'15 FL QB/WR/DB (anything he wants) Torrance Gibson

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If taking them at those positions I agree. I would not take multiple projects who "might" play QB and "might" not. Not if it will affect QB recruiting. I'm fine with taking 1 project in 2015. Just not a fan of taking 2 projects at QB and affecting next years QB recruiting. Coaches take TG as an "ATH" that won't be lined up as a QB headed into 2015, Alright.

Do you want us to take TG as a QB in this class? I don't think anybody knows yet. Good God almighty there is no escaping it. Almost sucks coming to the recruiting forum now bc you know what you're going to read already in half of the threads
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It's a bit funny to me the number of times I heard that we didn't take a QB in '14 to guarantee that we'd get a shot at top talent in '15. You take the best talent you can, every chance you get...especially if they are athletes. You know, bird in hand...

Post more often. Need more posters on here that think things through before commenting.
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I kind of thought we passed on mediocre SINCE we didn't get a top guy.

I have no idea why the coaches did what they did last year. I was referring to the VN 'coaches' who said the same things last year that are being said this year. Every year we seem to be focused on next year's talent, presumably because we didn't get the 'perfect' guy we wanted this year. So here we are with several guys wanting to be QB...two of which have extremely high potential at skill positions, and one that will likely blow up as the QB we really need...and yet again we are so smitten by the '16 talent we might lose because we are taking talent now. News flash, we need talent now worse than we need talent in '16.

And FWIW, I can think of 3 million reasons why Butch has spent far more time reasoning through who, why, and when to take, than our local experts. Which is saying a lot...some of these guys post like it is their job.
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Everyone thought we had the QB of the future on campus when we had RileyF and Dobbs . Now Riley is already gone. I just do not think you can have too many coming in. We do not know who is going to take the reins and who is not. And we have the potential ability of taking 3 QB's with a great possibility of two sticking at other positions instead of transferring. I am loving it !!!
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blah blah blah blah blah wr blah blah blah blah numbers blah blah blah blah stars blah blah blah recruiting services blah blah blah dual threat blah blah blah leb blah blah blah nsd blah blah blah blah qb 2016 blah blah blah blah donuts
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blah blah blah blah blah wr blah blah blah blah numbers blah blah blah blah stars blah blah blah recruiting services blah blah blah dual threat blah blah blah leb blah blah blah nsd blah blah blah blah qb 2016 blah blah blah blah donuts

Yep. That about covers it.
I'll play along. "TG is a UT silent" says the random AU board.

With Bruce taking the 2nd WR spot, I'd guess UT would not add a 2nd RB(No Kamara), and TG would be the TE for 2015. Hope he can put on 25-30LBS quickly. Maybe we see him competing as a blocker on the end of the line. Of course, I would not count on it. :p

If he does he will be playing behind Hurd - our premier Freshman tight end.
This may help:

For those looking to label the Philadelphia Eagles' offense, Chip Kelly has a suggestion.

''We run the See Coast offense,'' Kelly joked. ''If we see something and we like it and we think it fits, we're going to run it. Let's run with that and we'll go from there.''

Since Kelly's arrival from Oregon, people have mislabeled what the Eagles do on offense. Kelly finally clarified, saying the Eagles don't run a zone-read offense or a read-option offense.

''I don't think it's an offense. I think it's a play,'' Kelly said. ''We don't run read-option if you want to get really technical. We run a zone-read play every once in a while.''

There's a difference between the zone-read and read-option, though both are often confused. Depending on the call, the quarterback has different responsibilities and ways to execute either play.

''Zone-read is just one guy. You read the defensive end or whomever and keep it,'' Kelly said. ''If you're running read-option, you're pulling off of him and then you have a pitch back (option) and then you pitch back the ball.''

NB4 Patrick posts "Chip Kelly doesn't know his own offense like I DO!!!" :angry: :rtfm:
I have no idea why the coaches did what they did last year. I was referring to the VN 'coaches' who said the same things last year that are being said this year. Every year we seem to be focused on next year's talent, presumably because we didn't get the 'perfect' guy we wanted this year. So here we are with several guys wanting to be QB...two of which have extremely high potential at skill positions, and one that will likely blow up as the QB we really need...and yet again we are so smitten by the '16 talent we might lose because we are taking talent now. News flash, we need talent now worse than we need talent in '16.

And FWIW, I can think of 3 million reasons why Butch has spent far more time reasoning through who, why, and when to take, than our local experts. Which is saying a lot...some of these guys post like it is their job.

Everyone thought we had the QB of the future on campus when we had RileyF and Dobbs . Now Riley is already gone. I just do not think you can have too many coming in. We do not know who is going to take the reins and who is not. And we have the potential ability of taking 3 QB's with a great possibility of two sticking at other positions instead of transferring. I am loving it !!!

Some still believe Dobbs is the QBOTF. Even after seeing how far he needs to come during the losses last season. Personally I believe that person will come from this class. Worley and Dobbs are caretakers of the program until the true talent takes over IMO.

They need to average two a year. You will lose at least 1 every year on average for a variety of reasons. Not taking any last season puts them a couple down already with Worley graduating to take it down one more. So three is not out of the question for this class when at least one of them, JJ, has another position he may even be better at than QB.
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blah blah blah blah blah wr blah blah blah blah numbers blah blah blah blah stars blah blah blah recruiting services blah blah blah dual threat blah blah blah leb blah blah blah nsd blah blah blah blah qb 2016 blah blah blah blah donuts

Best post I've seen from you newt. Nice work!
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