'12 MD DE Michael Moore

Coach Sirmon took a visit to DeMatha HS (MD) to see defensive end Mike Moore. Moore told me that the Vols "will be at the top of my list." Tennessee also saw his teammate Sam Lebbie.
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Coach Sirmon took a visit to DeMatha HS (MD) to see defensive end Mike Moore. Moore told me that the Vols "will be at the top of my list." Tennessee also saw his teammate Sam Lebbie.
-It would be great to land this combo!
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“My newest offer is Ohio State,” said Moore. “I don’t know a lot about them but I know they are a big time program.”

Moore says he isn’t narrowing his list now.

“I don’t have a top ten list or anything yet. I am not narrowing my list anytime soon. I may not do any camps this summer either.”
- Scout
i hope ut wins 8 or 9 games then they would have great year, and be able to land land atleast 3 of these guys.michael moore,darius hamilton,channing ward.and others i hope ut lands noah spence,jordan jenkins,martain aiken,or jonathon bullard.winning 8 or 9 and they should be able to land three for sure maby a 4th or 5th onep
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Wants to have a top 5 in the next few days, said Notre Dame will def be on it. Also said distance isnt a huge factor but he wants to go somewhere that his family can come watch him play easily.
Wants to have a top 5 in the next few days, said Notre Dame will def be on it. Also said distance isnt a huge factor but he wants to go somewhere that his family can come watch him play easily.

Plenty of easy, 1hr 30min, non-stop flights from DC to Knoxville.
Dematha (MD) DE Michael Moore just finished his UF visit with his dad. Says #UF and #UVA are standing out to him the most right now. -Derek Tyson
Unless you want a good degree and do not care about winning in college uva is a bad decision. They are similar to Vandy. Great education but joke of a football program.
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Unless you want a good degree and do not care about winning in college uva is a bad decision. They are similar to Vandy. Great education but joke of a football program.
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THIS but UVA has put some solid guys into the NFL lately...the kid seems to have his head on straight when it comes to life and football...I wonder if Curtis Grant is rethinking tOSU over UVA atp.

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