'10 PA DT Sharrif Floyd



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007


Defensive Tackle
Philadelphia (PA) George Washington

Ht: 6 foot 3
Wt: 295 pounds
Bench max: 400 pounds
Squat max: 500 pounds
Vertical: 19 inches
Class: 2010 (High School)

Rivals.com Rating: 5.9
Position Ranking: 4


Recently received a UT offer. Some think he's Big 10-bound. He holds offers from BC, Florida, Illinois, the U, Michigan, UNC, Penn State, Pitt and the list goes on.

Floyd is coming off a standout performance this past weekend at the Penn State Nike camp where he took home MVP honors among the defensive line group. Floyd is also a four-star prospect and has already said Michigan will be one of his five finalists along with Penn State. He earned a spot on Rivals.com's Hot 11 for the camp, and was possibly the best overall performer on the day.
On when his top five will be out...

"It will definitely be in before the summer breaks. I will definitely have a top three by the end of the summer."
• Florida has now become a major player for Philadelphia George Washington defensive tackle Sharrif Floyd. After a recent offer from the Gators they are in his top three, along with Rutgers and North Carolina, according to sources. Floyd will take an official visit to Gainesville either during or after his senior season. Georgia also recently offered and will be in the mix as well. Floyd is finally starting to blow up nationally as one of the best defensive tackles in the country.

Another take on Shariff Floyd today:

Rumblings surrounding Philadelphia(PA) DT Sharrif Floyd and his interest in Florida. While the elite DT has plenty of interest in Florida, I'm told he's still a Penn State lean and most likely will land there if the Nittany Lions make him a priority(which he is). (tharinger)
I can find any where he has recieved an offer from UT or may he just doesn't have any interest in UT for us to be listed.

Anyway I really like this kid he has a real mean streak and can back up his smack talk!
He just won the MVP at a Premier Showcase camp. He doesn't mention UT at all though.:no: That's to bad becuae I really like this kid.

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He was supposed to be here for camp but didn't come because he wants to hit multiple schools on his trips and there weren't any more camps he could go to. Sounds like BS to me, but he says he wants to see Tennessee.
He was supposed to be here for camp but didn't come because he wants to hit multiple schools on his trips and there weren't any more camps he could go to. Sounds like BS to me, but he says he wants to see Tennessee.

I agree that sounds like a load crap. He didn't even mention UT as a possible school he would consider giving a visit to. Oh well, I guess we just need to move on.
Sharif Floyd is on campus at UF right now, not sure if this means he is skipping the USC camp or not though
Cocks feel that they have a good shot at landing Floyd...he was with Quarles all day. I hope he stays up north though.
"I don't really have a top, but it sets the bar high," he said. "I know Florida will be one of my final five and that won't be the case I don't think for all of the schools I take official visits to. But I know Florida will be there."

He says he was impressed by the game-day atmosphere and enjoyed the visit. Trips to USC and Penn State among others coming up. Doesn't seem to have a solidified top 5, but UT is not in it at this point.
This kid is awesome I just don't see why he wont check out UT. He got to see us play but not the campus or a game at Neyland. I guess UT isn't for everyone.
He's a great talent but I don't think we'll miss him too much with who we have coming in and the possibility of Mahoney or Quarles.
He's a great talent but I don't think we'll miss him too much with who we have coming in and the possibility of Mahoney or Quarles.

I think I would rather have Floyd and Quarles instead. I haven't seen any game film on Mahoney yet but I have of Floyd and Quarles and they are both beasts.
Me too, but man him or Quarles would be huge (no pun intended). We would have a stellar future D-Line.

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