You would think if James had anything negative to tell them about UT, we would hear about it by now. The kid is an early entry and if he is comfortable coming to UT, he must believe there isn't much merit to this review. I could be reading too much into this though.Has there been a quote from him yet? The NCAA conducted the interview on Thursday didn't they?
This whole thing is starting to remind me of that South Park episode where the parents get all homophobe about the kids scout leader cuz he's gay. So they have a priest "interview" the boys to see if the scout leader has been molesting them, but the boys dont know whats going on and end up confused about why a priest is asking them about there "private parts". you guys know which episode I'm talking about?? anywho reminds me of that, minus the gay part.
Actions speak louder than words. I figure the kid is just trying to get everything in order before he enrolls at UT. If he had serious concerns about our program or its direction, he would've decommited. I think the NCAA's fishing expedition will come up with a few secondary violations and not much else.I'm curious as to why we have heard NOTHING from J. James since his interview with the NCAA? Do you think it is just because he is in exams this week and trying to stay focused on academics?
Also, I do have a question. I'm sure this is posted somewhere, but could someone remind me if J. James is an EE? I was thinking I read that he was, but am not sure.
Goot point, utvolpj.
Good pic actually. IMO, nothing sleezy or suggestive comes to mind from that pic.
Anyone ever hear anything about how the NCAA questioning of James went?
Goot point, utvolpj.
Good pic actually. IMO, nothing sleezy or suggestive comes to mind from that pic.
Anyone ever hear anything about how the NCAA questioning of James went?