Once again, you've proven your lack of understanding while feebly trying to put me in my place. How is it that I'm missing the "open participation" part of this endeavor? Are you not "openly participating"? Am I not "openly" responding back to you? Do people not come into these threads and "openly post"? In turn, do others not "openly" respond and yes even "openly" ridicule stupid posts.
There is no wall between the FF and the RF. What you fail to understand is we all either came over here from the FF or we lurked long enough, that when we decided to start accounts (having read through both forums), this is where we came to. There are plenty of people that come over here from the FF that are good/great posters.
While I'm sure it is appreciated by some that you have chosen to become the champion of the weak of mind and heart, If you continue to choose to be such, you should understand one thing. Your battle plan of trying to belittle people for not letting others say what they want is nothing more than what you accuse those you are belittling of. According to you, we should allow others to say what they want/feel, but we in turn should do/say nothing in response. That isn't going to happen.
Ignorance is fine and is fixable by anyone who chooses to do something about it. As ignorance is nothing more than a lack of knowledge, taking the time to learn or gain that knowledge if you will, will fix that. In the immortal words of Ron White though, "You can't fix stupid". In those cases, I like to take the time to ask those folks to kindly move on. In this world of "Open Participation", that you are so addimately defending, is that not well within my rights? Or, are you trying to exclude me from that?