I'm just ashamed I paid him any attention. Any recruit with lists... top ten, final four and any other lists, that wait to the last day to commit are self absorbed Prima donnas and usually are cancers to the rest of the team. Eff this guy.
This is as attention starved as you'll ever see in a young man. Hes continually strung on about 6 different fan bases connecting with them using every type of social media that exists. Just pick a school already and go to work. Damn. And I'm not trying to be hateful but it's just the truth. Obviously he's a great athlete... But give me the 4* kid that wants to be here and is humble /hardworking all day over the 5* attention whore. I think his mommy didn't give him enough attention or something.
Adoree knows best it seems like.He has been away from his parents throughout High School and now I believe they let him make his own decision whether they liked the Vols option or not. They will stand behind him and his decision cause they ARE his parents. Good luck to him.
I'm just ashamed I paid him any attention. Any recruit with lists... top ten, final four and any other lists, that wait to the last day to commit are self absorbed Prima donnas and usually are cancers to the rest of the team. Eff this guy.
You seriously did come here just to bash OH...Who happens to better a highly respected poster. I look forward to the day that your posts no longer have a "like" option.