$100 A Barrel Oil is on the Way

Yeah, Im making good $$$$$ in Oil and Gold. Thats part of the reason the market was down today was because of Oil. $100 a barrell doesn't suprise me at all.
Congress will fix everything. The Dems told everyone if they were elected all these injustices would be fixed.
The CEO of Shell said in a presentation I attended that they were confident that they would develop 40-60 dollar a barrel oil from oil shale. We'll see.....
Do you buy oil futures?

Yeah, Oil and Nat Gas. Oil has been great and gold also but the move in nat gas I think is on the way. I think Oil will get to $100 shortly. If something breaks out in the Mid East folks dont understand, they will think $100 oil is cheap. Oil hit $85 today for every $1 oil goes up, that translates to 6-8 cents at the pumps. Get ready cause its on the way.
Yeah, Oil and Nat Gas. Oil has been great and gold also but the move in nat gas I think is on the way. I think Oil will get to $100 shortly. If something breaks out in the Mid East folks dont understand, they will think $100 oil is cheap. Oil hit $85 today for every $1 oil goes up, that translates to 6-8 cents at the pumps. Get ready cause its on the way.

You seem to be making money at the oil futures, so I hesitate to call you out - but I think that your statement about gas prices is off. We've seen gas prices go up while oil prices drop this year. I wouldn't so closely correlate these two without including other dominating factors in gasoline prices.
You seem to be making money at the oil futures, so I hesitate to call you out - but I think that your statement about gas prices is off. We've seen gas prices go up while oil prices drop this year. I wouldn't so closely correlate these two without including other dominating factors in gasoline prices.

Your very right about the gas price go up while oil drops. Thats what ALOT of folks are b*tching about now and have been. Somebody is getting VERY VERY rich..Very rich :dunno:
The CEO of Shell said in a presentation I attended that they were confident that they would develop 40-60 dollar a barrel oil from oil shale. We'll see.....

The Mid east wants it higger than that, so does the CEO. Trust me.The higher oil goes,the more he and his co. makes. Just take a look at Exxon...Big $$$
The Mid east wants it higger than that, so does the CEO. Trust me.The higher oil goes,the more he and his co. makes. Just take a look at Exxon...Big $$$

Why would a CEO want the price of raw materials to be higher?
All the US has to do is cut a deal with OPEC that we won't institute CO2 policy if they will sell oil to us at a cheaper price. I'm not advocating this...but it would work!
Why would a CEO want the price of raw materials to be higher?

I'm guessing that he was referring to the CEO of Shell...whose major raw material is oil....and product is oil. They drill their own oil don't they...and sell it to refineries?
Why would a CEO want the price of raw materials to be higher?

The CEO doesnt control the cost of the oil, OPEC does. All you have to do go back to Exxons Q4 filing and compare that to there Q4 filing 5 years ago and it will blow your mind.
I'm guessing that he was referring to the CEO of Shell...whose major raw material is oil....and product is oil. They drill their own oil don't they...and sell it to refineries?

Thats true. Thats part of the problem also. We NEED more refineries.
Yeah, Oil and Nat Gas. Oil has been great and gold also but the move in nat gas I think is on the way. I think Oil will get to $100 shortly. If something breaks out in the Mid East folks dont understand, they will think $100 oil is cheap. Oil hit $85 today for every $1 oil goes up, that translates to 6-8 cents at the pumps. Get ready cause its on the way.

i've been recommended to buy oil futures in the spring before the peak oil season as a cant lose proposition. whats the minimum amount for a position you invest though? 10k?

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