The Carter's are not happy with Kirby shying away from telling them the situation of withdrawing their offer.
We understand that Nick and Sony wanted to come back and play their senior season for whatever reason; were not mad at them, Byron Carter said. We told them Toneil was willing to come there and just be there as a midyear and learn their style and learn their playbook and everything. He wasnt even concerned about starting anymore. But these guys were like, we dont have the numbers for him to come in anymore. So that is what it is at the end of the day. Thats it. We were done with Georgia.
What irked the Carters was that they didnt get to hear directly from Smart. After all, Smart had just flown to Houston earlier this month to meet with them after Texas came back into the picture. They re-pledged their loyalty to the Bulldogs and thought that was that.
Then, when Georgia decided to withdraw its offer, they had to hear it from McGee, who told them they would not be hearing from Smart.
That was kind of a slap in the face, Byron Carter said. (Smart) could at least have come to me to tell me those last final words. First of all youre going to tell me we aint got a spot, then Im not going to hear from Smart? Thats not cool. That kind of ticked me off because, honestly, he was one of the big reasons we decided to come to UGA. He was a big factor in that decision. For us to not hear from him is discouraging.