I'm a former UT Letterman that got an Electrical Engineering degree at UT and played offensive line. I feel like I can identify with some of the thoughts that Landon may be having. There are three SEC schools with top notch Engineering schools, UT, Auburn and UF. UT has a big advantage in the partnership they have with Oak Ridge National Labs. That is the primary engineering site for the development of the Atomic bomb which is one of the more impressive engineering feats of human history. I hope that should Landon make an official visit to Knoxville, someone will impress upon him that UT has two huge advantages. First, there are many types of Engineering available to study at UT. When I was recruited to UT, the Dean of the College of Engineering met with me and was extremely persuasive. Second, if he goes to UT, he will fall in love with the people and the mountains. After graduation he will have many opportunities to work in engineering without having to leave an area he has grown to love. You can't say that about Gainsville or Auburn and those are really his only options if he is truly serious about wanting a good engineering degree.