Look fan bases are furious becuz Aubies luv Chiz. They cant stand it. They know where this is heading. Malzahn wasnt our oc back in 2004 for example, get real. There are better ocs alot better.Tubs wouldnt hire and fire like he should have.Thats why hes with out a job now. Let us start losing, Malzahn will be out on his arse. Chizs contract states he fires and hires who he wants. Chiz is not leaving Auburn anytime soon and it will only be for another head coaching job and only becuz Jay Jacobs wont open the pocket book enough. I will never forget him as our DC and how AUsome he was. Now hes back for good.
Good lord. I could insult you and call you names but your posts do more damage than I could ever possibly hope to. This can't actually be a serious poster; it just isn't possible.