We are only an unstable fanbase because we allow ourselves to be.
PoA brings a lot to VN with his weekly recruiting and twitter updates. It's pretty obvious why Weatherd's tweet could have been interpreted as football-related and foreboding, and although we're all glad it wasn't, it's not PoA's fault.
Being said, there are really only a few specific people who contribute valuable/valid information to this board for us all to read. Ron Swanson, PoA, etc... but not babyavi or BOP...
Not trying to take sides here, but you really should walk the walk before trying to talk the talk. Look at some of our team's comments about upcoming games against Mizzou and Auburn, for example. You end up just getting punched in the mouth... and although an internet toughguy might be able to handle an e-beating, it just makes you look like an ass in the end.
Ron... PoA... Freak... thanks.