coach O went and talked to him as the T opened what he said I dont know but James had a huge smile, There? Better?:)
UT martin basketball players can read lips better than the average person. Plus, he is 6'6" so he can see over the crowd.
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all u gotta do is tell the truth. you dont need to make an assumption or a bs story to make yourself seem important.
Im 6 2' i play for William Blount you guys are more immature than highscool kids you dont know how to let things go.

It's not that we don't let it go, it is that you just keep doing stuff that keeps it going. I'm beginning to wonder if you were even at the game.
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Ha whatever you say im not a baby i know what im doing im just gonna put it this way Coach O went and talked to him as the T opened what he said I dont know but James had a huge smile, There? Better?:)

I, for one, enjoyed your ad lib kiffincrazy28. There's nothing wrong with a little borderline embellishment. :eek:k:
Im not trying to seem important I could care less to be important in everybody elses eyes i just saw him go over and talk to him i dont know what he said but whatever he said made James smile.
I was there Jawuan James was wearing a Grey nike shirt and shorts Cullen was in a plaid shirt with shorts and crazy long hair I didnt see green much But i was there section Y6 row 5 seat 1
Im not trying to seem important I could care less to be important in everybody elses eyes i just saw him go over and talk to him i dont know what he said but whatever he said made James smile.
I was there Jawuan James was wearing a Grey nike shirt and shorts Cullen was in a plaid shirt with shorts and crazy long hair I didnt see green much But i was there section Y6 row 5 seat 1

He said, "Pizza party after the game!!"
this is the bullsh!t that im talking about. MORON!!! stop making stuff up.
dude layoff free message board if he wants to embelish let him ignore him ,its under user cp...i am tired of seeing cyber tough guys rant on a kid..grow up and go vols.
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come on guys...he's not "lying" he's just taking creative liberties with the truth so that he looks cooler than he actually is...oh wait, that's lying isn't it? nevermind.
well im tired of reading his stuff that isnt true! this is nothing about being an internet tuff guy or anything. some people dont live in tennessee or get news on whats goin on with recruits or anything,so we come on here to get the scoop on how things went or going.we dont wanna hear some made up story we want the truth, thats all
dude layoff free message board if he wants to embelish let him ignore him ,its under user cp...i am tired of seeing cyber tough guys rant on a kid..grow up and go vols.
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You're really admonishing him for ranting on the liar? You have the same option as that given in your advice. In fact, you have more options to avoid that which you're tired of.
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come on guys...he's not "lying" he's just taking creative liberties with the truth so that he looks cooler than he actually is...oh wait, that's lying isn't it? nevermind.
2 points here,a freedom of speech.b let the first person without sin cast the first proverbal stone..no one on here has ever lied or streched the truth in their life either ignore him or stfu
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You're really admonishing him for ranting on the liar? You have the same option as that given in your advice. In fact, you have more options to avoid that which you're tired of.
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so is this the jwan thread or rant on people thread?
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2 points here,a freedom of speech.b let the first person without sin cast the first proverbal stone..no one on here has ever lied or streched the truth in their life either ignore him or stfu
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