You sound more like the needy, whiny 15 year old.So what I've gathered is everyone calls me out because I'm a troll with info against what people wants. Then they get confirmation of said info from vq and thy believe it. When I say people need to eat crow and apologize they say I'm a troll. Sounds like this board is filled with 15 year olds.
Really guys... Let's not be like those Clemson fans when we got Malone... Money doesn't have to be involved for someone to flip. He lives closer to there, he has a friend going there and I mean these things happen. Butch and comp. gave it their all and they tried to do what they could... I'm not going to freak out about losing him. I love what our coaches are doing. Wanted him in this class, but if not alas oh well... We will get another
I sure hope so....but after the Von Bell meltdown on here it's not looking good! haha[/QUOTE
Vonn Bell grew up a Vol fan and I almost would bet that he probably dreamed of running through the Power T. Now he will live with the regret of not following that dream. But I will say this, I don't blame Vonn for not choosing us based on what his father told me at the Northwest Whitfield game last year, That Dooley not once contacted him. Tennessee was only in his top 3 based on his childhood dream. Heck Urban Meyer was at the kids State Title game at the Georgia Dome sitting in front of me with his Mom and Dad. So there is the reason he chose OSU. Go Vols!
Vonn Bell chose OSU over UT. Period, end of story. His daddy can spin it any way he chooses but it doesn't matter. He's at OSU by his own decision.
What's that got to do with Lambert's decision today?