great job guys !
1. "Aaron is that you?" - TNsnyper20
2. "Paint the rock!!!" - JonWard
3. "We might have a shot, I heard the kid was a huge Vol fan growing up..." - Demon_Vol
4. "Heard he is holding off on making a decision pending the Bryce Brown presser." - IBlvNTmWrk
5. "I hope Power is in his ear." - Burhead
6. "My source tells me his parents went to UT, and this is a done deal." - JonWard
7. "I've heard he's considering a music career, don't think we have much of a shot." - PrimeTime
8. "I heard his family has real estate in East Tennessee. VOL. LOCK. imo." - PowerT83
9. "Hes majoring in Pharmaceutical Distribution" - CountVolcula
10. "Any ideas on how to paint the rock?" - jspvol76
11. "Solid!" - CountVolcula
12. "this is great news..... wonder how his work ethic is?" - TNsnyper20
13. "You have 5 now" - CountVolcula
14. "is he related to our aaron douglas???" - Daddy Gee
:blink: please tell me your NOT serious, Daddy Gee