I'm not making a big deal out of it because I think that this is the type of guy we need, but do you think that he'll break the top 20 OL-men?
Seems to me that linemen rankings are a crapshoot. His size makes him an intriguing prospect...hopefully he'll get bigger and stronger and contribute here in a couple years.
Nah, I don't think you're that out of control. Just 1 or 2 priors.
That's why I'm happy to have him..the coaches loved him, he's blown up in a few camps - that sounds great to me....plus, he fits very well into what we want to do on the O-line. However, the reason I was bringing up rankings is that a few people were mentioning getting o-linemen like this would help pull in a big name QB...I just doubt that. He isn't that type of O-lineman (in name, stars, etc.). It doesn't make me want him any less...don't get me wrong.
I'm not sure TennTradition.
This guy has to help the cause. What QB wouldn't feel a little more comfortable signing behind a 6'5" 305 OT with the camps and buzz this guy is creating?
Who was Axion before, Jay?
I can tell he knows his way around the place.
Or, have you already told us who you were Axion?
MOST importantly... Welcome to Knoxville, Zach!
You are exactly what we need. Help us find more like you!!! :hi:
Out of all the positions, aren't the stars usually most incorrect for O-Lineman? It seems like every year when looking at the NFL draft and the rankings coming out of high school, most of the OL are three/four star players.