10 Great Things

jealousy? more like disgust that the money I pay out in taxes from work goes to pay these lazy @$$ holes that sit around and watch trash TV all day and get a paycheck from the government
Since you decided to "quote" the Bible, you have heard of "charity", right? You also understand that it is not your place, as one who tithes or gives alms, to see that those who receive your charity use it in a manner you see fit, right?

I am completely against government welfare programs, however, it is because I do not believe they work. It is not because of harbored hatred and/or jealousy for said recipients.

im a firm believer where it says in the Bible, "A man doesnt work, nor shall he eat"
Could you provide the Book and Verse for that "Scripture"???
i have no problems working for charity or helping out people that need help, most of the kids I work with are in bad situations, however i teach them to be independent, not to expect a government handout for being lazy. I understand sometimes people need help, however if we spent the money we spent on the "handouts" on the educational system, we wouldnt have a lot of the funding problems we have today, oh and btw 2 thes. 3:10
i have no problems working for charity or helping out people that need help, most of the kids I work with are in bad situations, however i teach them to be independent, not to expect a government handout for being lazy. I understand sometimes people need help, however if we spent the money we spent on the "handouts" on the educational system, we wouldnt have a lot of the funding problems we have today, oh and btw 2 thes. 3:10
Let's not throw anymore money into public schools.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.

Mt 25:35

In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort we must help the weak, and keep in minds the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Acts 20:35

He sins who despised the hungry; but happy is he who is kind to the poor!

Pv 14:21

Lavishly they give to the poor;
their prosperity shall endure forver;
their horn shall be exalted in honor.

Ps 112:9

When one of your fellow countrymen is reduced to poverty and is unable to hold out beside you, extend to him the privileges of an alien or a tenant, so that he may continue to live with you...You are to lend him neither money at interest nor food at profit

Lv 25:35-36
You do understand that the Second Letter to the Thessalonians was in response to a heresy, right? The historical context in which that letter was written is of supreme importance. The Parousians were spreading heretical messages, encouraging an abandonment of work and a reliance on the charity of others, in the name of Christ. This exploitation of Christ's call to charity is what Paul was speaking to.

So, if you feel that those currently on the welfare rolls are in fact heretics who are exploiting Christians by perverting their faith, then, go for it. However, even Paul states that while you should seperate yourself from them, you should admonish them as brothers...not enemies (which, by pitting your plight against theirs, you were doing).
see is what you arent seeing is the fact that i have no problem helping out the poor and underprivelaged, my entire career is helping kids in that situation, and in fact i will be working in the department on the state level, is what i am saying is instead of just handing them the "fish" and letting them eat for a day, i say lets teach them to "fish" and they will eat for life. i know thats a cliche but it makes sense
Your continual emphasis on your work withing public education is not helping your argument.

Both of us agree that government welfare needs to end. We just came to that conclusion from different places.
i see the problems with the PE system. Honestly, i think a majority of the problem is that it is ran by elected officials that only know what goes on in a classroom when they do a photo op a couple of times a year... ive written several articles of fiscal policy and management in the edu system,

the thing is though to fix the mess, it needs to be done from the inside,
ok, so what is the alternative?
Private education.
Parochial education.
Tutors & mentors.
Self education.

Or, you know, the education methods that have lasted for thousands of years and were not a fundamental axiom of Marxists.
Obama will out perform that list in his first 10 hours.

But seriously, if 6 and 4 are in your top ten list, might want to cut it to a top 8 list.

Absolutely 100% correct. #6 would be near the top of a list of programs that are destroying America.
Private education.
Parochial education.
Tutors & mentors.
Self education.

Or, you know, the education methods that have lasted for thousands of years and were not a fundamental axiom of Marxists.

ok so basically your model facilitates a caste system. If you are born into a poor family you are screwed basically. that might be the dumbest educational idea i have ever heard,
ok so basically your model facilitates a caste system. If you are born into a poor family you are screwed basically. that might be the dumbest educational idea i have ever heard,
The last time I checked, parochial schools are pretty affordable (they also give out plenty of grants and tuition-free rides).

As well, if there were no government subsidized primary and secondary schooling facilities, then it would be in the best interest of large corporations to establish such schools and to demand results.

Finally, getting rid of government subsidized schooling would, in turn, get rid of government licensing of teachers. No longer would more qualified individuals be prohibited from teaching. I have yet to ever be impressed with the creativiy, self-motivation, ambition, or intelligence of anyone with a bachelors in education.
The last time I checked, parochial schools are pretty affordable (they also give out plenty of grants and tuition-free rides).

As well, if there were no government subsidized primary and secondary schooling facilities, then it would be in the best interest of large corporations to establish such schools and to demand results.

Finally, getting rid of government subsidized schooling would, in turn, get rid of government licensing of teachers. No longer would more qualified individuals be prohibited from teaching. I have yet to ever be impressed with the creativiy, self-motivation, ambition, or intelligence of anyone with a bachelors in education.
seems to me the constitution would have some problems with this idea.
ok so basically your model facilitates a caste system. If you are born into a poor family you are screwed basically. that might be the dumbest educational idea i have ever heard,

I went to a very good private school in Knoxville on a full, need-based scholarship (there were quite a few of us actually). To act like they aren't available is crazy. It was a much better education than the public HS I went to but I wasn't allowed to play sports on scholarship in HS so I transferred. Still got a good education though (at least I think so)
The last time I checked, parochial schools are pretty affordable (they also give out plenty of grants and tuition-free rides).

As well, if there were no government subsidized primary and secondary schooling facilities, then it would be in the best interest of large corporations to establish such schools and to demand results.

Finally, getting rid of government subsidized schooling would, in turn, get rid of government licensing of teachers. No longer would more qualified individuals be prohibited from teaching. I have yet to ever be impressed with the creativiy, self-motivation, ambition, or intelligence of anyone with a bachelors in education.

so what exactly is your expertise in the field of education?
I went to a very good private school in Knoxville on a full, need-based scholarship (there were quite a few of us actually). To act like they aren't available is crazy. It was a much better education than the public HS I went to but I wasn't allowed to play sports on scholarship in HS so I transferred. Still got a good education though (at least I think so)

yes, scholorships are availible, but for the entire for student population of the United States?

im not definding some of the dumb ideas PS's have. I firmly believe the problem lies generally with the people making the decisions, generally elected people that are elected based on a popularity contest. Prime example: catoosa county, GA. The people in the higher up finacially wanted a HS for their kids, public. SO the school board in their infinite wisdom gave someone basically a blank check and let them spend what they wanted on a school, they wound up spending 90 million on a HS That will not be above 20% in the next 5 years. They spent 60k on a score board for the gym, that money could have went soooo far in other places. The reason for this in Catoosa County and many other places is buddy buddy politics. THe school board IMO should be ran by people of buisness background and there should be more accountability for funds spent
if that makes any sense.
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What does the Constitution have to say about government schooling?
it doesn't. It simply encourages education. You're right.

I'm also in your boat on education. To be effective, it must leave the hands of the government, except at the collegiate level, where students are self selected.
If the Federal Government is going to provide subsidies to local schools, then I, as a tax payer, would like to see accountability from those schools to the Federal Government. The only effective way for the Federal Government to account for whether their money is being used in a beneficial manner, is through standardized testing.

Teachers are against it because it actually makes teachers teach. Math should always be taught to a test, by the way. The liberal arts are a little tougher to quantify on a standardized test, however, if the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, and LSAT can do it, without massive outcries from the general public, then I see know plausible reason for the outcries against standardized testing for elementary students.
In some cases teaching is harder because you have students, up to a third of the class, where their parents can't speak English.So the task is all on the teacher. This happens to be the case with my d-n-l, currently teaching first grade.
Why the hell would anyone making a list of his achievements include NCLB and omit his work on AIDS in Africa?

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